Politics and Religion

How about I go out of MY way to pick a fight with YOU the next time YOU'RE sick with a fever?
HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil 800 reads

I was REALLY hoping that this was just allergies, but no such freaking luck.

My initial post mentioned NOTHING about the White house, though I could argue that "in the White House" is more of a euphanism than a LITERAL expression. How many people do you hear actually saying, "in the White House AND THE NAVAL OBSERVATORY?" Pretty much NO ONE. That's because the expression is a reference to their position as president and vice president, not the physical place.  

But no matter- "With the exception of Obama, it's been Bush/Clinton monarchy for a few decades," was the post you initially took issue with.  

As you YOURSELF pointed out while correcting my fever adled, albeit humorous, subtraction error- 2008-1980=28.

So how is it AGAIN, that you took ANY ISSUE WHATSOEVER with my original post?? Hmm?

(Edited to correct a few typos. I you find any others, kindly KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF.)

-- Modified on 8/26/2014 12:02:52 PM

In this current climate, discussions about hotel politics/policies and providers ads that contain un-blured face pictures, are more relevant than ever.  

Two detectives were assigned to this case full-time for 10 MONTHS. They interviewed around 20 people and conducted dozens of hours of surveillance at the motel. Five arrests were made in this case as the evidence mounted; the first occuring in February and the last in late June.

$20 tips to house keeping won't save you- KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!

Google "Wethersfield Police Break Up Motel Prostitution Operation" and "Comfort Inn Discounted Pimps."

If you read both of those two articles, they directly address MANY topics mentioned in the preceeding threads.

Yes, police DO question clients as they leave hotels.

Yes, many clients ARE ill informed about their rights and agree to an "interview." (In this case, almost 20 people gave interviews, and likely most of them were clients intercepted on their way out of the building.)

Yes, hotel managers sometimes turn a blind eye to prostitution. But will they continue to do so if more cases emerge of hotel employees being charged with multiple felony counts for their complicency?

Yes, law enforcement in many areas seems willing to spend a STAGGERING amount of time, money, and other resources on prostitution busts.  

Yes, many providers prop open doors, tip maids, and try to avoid security cameras. But evidence of you having done so will further the case aganst you if you are arrested.

And, YES, Virginia... there IS a pimp. And no, he's not usually some dorky, old, white guy! Lol. ;-

...it took them a YEAR to put together a case.  They were probably jerking off to their surveillance videos.

GaGambler821 reads

The hotel manager went a LOT further than simply giving discounts to prostitutes, running web site ads and doing everything that a pimp would do, constitutes pimping,  and he was an idiot thinking that he could do this for any length of time without getting busted.

This hardly opens the door for any hotel that rents a room to a hooker being charged with "promoting prostitution" nor are maids going to have to worry that if a hooker leaves her a tip for a few extra towels that she is going to end up behind bars.

This is just a case of stupid and greedy people getting caught being greedy and stupid.

Now I will agree that huge amounts of taxpayer money were wasted on this case, but nothing that I have found so far is precedent setting, unless one of the real lawyers on this board have caught something that I have missed.

I already corrected my spelling error and expounded on my position in several of the 40 or 50 response posts that have evaporated into the ether.

GaGambler614 reads

i don't give a fuck about your spelling error, although I chose not to repeat it. What is a  LOT more relevant is that you seem to think this case is groundbreaking, sets new legal precedence and/or is unique. After actually reading the articles you mentioned, I find nothing but a bunch of stupid people who got caught doing something that any moron here could have told them would get them busted.

If you have anything besides histrionics to add, be me guest. otherwise, please fuck off

...deleted when the post was moved here.

I don't blame her.  She was very careful not to name names and conform to TER's posting guidelines.  I don't know why the majority of the thread was deleted.

So while I would likely be in a better mood if I was number two, that is a STRONG "NO" to all three.

You are talking in circles. Is it or is it not unprecedented for local law enforcement to pay for two detectives to do undercover work and interview people FULL TIME, FOR 10 MONTHS? If you know of one other recorded case of law enforcement putting in that type of money and resources in a prostitution case, that didn't involve a large agency, please feel free to reference it! If you can provide NO OTHER LEGAL CASES WITH SIMILAR FACTS, then THIS CASE SET A NEW LEGAL PRECEDENT, ipso facto.  

You were the person on the general board who was originally claiming that clients never get detained or arrested as they are leaving a lady's incall that is under surveillance. These articles and many others I could cite, prove that supposition patiently wrong. You also claimed that plain clothed officers never drop off dossiers of escort ads, mug shots of people with out-standing warrants, and lists of other "persons" of interest, at hotel front desks. Yet numerous people, including myself, posted that we had witnessed this phenomenon first hand.

And furthermore, you just made a little precedent/precedence homonym spelling error yourself, so how about you quelch it with the ad hominems?

I guess bad spelling and bad attitudes, are much like herpes... a gift that keeps on giving.

GaGambler759 reads

I NEVER said that clients never get arrested or detained as they are leaving a lady's incall, only that they are morons if they allow that to happen to them. With ZERO evidence against them, the only way they can get arrested is to CONFESS to a crime to which LE has no evidence. That means anyone who gets arrested this way is a complete and total moron. How difficult is that concept to grasp?

and this case breaks no new ground, it is just another case of LE wasting precious resources to arrest stupid people.

also for the record, I never corrected your spelling or grammar, I just chose to not to repeat your error, Personally I can't stand the "spelling police" and that even includes my good friend "Conan, the pedantic putz"

Now why don't you get a grip and make a reasoned explanation about how this case is going to be cited in future court cases. Resources spent have nothing to do with setting legal precedent, nor does adding "ipso facto" to  the end of an incorrect statement.

TER moved this thread, deleted 80% of the original responses, won't repost them, and won't let me modify or delete the OP. I started writing several lengthy response posts, expounding on the recent trend in LE to close or seize hotel properties and/or charge employees with "promoting prostitution" and other felony charges. I compiled lists of the titles of articles reporting on these stories, virtually ALL of which have taken place in the past year and change. These recent cases document a marked change in police tactics. Each of my posting attempts has "timed-out" because I took too long editing and compiling sources.

JackDunphy638 reads

I would hate to think she is this stupid.

JackDunphy551 reads

Yeah, sweetie, Israel is one of those crazy countries that tries and stop rockets from killing its people.  

Of course we can't all be as brave as you Hamas supporters, you know, with their tendency to fire those rockets from schools and high rise parking lots and use innocent women and children as shields.  

I eagerly await your next pro-terrorist response with great eagerness

And if you squint a little and peer through the scewed vision of your moral equivocation... and look at the time/date stamps on the posts... then you will see that only the first THREE posts are a fragment of the original thread. As BP pointed out, I didn't break any posting rules, though the thread did get more politically bent as it wore on. I think it was just a technical glitch that happened when they moved it. Why they would "trim" helpful stuff like a link to download the ACLU know your rights little card thingy, well, that's beyond me.

JackDunphy516 reads

And honey, there is NO moral equivocation on my part. Even Obama has labeled Hamas as a terrorist group or didn't you get that memo?  

I take Israel's side 100% against Hamas and all the groups trying to wipe it off the map. No equivocation needed at all.  

And we now know you are 100% on the terrorists side. Good to know.

Even if we DO NOT support such efforts ideologically. I find it laughable that we are asked, as a nation, to go farther into debt with China to sponsor OTHER COUNTRIES' military campaigns, but then are told that we have no right to have an opinion on the atrocities commited during the campaigns that WE ARE PAYING FOR.

I support a UN brokered two state solution and a more US isolationist style of foreign policy, with funding of military aid to other countries as one of the first thing I would like to see go.

Palestinian president to renew UN statehood appeal  

JackDunphy646 reads

2/3's of the American people support Israel. They believe them to be a good and trusted ally worthy of not letting the totalitarian, Islamist, genocidal, radical nut jobs all around them wipe them off the map.  

I stand with the American people and Israel.  

You stand with Hamas. You have made that abundantly clear

JackDunphy596 reads

If you gave a damn about that woman and her child you would be ADAMANTLY opposed to Hamas, its charter and its terroristic activities like using that woman and her child as human shields to launch their rockets.

How ironic you cant see with your huge IQ that the very same people you claim to care about are put in jeopardy by the terrorist group you so devoutly support

The picture is of a very young Muslim boy in the cross-hairs of a sniper scope and the Hebrew says- "The smaller, the tougher?" Meanwhile, the picture on other the shirt is of a mosque intentionally being blown up, with the Hebrew saying, " "Only God forgives."

The blog linked below contains transcripts of interviews with the soilders who made these shirts and also contains anslated transcripts of eyewitness testimony from IDF officers concerning the murders of unarmed Palestinian civilians during the 2009 offensive. The blog is written by a Jewish guy who is fluent in Hebrew, before any of you crazy kids start throwing around the dreaded "A" word!

-- Modified on 8/26/2014 9:14:46 PM

Don't blame the Israeli's for Hamas tactic of using human shields.
The world is slowly but surely coming to see how little regard Hamas' leadership  
has for any human life other than their own. Khaled Meshaal cowers like a frightened little pussy behind the skirts of the Emir of Qatar, while relying on fools like you to spread their disease.

Who are you channeling anyway? The bastard child of talulajones69 and tallslim? you certainly don't have the writing ability of Xiaoming, and funtime69 was too much of a woman hater to pretend to be one

JackDunphy620 reads

It is becoming very difficult to tell her words apart from his without a score card. Her parents must be so proud, with her sticking up for the terrorists and all. I mean SOMEBODY has to, right? lol

My mom is an avid Ron Paul fan and worked on his campaign in both 2008 AND 2012. In fact, almost ALL of my extended family voted for him in the past two presidential cycles. My mom does NOT support the US giving BILLIONS of dollars worth of foreign aid to Israel to support their hawkish military operations. In fact, on several occasions, I have heard my mom describe the nation of Israel as a "bully" in the international community.

What about YOUR MOM?

(Edited to correct a "there/their" grammar error.)

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 10:47:41 PM

to use property under their control for purposes of prostitution.  Even in Las Vegas, the casinos periodically chase out the bar girls who blatantly solicit customers. The Venetian really cracked down on the waves of gals who use to sit at the Circle Bar ask guys if they wanted a date.

       So what do you  see is “precedent setting” or new here? Seems like these idiots were pretty blatant about what they were doing.  Another reason why maintaining an incall is such a bad idea and why legalization efforts should focus on outcall only where the public nuisance factor is much less.

What is your concern

GaGambler689 reads

But while we are in agreement on a subject, what about our little wager in re to Governor Perry?

As much as I despise him, making a few bucks if stays in office will dull the pain a bit.

If you are scared however, you can just admit you are wrong, there's no shame in it, well at least  not much. lol

BTW  incall "public nuisance" issues can easily be dealt with through zoning laws, It works just fine in the many countries I travel to where prostitution is legal. In Bogota for example they call the red light district the "zona de tolerancia" as they do in many other LA countries.

but back to our bet. You have the opportunity to see Rick Perry go down in flames AND make a few bucks in the process, what's not to love? unless of course you are CHICKEN!!! rofl


Hillary will be the next president. With the exception of Obama, it's been Bush/Clinton monarchy for a few decades now, in case people have somehow failed to notice.

If you ask me, those guys should just be glad that they are still ALIVE! Lol.

GaGambler518 reads

Are you sure you haven't been hitting the pipe, maybe just a little?

I have no idea what your post has to do with my response to Mari.

and five total terms does not make for a "few decades" it makes for two,

Regan/Bush- 1980-1984
Bush/Quail- 1988-1992
Clinton/Gore- 1992-1996
Clinton/Gore- 1996-2000
Bush/Cheney- 2000-2004
Bush/Cheney- 2004-2008

That is SEVEN terms with either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House, not FIVE.

2008-1980= 18 years

A decade = 10 years

 Adj. 1. a few - more than one but indefinitely small in number;
 "a few roses"; "a couple of roses"  

I wrote: "With the exception of Obama, it's been Bush/Clinton monarchy for a few decades now, in case people have somehow failed to notice."
Is not 18 years, MORE THAN ONE DECADE, albeit slightly less than two...?

GaGambler747 reads

Not to mention 1980-2008, or if you prefer 2008-1980 is 28 years, not 18

As I said, you are certainly all over the place tonight, it must be that legal pot you are smoking, I know you are much smarter than your posts tonight. I suggest you get a good night's sleep and try again tomorrow, you don't seem to be on your game tonight.

I was REALLY hoping that this was just allergies, but no such freaking luck.

My initial post mentioned NOTHING about the White house, though I could argue that "in the White House" is more of a euphanism than a LITERAL expression. How many people do you hear actually saying, "in the White House AND THE NAVAL OBSERVATORY?" Pretty much NO ONE. That's because the expression is a reference to their position as president and vice president, not the physical place.  

But no matter- "With the exception of Obama, it's been Bush/Clinton monarchy for a few decades," was the post you initially took issue with.  

As you YOURSELF pointed out while correcting my fever adled, albeit humorous, subtraction error- 2008-1980=28.

So how is it AGAIN, that you took ANY ISSUE WHATSOEVER with my original post?? Hmm?

(Edited to correct a few typos. I you find any others, kindly KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF.)

-- Modified on 8/26/2014 12:02:52 PM

GaGambler629 reads

If you are going to post stupid shit on the internet, ESPECIALLY on the P&R board, expect to get called on it. Somehow you have managed to take an OP about a prostitution bust in NE and hijack your own thread into something completely unrecognizable from your own OP. Or maybe since you were so off base in your OP, this was your plan to deflect the fact the there was nothing groundbreaking or precedent setting about the case?

are purely euphemistic. Lol.  

TER moved this thread, deleted 80% of the original responses, won't repost them, and won't let me modify or delete the OP. I started writing several lengthy response posts, expounding on the recent trend in LE to close or seize hotel properties and/or charge employees with "promoting prostitution" and other felony charges. I compiled lists of the titles of articles reporting on these stories, virtually ALL of which have taken place in the past year and change. These recent cases document a marked change in police tactics. Each of my posting attempts has "timed-out" because I took too long editing and compiling sources. I'm posting from an Android phone, not a computer or tablet with a text editor. I give up.

One will go with "oops" and one will fall off the George Washington Bridge.

Get ready to celebrate Hillary Clinton becoming the first female President in our history.

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