Politics and Religion

How about Feminist anti Lickhers ?
Blowing Chunks 2592 reads
1 / 29

Why can't I buy liquor after a certain hour in most states????

I am gonna write like someone else in this post cuz ,  
 I'm the "Great Asian American Writing Style Mimicker" ,  
  ,  just like how I mimicked Quadseasonal's , writing style last month .
It's fun writing like someone else , instead of my usual style , of writing .  
  While all you board monkeys are busy talking shit about me ,  
I am going to mimick someone else's , style below .  

      In answer to why we can't buy liquor after certain hours ,  
  Can anyone guess who's style I'm mimicking , right below ?  

------- Who writes like this? :D -------  

If I wanted to enjoy a beer on a Sunday after a round of golf I am shit out of luck in many states because the religious pukes have made it illegal to sell me said beer. I could name a hundred other morality laws rammed down my throat by Christians. I am beginning to think that religious pukes have drifted far enough into "troll" territory.  We should now talk about them, but not "to" them, like how I treat Cornhole with his fake brogue and a host of other board trolls that have come before him. Sometimes, arguing with morons while drunk can be quite entertaining though. Like Fungus or Pimpathy, who always say something stupid, most of the rest of the time I only talk about them and not to them. I get less headache that way. rof

Makwa 18 Reviews 361 reads
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They are left over from Prohibition.  Prohibition was repealed but many states placed restrictions on alcohol sales.

Blowing Chunks 506 reads
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quadseasonal 27 Reviews 491 reads
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Guys like you and gambler will likely  blame religious pukes for causing  prohibition , only  true in a broad sense .  
  If you two  weren't too  drunk to think clearly on Saturday , when visiting  a dry Sunday town , you might have the presence of mind to buy your Sunday golf beer on Saturday . :-D
  A vast majority of citizens  in America were a member of a church in the late 1800's .  
 Religion was not  the root cause of the Prohibition movement .  
 Women attempting to control men , the Unions those women and their manginas  formed , were
 the most influential culprit leading to Congress passing a law that didn't work . .  
 Christians had been consuming alcohol with reckless abandon since day one .  
 If God didn't approve of alcohol  Jesus wouldn't have been given the talent to make instant wine for the masses .
  What brought prohibition to town  , women not into sex ,were finding themselves home alone Tuesday , Thursday, Saturday night,  and after Church services on Sunday, while their  men were doing something  they enjoyed  , attending saloons packed to the brim , drinking alcohol with their  Bro's and fulfilling their sexual needs with  Ho's .
   Snubbed  Women founded a Union called  The Women's Christian Temperance Union .
  You can thank Women , manginas and the Unions they formed ,  for the Eighteenth  amendment and the rapid rise of organized crime .

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Why can't I buy liquor after a certain hour in most states????  
 I am gonna write like someone else in this post cuz ,  
  I'm the "Great Asian American Writing Style Mimicker" ,  
   ,  just like how I mimicked Quadseasonal's , writing style last month .  
 It's fun writing like someone else , instead of my usual style , of writing .    
   While all you board monkeys are busy talking shit about me ,  
 I am going to mimick someone else's , style below .    
       In answer to why we can't buy liquor after certain hours ,  
   Can anyone guess who's style I'm mimicking , right below ?  
 ------- Who writes like this? :D -------  
 If I wanted to enjoy a beer on a Sunday after a round of golf I am shit out of luck in many states because the religious pukes have made it illegal to sell me said beer. I could name a hundred other morality laws rammed down my throat by Christians. I am beginning to think that religious pukes have drifted far enough into "troll" territory.  We should now talk about them, but not "to" them, like how I treat Cornhole with his fake brogue and a host of other board trolls that have come before him. Sometimes, arguing with morons while drunk can be quite entertaining though. Like Fungus or Pimpathy, who always say something stupid, most of the rest of the time I only talk about them and not to them. I get less headache that way. rofl  

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 11:34:05 AM

Makwa 18 Reviews 387 reads
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Pimpathy 716 reads
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I'd like to see a drunk, walk the fine line between activism and marketing.

Posted By: quadseasonal
GG  and guys like you will likely  blame religious pukes for causing  prohibition , only  true in a broad sense .  
   If both  of you weren't too  drunk to think on Saturday , when visiting  a dry Sunday town , you might have the presence of mind to buy your Sunday golf beer on Saturday . :-D  
   A vast majority of citizens  in America were a member of a church in the late 1800's .  
  Religion was not  the root cause of the Prohibition movement .  
  Women attempting to control men , the Unions those women and their manginas  formed , were  
  the most influential culprit .  
  Christians had been consuming alcohol with reckless abandon since day one .  
  If God didn't condone alcohol Jesus wouldn't have been given the talent to make instant wine for the masses .  
   What brought prohibition to town  ,  women were finding themselves home alone after Church   , while most  married men were busy  after service and Saturday night ,   having  fun they believed in , attending saloons packed to the brim with  Bro's and  Ho's .  
    Snubbed  Women founded a Union called  The Women's Christian Temperance Union .  
   You can thank Women , manginas and the Unions they formed ,  for the Eighteenth  amendment and the rapid rise of organized crime .  
Posted By: Drunken Asian
Why can't I buy liquor after a certain hour in most states????  
  I am gonna write like someone else in this post cuz ,    
   I'm the "Great Asian American Writing Style Mimicker" ,    
    ,  just like how I mimicked Quadseasonal's , writing style last month .  
  It's fun writing like someone else , instead of my usual style , of writing .    
    While all you board monkeys are busy talking shit about me ,    
  I am going to mimick someone else's , style below .    
        In answer to why we can't buy liquor after certain hours ,    
    Can anyone guess who's style I'm mimicking , right below ?    
  ------- Who writes like this? :D -------    
  If I wanted to enjoy a beer on a Sunday after a round of golf I am shit out of luck in many states because the religious pukes have made it illegal to sell me said beer. I could name a hundred other morality laws rammed down my throat by Christians. I am beginning to think that religious pukes have drifted far enough into "troll" territory.  We should now talk about them, but not "to" them, like how I treat Cornhole with his fake brogue and a host of other board trolls that have come before him. Sometimes, arguing with morons while drunk can be quite entertaining though. Like Fungus or Pimpathy, who always say something stupid, most of the rest of the time I only talk about them and not to them. I get less headache that way. rofl  
-- Modified on 4/13/2014 10:51:23 AM

Cosette 449 reads
7 / 29

Qualify the women who helped bring about prohibition. Though I can't think of a proper name. Second wave feminists or perhaps first. I forget what I should be calling my fellow gender who disagrees with legalization of prostitution, etc.  

Some women drank more.

Pimpathy 458 reads
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I don't take much solace with that statement one way or the other.

GaGambler 374 reads
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and they are still trying to "hang on to their man" by outlawing anything that might encourage him to stray, including prostitution.

Cosette 380 reads
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Cosette 417 reads
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Damn switch to agrarian societies. Brought about the notion of ownership. Otherwise women had to fend for themselves. Perhaps if we were still nomads things would be so different.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 490 reads
12 / 29

Best I could come up with  on short notice . :-D



Posted By: Cosette
Re: Hey hey. If you're going to qualify men as manginas then alsoQualify the women who helped bring about prohibition. Though I can't think of a proper name. Second wave feminists or perhaps first. I forget what I should be calling my fellow gender who disagrees with legalization of prostitution, etc.  
 Some women drank more.
-- Modified on 4/13/2014 2:33:24 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 386 reads
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Exactly. Prohibition could have been avoided if only women’s voting rights had been passed sooner.

The women’s suffrage movement that had been building for decades grew into a political action committee of an eventual overwhelming force. They hadn’t quite yet achieved success with the 19th Amendment so they looked around to where else they might wield their power. Or maybe they simply thought, “fine, you won’t give us the vote then let’s see how you like losing your booze.”

Once the 18th Amendment passed in January of 1919, Congress passed and the States ratified the 19th shortly thereafter. UNCLE

Cosette 404 reads
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GaGambler 419 reads
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Any one who doubts me needs only to go onto any regional board, or the GD board of TER, read some of the weak kneed blatherings of some of the manginas on every board and you will come to the same conclusion.

When a man can't even stand up for himself on an anonymous fuck board that was supposedly created for US, IMO he is completely beyond any hope of ever finding his balls.

Cosette 380 reads
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GaGambler 509 reads
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Of course we can't "all get along" what fun would that be? but do you really think a bunch of men all got together and decided that banning booze would be a great idea?

Women will continue leading men around by the dick as long as men will let them. That's why "Soccer moms" are so deathly afraid of legalized prostitution. Men will do all sorts of stupid things in order to get laid, but once we have an empty sack, all the blood rushes back into our brains. That's when we say to ourselves "What the fuck did I just promise to do this time?"

I will confess that even I do this kind of thing all the time with women, even with women I pay. In the evening I will make all sorts of promises, like "baby lets you and me go to the beach tomorrow and spend the entire weekend together" and when I say these things at the moment I am completely serious about following through, but then the next morning I will wake up with this same woman, and the thought of spending two entire days with her just goes out the window, and I start looking for a way out. Yes, I am a pig, sue me. lol

GaGambler 556 reads
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I guess we will all just have to wonder who this unnamed genius actually is.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 516 reads
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I answered both your questions in my first reply .   Did you need it spelled out ?  
  Good luck getting those  patents approved on the inventions you stole .  :-D

Posted By: Drunken Asian

  I'm the "Great  American Writing Style Plagiarist " ,  

 Seems no one guessed the writing style I was mimicking

Cosette 497 reads
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When I posted the question on the GD board about asking for so and so I was pointed to the conversation on the Suggestion board earlier this year. I will never understand the need to ask about someone. Just contact them and if it doesn't work then move on. Plenty of other women. But people get bent out of shape. If I stop a few people from answering then I'm content.

mattradd 40 Reviews 407 reads
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When I read it, no one had responded, and I did, and I was hoping no one would give you the attention.

Blowing Chunks 390 reads
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the SPOTY trophy any time soon or ever.  

Unless all muscular men really dislike women or unless all reviews really turn out to be fake. LMA

mattradd 40 Reviews 376 reads
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Blowing Chunks 451 reads
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mattradd 40 Reviews 512 reads
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anonymousfun 6 Reviews 521 reads
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Blowing Chunks 433 reads
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that you subconsciously have a crush on me.  :D

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