Politics and Religion

Plans to kill protestors/demostrators outlined in US Army manual:
sappybullfighter 1475 reads

Contrary to the letter of the now-tattered Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, a US Army manual for MP's details how US military troops will be deployed on American soil to quell disturbances and kill American citizens in the event of mass civil unrest.


The manual provides great detail how the military operations are planned as a reaction for both “CONUS and OCONUS;" "(inside the CONtinental United States/Outside the CONtinental United States).


The manual relates how US troops will be deployed to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” and additionally that the main purpose of the military will be “breaking up unauthorized gatherings and by patrolling the disturbance area to prevent the commission of lawless acts,” also “during operations to restore order, military forces may present a show of force, establish roadblocks, break up crowds, employ crowd control agents, patrol, serve as security forces or reserves, and perform other operations as required.”

If you open the pdf link, the parameters for the use of deadly force against American citizens are established.  You can scroll the document to section 4 (b) on page 20 and read that "warning shot will not be fired."

The manual also touches on the plans to "reducate" Americans to an "appreciation of U.S. policys while incarcerated within prison camps within the United States.  Much more detail about the "re-education" plans for Americans are detailed in another Army manual which was leaked earlier.


The manuals are dated 2006 and 2010, respectively.  Plans to use the military against Americans has been in the works for a long time. In 2008, the Washington Post reported on a plan to deploy 20,000 troops domestically to promote "domestic security."


Straight from the desk of Colonel Ollie North is the Rex84, which came to partial light during the Iran-Contra hearing in 1987.  Rex84 was a secretive plan for an American scenario involving military deployment to "suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be national security threats.”


These newly-leaked Army manuals are the latest documentation of the government's elaborate plans to wage war against the American population in the event we react to their planned bankrupting of us and the wholesale abuse of the electorate on nearly every level.

Other reading:




Snowman39202 reads

I am personally glad theya are planning ahead. I hope their shooting is good as well.

See, what you like to paint as a "civil right" is only to a point. The peoblem I have seen with most protestors is when they finally figure out that carrying a sign and chanting a stupid rhyme is not going to get them what they want, they decide to go outside the law.

They block traffic, they trash other people's property, they throw stones and home made malatov cocktails at officers only doing their job.

If you keep it peaceful, whether I agree or not, I will totally support your right to protest. But when you morp into this "fuck everyone else's rights becuase I am pissed off" mode, screw you. Personally, I hope they pop a cap in you and we can just file that under DSAF (did society a favor).

nuguy46119 reads

if u ain't breaking the law, nothing to worry about.
time to put the rights of law abiding citizens first....criminal rights second.

is the title of a recent publication from  DHS.  It is the $12million dollar product of a study by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland.


The study provides very little information about Islamic terrorism (ex. it completely fails to mention the 1993 WTC bombing) and focuses, instead, on Americans who hold beliefs shared by the vast majority of conservatives and libertarians and puts them in the category of "radical extremists."

Are you happy to know, Snow that your goverment now considers you to be a radical extremist by virtue of thought crime and is now in the process of turning hell over a few times as they "plan ahead" and prepare to be you and your family's hosts in one of their "reducation" facilities?  Contrary to the ideas that make you comfortable, the laws are no longer aimed only at hippys throwing stones through windows.  

Snow, do you share any of these beliefs?

- Americans who believe their “way of life” is under attack;
- Americans who are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”;
- People who consider themselves “anti-global” (presumably those who are wary of the loss of American sovereignty);
- Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”;
- Americans who are “reverent of individual liberty”;
- People who “believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty.”
-People opposed to abortion.

If you agree with any of the above 7 bullet points, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have now become a radical extremist/potential terrorist in the eyes of the government-all without the onerous chore of leaving the comfort of your home!

Another example of the government's concern about your possible thought-crime activity was the infamous 2009 MIAC report, published by the Missouri Information Analysis Center.  According to MIAC the "potential terrorists" are composed of Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag.

The rush to denounce legitimate political beliefs and even mundane behaviors as thought crimes by insinuating they are shared by terrorists, has accelerated in recent months.

Under the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism program, the bulk purchase of food is labeled as a potential indication of terrorist activity, as is using cash to pay for a cup of coffee, and showing an interest in privacy when using the Internet in a public place.

Puts paid to the whole "if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about" school of thought, doesn't it?

-- Modified on 7/7/2012 11:00:32 PM

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