Politics and Religion

Hope for a $1.50 gas again in US
JackDunphy 2078 reads
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They have said repeatedly that they cannot allow Iran to go nuclear. Per the article, it seems like there is bi-partisan outrage in Israel over the agreement.

Sounds like they will pressure the US congress to try and intervene but I don't think, and I dont think Israel thinks, that will happen.

My questions are these:

1) whether or not you think Israel should attack the sites, do you think they will and what percentage would you put on your likelihood of them doing so?

2) if they do attack, and Iran retaliates, will it lead to all out war and will the U.S. get involved in any way

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 529 reads
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thisbud4u 268 reads
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The deal is between Iran AND the six countries to help Iran out of its nuclear weapon program, set course for peaceful use of nuclear energy and help the country grow its economy.

As the world leaders have said, the deal will let them re-establish diplomatic and economic relationship with Iran and improve trade between the countries.

Israel has nothing to do with the deal.

thisbud4u 293 reads
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We are in US and we need to look at what is in the deal for us.    As Iranian oil flows in to the world markets, we are most likely to see a $1.50 gas again.     No chance of another war in Middle East.     Look at all the industrial contracts US corporations gain to get in Iran.

Hey take all that $billions that is going to Israel and give it to Puerto Rico.   They need our help and its people are US citizens.

What should Israel do now?    Ask Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio and Robert Menendez the Senators who represent Israel in US Congress.

thisbud4u 446 reads
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That is right.    The disgraced Israeli PM Yahoo is a puppet of the US Defense Industry contractors and lobbyists.    He has support of couple of Republican Senators who really are Israeli spies disguised as US Senators.

Well this deal between US and 5 other world powers has boxed in Yahoo in a hole.    Israel cannot go to a war with Iran now, as they will be alone and will get destroyed in the process.

HONDA 153 Reviews 377 reads
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How can he attack when most of his military and intelligence chiefs do NOT support bombing Iran. So, he wants the U.S to do the bombing for him. Just like Iraq in 2001, there are some gullible Neocon Democrats/Republicans who Netanyahu hopes will pressure the President to launch an attack. The same way a prick named Ahmed Chalabi, a former THIEF Executive of an Iraqi bank, convinced Bush/Cheney to invade Iraq and get rid of Saddam. The same stupidity continues and we have learned nothing! The Iranian mullahs are no fools, they see a restive young Iranian population suffering from years of economic sanctions as a BIGGER threat to their own individual existence than Israel

-- Modified on 7/15/2015 9:09:56 AM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 339 reads
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1 - Isn't really a question anymore, since the world already believes Israel was responsible for Stuxnet, the computer virus that set back Iran's nuclear timetable by a significant margin. So far, the US has allowed the blame to fall squarely on the Israeli's shoulders.

2 - If Israel attacks Iran, It won't be Iran that retaliates directly, they will leave it to their puppet states in Syria, and their Hamas and Hizbullah vanguard now controlling Lebanon and Gaza. Oh wait... they're already in a proxy war with Israel since the early 80's via Hizbullah. How effective they are, depends on how much armament they are able to smuggle into Gaza, and how much Hizbullah will be able to build up on the border with Syria.

Meanwhile, Iran, newly empowered after castrating Kerry and feeding him his own testicles, continues their bellicose posturing and now doesn't even deny their goal of Hedgemony in the Middle East, and the destruction of Israel.

Will the US get involved? I believe it will depend on which way the political winds blow, and how close or how soon after the 2016 election the question becomes immediately relevant. If there is a buck to be made by the Defense industry, you can bet there will be at least tacit approval of huge weapons deals.  

I have always said the US does not comprehend the ancient mentality and thought processes that exemplify the Middle East. Blame the Jews and Israel all you want, its much easier than actually studying the Big Picture and recognizing just how deeply dysfunctional that entire part of the world has always been.

OK, now that I have said my piece, the 1 trick ponies can pile on the hate one last time.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 174 reads
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marikod 1 Reviews 248 reads
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any more than “Death to America” is a goal. I believe this is rhetoric designed to inflame an increasingly narrow base of religious zealots, including the Basji and to keep the again evil conservative clergy that supports Khamenei in power.

      And I fear Benji will use that card to justify a preemptive strike that will disaster for all.

      But Khamenei has stage 4 prostate cancer and I don’t expert him to live more than a year. Rafsanjani is 81 and they are not going to pick him. Sharoudi is the most likely choice but he is not a radical and by all accounts enjoys personal luxury. No way that he is going to start a war with Israel or spend a lot of money on terror, or a bomb; he is a bitter opponent of sanctions and wants to keep the money rolling in. Sulliman, the head of the Quds force, has a lot of influence but he lacks the religious training needed to qualify as the top guy and probably is going to be killed in the fight with ISIS- by all accounts I have read, the is a cowboy who torus the front lines without a flak jacket.

      Meanwhile, Iran has a vast number of young adults under 30 who are not particularly religious, don’t particularly care about the Pallys, and I suspect would rather see their life improve rather continue Iran’s outlaw status.

         So we need to get Khamenei out of here, get a more pragmatic supreme leader, and he, Zarif (who does not want to destroy Israel)  and the current reasonable president of Iran will guide the country away from being a true threat to Israel, at least beyond their support for Hezbollah and Hamas.  The real threat is that Benji will make a preemptive strike and if that happens a lot of innocent people will die

2236707 3 Reviews 398 reads
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Netanyahu took part in a raid on Beirut's airport in 1968 and fought in the 1973 Middle East war. Compare to our very own George W. Shrub who spent the Vietnam years safely state-side in the national guard (when he bothered to report for duty) but had no compunctions lying about weapons of mass destruction and triggering hell in the middle east.

2236707 3 Reviews 265 reads
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2236707 3 Reviews 225 reads
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JackDunphy 334 reads
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The main difference is I don't believe the "death to Israel" stuff is bloviating whereas as do think it is with regards to America. That doesn't necessarily mean they will nuke Israel but possessing the bomb will enable them to be much more threatening, bellicose and give its proxies all the more reason to attack Israel with conventional weapons and guerrilla warfare.

Knowing Iran has their back, and could literally destroy Israel, will give Hamas and Hezbollah all the "beer balls" they will need to increase their assaults/attacks and greatly harm Israel, and give them inspiration and impetus to do so more often in the future.

That's what many don't understand about Iran getting the bomb. It's not so much that they will ever really use it, but possessing it, and the fear and respect Israel must give that situation, could make Israel just a bit more cautious when dealing with Iranian backed, lesser threats.

I would put the odds at about 70% they will attack Iran. That is just who they are and what they believe. Iran is an evil actor on the world stage and not to be trusted. I don't think any rational group allows someone to acquire the means of their destruction if they can put a stop to it.

Think about this in your own neighborhood. If a nut job neighbor who hated you, and told you they were going to kill you one day, would you really take that threat lightly? Especially if he had hurt many others in his past? Wouldn't you do SOMETHING pre-emptively, and let the chips fall where they may afterwards?

Isarel is paranoid, with good reason. Personally I think the downside of the raid outweighs the upside. If it fails, Israel still has their own bomb to fall back on as protection. If it succeeds, it will give them time to get a more moderate head of Iran placed, as you claim will happen.

-- Modified on 7/15/2015 3:21:37 PM

JackDunphy 331 reads
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I am not saying he is wrong or right but there surely is disagreement inside the Mossad, as there is inside any Intel agency. Do you think all the Dems will agree with Obama on this deal with Iran? Do you think all the US Intel will agree with Obama? Of course not.

I am not claiming there are any easy answers here, and I would get the opinion of many people in my cabinet and in the Intel world before I made a decision, but let's not make out like an attack on Iran is somehow insane or will cause massive retaliation.

Simply put, none of us know.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 284 reads
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...the rest of you losers in flyover country, but caviar and saffron are getting quite expensive.  They're taking a bite out of my hooker funds.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 238 reads
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...have made front-page headlines, but many world leaders gave Israel a virtual pat on the back for Stuxnet.

2)  Hezbollah freed El Chapo because of his cartel's expertise in building tunnels so that he can help smuggle arms for Hezbollah.  ;-)

JackDunphy 237 reads
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The Israeli haters will blame them while the sane world would give them credit.  

But one of, it not THE main authority on this subject says that although the Mossad was probably involved, Stuxnet most likely came from the US.

HONDA 153 Reviews 190 reads
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.......the Iranian mullahs need a foil- death to Isreal and the U.S.A- to cover up for their complete mismanagement of the Iranian economy. The wacko birds on the far left and right operate more or less the same way.

Posted By: marikod
any more than “Death to America” is a goal. I believe this is rhetoric designed to inflame an increasingly narrow base of religious zealots, including the Basji and to keep the again evil conservative clergy that supports Khamenei in power.  
       And I fear Benji will use that card to justify a preemptive strike that will disaster for all.  
       But Khamenei has stage 4 prostate cancer and I don’t expert him to live more than a year. Rafsanjani is 81 and they are not going to pick him. Sharoudi is the most likely choice but he is not a radical and by all accounts enjoys personal luxury. No way that he is going to start a war with Israel or spend a lot of money on terror, or a bomb; he is a bitter opponent of sanctions and wants to keep the money rolling in. Sulliman, the head of the Quds force, has a lot of influence but he lacks the religious training needed to qualify as the top guy and probably is going to be killed in the fight with ISIS- by all accounts I have read, the is a cowboy who torus the front lines without a flak jacket.  
       Meanwhile, Iran has a vast number of young adults under 30 who are not particularly religious, don’t particularly care about the Pallys, and I suspect would rather see their life improve rather continue Iran’s outlaw status.  
          So we need to get Khamenei out of here, get a more pragmatic supreme leader, and he, Zarif (who does not want to destroy Israel)  and the current reasonable president of Iran will guide the country away from being a true threat to Israel, at least beyond their support for Hezbollah and Hamas.  The real threat is that Benji will make a preemptive strike and if that happens a lot of innocent people will die.  

HONDA 153 Reviews 303 reads
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I guess he would know...lol  

Here is the Merriam Webster definition of Chicken shit : usually vulgar :  lacking courage, manliness, or effectiveness
“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official said, expanding the definition of what a chickenshit Israeli prime minister looks like. “The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. He’s not Rabin, he’s not Sharon, he’s certainly no (Menachem) Begin. He’s got no guts.”

-- Modified on 7/15/2015 5:36:26 PM

followme 419 reads
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2236707 3 Reviews 252 reads
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Navigating a sneak bomber attack from Israel to Iran would be threading many needles in a row and would require not just enormous skill but also enormous luck. Then there is the problem of actually knocking out the facilities if they are reached. Hey, I wish the Israelis luck and would have a ball poring over all the cool "here's how the raid was pulled off" diagrams in the newspapers if it succeeded.

Now wouldn't it be funny if Saudi Arabia assisted an Israeli approach through their territory!

JackDunphy 218 reads
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I do believe the Saudis would give the Israelis a fee pass over their land.

But your sentiment is correct...who would have thought that 10 years ago?

It would be a slap in Bams face, too. LOL

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 254 reads
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RichardBong 180 reads
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We can't protect our own govt personnel records yet you expect us to believe we were involved in this? Funny guy.

GaGambler 222 reads
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Nicely done though. Feel free to remind me of this post the next time I claim you never bitch slap "one of your own"

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