Politics and Religion

Honestly, you have NEVER heard of single parent Asian homes???
GaGambler 291 reads

Well you have now, I am the product of a single parent Asian home, my Chinese mother raised me alone.

That said, I actually agree with your answer, but the Asians could have just as easily given up and blamed the white man for everything that was wrong with their lives, As a group, Asians have been pretty good at rising above their challenges, not blaming other people and simply buckling down and making the most of the opportunities given to them. It's a rare asian that bitches about how unfair this country is, and when one does, they are usually shouted down for being spoiled and lazy. You and "your people" might want to take notes if you ever want to take your place at the table that is.

randomvr3012213 reads

All Blue States!  No surprise.    There are million others that have highest median income, high education, high graduation rates, high rate of students going to graduate schools.    All that translates to highest payment of income and property taxes.

What will the poor, illiterate, religious and gun loving south do to get their monthly checks from Uncle Sam without these counties?

i wonder how diverse those areas are. Blue state liberal phonies like to stereotype the south as white redneck Klansmen. Surely they are aware that the region has the highest percentage of Americans of African heritage and many of them are poor, religious, and own guns. But it wouldn't look good for them to bring that up because they like to think they're progressive on race matters.
   How about we build public housing in those counties and blue enclaves like west LA and Silicon Valley? We'll see how progressive they are when they see their property values dwindle.

The population mix in all those counties is White, Jewish and Asian Americans.   If you read between the lines, it says "highly educated",  "high rate of graduation" and "high rate of kids going to graduate schools".

It is a circle:   Family > Education > Employment > Success > Prosperity.    

The fact Asian Americans account for 30% of population shows if a family has got what it takes to be in such a county, no one will stop you.

Sure they can build housing but can they afford the property tax passed on to rent

GaGambler350 reads

I am just dying to hear your answer to this one?

and are you claiming that Jewish is not white??? Funny most Jews(in this country at least) appear to be a bit pasty to me. lmao

GaGambler369 reads

But in the interest of fairness "white" should have been more accurately "Not very big, not very smart" otherwise white men really won't have much to be offended about, and we can't have that, now can we? It really skews my betting pool. lol

'glasss half full,' so I take no offense!  Though I'm wondering if he has the balls to share that with the women in his life!   ;)

H## and yourself are both correct...

5. (medicine, psychology)

a. free from disease, disorder, or malformation; specif., average in intelligence or development  

average in intelligence or development = normal

salonpas327 reads

've developed a theory: Big penis = too busy getting laid to learn anything. Small penis = constantly studying to keep your mind off your small penis

86H13LTP315 reads

in the wheelchair, on and on , out of the equation then I agree with you.  

Actually it was a joke , you know back to the days before PC and thin-skinned assholes when we could still mess with other and find the humor in it. A simple time when everybody from all walks of life could get a laugh from a sitcoms like All in the family and The Jeffersons.  

Back before some fat broad in a " pink shirt " thought she could invade my space in a little health food store and tell me how I shouldn't go do my job or a feminist thinking she knows what's better for a hooker or Stripper ... Blah Blah Blah I could list a million examples and so could anyone else on here .  

In my world it's a verbal war ripping each other every single day but when the shit comes down we are all brothers willing to lay it down for each other .  

I read a book over and over written by an Asian who knew his shit a very long time ago that still applies today.  If our POTUS did he would be one hell of a world leader .  

-- Modified on 8/31/2014 8:49:59 PM

And, who's paying how much for the use of that no-penis business? I'd say that's pretty intelligent, not just pretty.

Family Values, Dedication towards education, Parental involvement in education.   I have not seen Asian kids put girl friend and sex in front of their educational success due to parental pressure at home.    Last but not least, never heard of single parent Asian homes

GaGambler292 reads

Well you have now, I am the product of a single parent Asian home, my Chinese mother raised me alone.

That said, I actually agree with your answer, but the Asians could have just as easily given up and blamed the white man for everything that was wrong with their lives, As a group, Asians have been pretty good at rising above their challenges, not blaming other people and simply buckling down and making the most of the opportunities given to them. It's a rare asian that bitches about how unfair this country is, and when one does, they are usually shouted down for being spoiled and lazy. You and "your people" might want to take notes if you ever want to take your place at the table that is.

... education ranks very high in Jewish and Asian culture. Not to say everyone else fails to do so, but the focus has always been on a thorough and complete embrace of knowledge, sometimes merely for the sake of knowledge.

Different cultures have differing priorities. Some seek to exercise the mind, others the body, still others focus on the spirit.  

and then there are the bottom-feeders who prefer to destroy historical artifacts to promote ignorance.
now there's a culture worth terminating.

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