Politics and Religion

Hobbying? I just hang out here for the happy hour and great social time. (eom)
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2627 reads
1 / 9

It would truly be interesting to determine the distribution of TER members wrt income.  where do we fall?   probably not many fall in tier 1 or 6, but I would bet that most fall in tier 4 or 5 with a few in Tier 3.....  

Tier 1......Less than $24,999
Tier 2......$25,000 to $49,999
Tier 3......$50,000 to $99,999
Tier 4......$100,000 to $149,999
Tier 5......$150,000 to $199,999
Tier 6......$200,000 or more

Certainly the TER stats would confirm that but they do not break it down enough...
In short - we are NOT the majority of the population as a whole.....   so we gotta get off our high horses... we are not a part of the masses....   in short, we ain't middle class.  And lets face it, neither is Obama nor McCain.  Reminds me of George H Bush... upon seeing a price scanner for the first time and marveling at the device... like where was he?

From the TER Poll Archive.
13%   25K - 40K
15%   41K - 60K
16%   61K - 80K
13%   81K - 100K
40%   Over 100K

GaGambler 1407 reads
2 / 9

that any hobbyist in tiers one or two is single or at least not raising a family. I would hate to think about some kid going hungry because daddy had to get a little pussy on the side.

This is not a cheap hobby and I would hope the overwhelming majority can actually afford. Of course this hobby is cheap in comparison with my last hobby. I didn't just pick the handle GaGambler out of thin air. lol

St. Croix 1336 reads
3 / 9

Tier 1...I'll get more free shit from Obama
Tier 2...I might get some free shit from Obama
Tier 3...I think Obama is going to fuck me
Tier 4...I know Obama is going to fuck me
Tier 5...This is going to fucking hurt
Tier 6...I'm going to be royally fucked by Obama

BTW GaGambler - at least with your other hobby you got free cocktails from a half naked waitress with big tits. At least when you are losing, the alcohol does tend to dull the pain and anger.

GaGambler 1182 reads
4 / 9

I am definitely in tier 6, and you're right about the alcohol. The only problem is you have to sober up and face the music eventually.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1763 reads
5 / 9

Not that it is gonna be fun when it happens....  

as to the tier one... I'll get more free shit from....   likely it will be shit ya can't use.

Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 1943 reads
6 / 9

Tier 1 for the IRS

Tier 6 for potential girlfriends

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1986 reads
8 / 9

I fell in the missing 3%..

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