Politics and Religion

A victory for the people over the jackbooted thugs...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1741 reads

...There was a law in Illinois that prevented people from videotaping police.  The lame reason for the law was that video contained audio and therefore was, in effect, eavesdropping.  Apparently it's okay for Big Brother to watch us but they don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot.

A federal appeals court declared the law unconstitutional and the S.Ct. refused to hear the case, thereby letting the law be overturned.

Thanks ACLU!

Would those be the “jackbooted thugs” from the left or the “jackbooted thugs” from the right?  Or are you finally having a “light bulb” moment that enlightens you to the “Left/Right paradigm?

House Sponsor:  John J. Miller (R)
Senate Sponsor: Don Harmon (D)
Unanimously passed House:   Yeas (116) Nays (0)
Unanimously passed Senate: Yeas (57) Nays (0)
Signed into Law: Rod Blagojevich (D)

But I do agree with the content of your post.  It is just the slanted intent of the subject line that concerns me.  I do hope that you are finally finding some enlightenment.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...There was a law in Illinois that prevented people from videotaping police.  The lame reason for the law was that video contained audio and therefore was, in effect, eavesdropping.  Apparently it's okay for Big Brother to watch us but they don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot.

A federal appeals court declared the law unconstitutional and the S.Ct. refused to hear the case, thereby letting the law be overturned.

Thanks ACLU!

...would have spread like a cancer to other states.  I hope I didn't use too many big words for you bigvern.

-- Modified on 11/29/2012 6:22:28 PM

I was simply stating the fact that people are quick to pick up the camera and film police brutality. When it is obvious that they think the police are in the wrong, yet the people do not physically intervene. The citizens would much rather play poparazzi, then lend a helping hand to a victim.

I don't remember police brutality being mentioned in the article...I was simplying adding this thought after the fact.

Word has it we wouldn't even have known you were a snitch. Until you snitched on yourself.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...would have spread like a cancer to other states.  I hope I didn't use too many big words for you bigvern.

-- Modified on 11/29/2012 6:22:28 PM

I detect you're about to say instead of filming they should stop the police brutality.  You cooled that downed to help victims.  

The point here is being able to document what the police are doing.  It's harder for 15 of them to lie.
Eddie Murphy speaking to a black audience called video cameras "life insurance"


Now to address your point, if you are beaten in to a coma or killed. You can't watch your very own  murder on tape. Now can you?

I explained already that my statement had nothing to do with the OP. I was addressing the fact that people would rather film a police beating, rather then do something at the very time it could make a real difference.

Posted By: aces8
I detect you're about to say instead of filming they should stop the police brutality.  You cooled that downed to help victims.  

The point here is being able to document what the police are doing.  It's harder for 15 of them to lie.
Eddie Murphy speaking to a black audience called video cameras "life insurance"

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