Politics and Religion

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 946 reads

It certainly would be an interesting story to follow up on. Maybe if I get some free time I will do that. Going to bed now, tho. Kisses and hugs! xoxoxoxo

Those were the words that came from the journal of a British citizen, Benyam Mohammed, who was held in the US prison in Morocco.

Mohammed's account of what happened to him is utterly terrifying, and was some of the most sadistic forms of torture I've ever heard of.


To date, no one beyond a few low level individuals, have been prosecuted for these war crimes.

Ten years after the fact, it seems that the only government brave enough to bring war crimes charges against anyone, is the lowly Malaysian government.

And it has just found that Dubya, Cheney, and 6 others are guilty of war crimes.

I'm sure you would fit in with that enlightened society.

This jerk should move to a deserted island and enjoy the company of just himself.

Is that he doesn't even know what a liberal or a conservative is.  He is a total and complete idiot who doesn't even understand the positions he claims to take.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
This jerk should move to a deserted island and enjoy the company of just himself.

is that he is arrogant, condescending and full of shit.  Truly a lethal combination.

No way, PW. I'm not arrogant at all. You know what is arrogant? Espousing conservative pieties, claiming it is "how the world works". You even have conservatives in business claiming that they are "the masters of the universe". Now THAT is arrogance.

How am I at all condescending? I'm sarcastic as hell. But that's not condescending. That's just lightening up the mood around here.

Full of shit? Name one other poster who takes greater pains in referencing and proving my claims. Strangely, I get insults for doing this as well.

Samuel Johnson reminded us that "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel". It seems with far too many conservatives today, "insults are the last attempt to win a losing argument."

The comments of the most partisan conservatives here are quite revealing.

How are you condescending, you ask? Perhaps by making so many "bold" statements and referencing yourself in the third person, as if you were some famous and powerful person who deserved special respect and fear from his underlings.

"Greater pains in referencing and proving claims"????  You call throwing a "link" to some other comment found on the web -- often from someone just as condescending and all-knowing like yourself -- proof of your outrageous claims?  Bullshit . . . .

You claim that conservatives are the arrogant ones?  Have you ever taken a close look at the current Democrat in the White House and the most recent Dem there prior to him?

And don't try to repeat your bullshit about how President Obama is a conservative.  We all know -- not just you oh great one -- that any President who firmly believes that all our nation's problems can be solved by pushing for wealth redistribution is clearly not a conservative but very much a liberal.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 12:01:13 PM

...because it's funny and weird. It was funny and weird when Bob Dole did it, and it's funny and weird when Willy does it.

Willy also does it because, "Willy Wonka" is not a person, but rather a character created by some random government employee who likes hookers. Just as "PitchingWedge" is not a person either, but rather a character created by a seemingly grumpy old man with a Napoleon complex.

A Democrat acting arrogantly does not change the fact that when a Republican is acting arrogantly he is still acting arrogantly. I imagine one has to be arrogant just to have the mindset to be President. But no one was more arrogant and more useless than the last guy who was in there.

As for wealth redistribution, top marginal income taxes were 70% under Nixon. They were 91% under Eisenhower. Were they liberal?

There's a real difference between conservatism and fascism. Just as there's a real difference between liberalism and communism. I fear you don't understand these differences at all.

didn't tell us shit.  Not one piece of useful information.

No surprise.  When idiots try to be "funny and weird" that kind of shit happens.

St. Croix631 reads

First, this article is dated Aug 2005. Was this one of your bookmarked sites, or did one of your very special progressive friends send this to you?

Come on willy, Meat Loaf and Aerosmith as torture? If anything, the torturers are guilty of selecting really bad music. In fact, I might lose it listening to that obnoxious Steven Tyler.

His penis was cut multiple times? $100 bucks says it was a circumcision gone bad by a discount Mohel with Parkinsons disease.

Is this the best you got?

To be fair to Willy, the Guardian is one of the most well-respected papers on the planet. Unlikely to print fabrications- especially something of that magnitude.

I think we don't necessarily want to believe how badly behaved our troops abroad can be, and I can't blame you. But it doesn't do any of us any good to bury our heads in the sand. We have enough photos of this crap to know it goes on. Unless you're a particularly rare creature, I'd imagine that like most of us feel, if it is going on (and stuff like it certainly is), something ought to be done about it.

Timbow793 reads

Posted By: SoftlySarah
To be fair to Willy, the Guardian is one of the most well-respected papers on the planet. Unlikely to print fabrications- especially something of that magnitude.

I think we don't necessarily want to believe how badly behaved our troops abroad can be, and I can't blame you. But it doesn't do any of us any good to bury our heads in the sand. We have enough photos of this crap to know it goes on. Unless you're a particularly rare creature, I'd imagine that like most of us feel, if it is going on (and stuff like it certainly is), something ought to be done about it.

-- Modified on 5/16/2012 4:26:56 PM

St. Croix499 reads

What did it say at the top of the article, the bold face type? These are extracts from the terrorist Mohammed, excuse me "alleged terrorist Mohammed", diary. Did I say the Guardian lied? No, I was questioning, no I was being a bit sarcastic, about the content of the diary. Come on, Mohammed talking about Steven Tyler, Meat Loaf, and cuts on his penis. Does that sound a bit strange to you? Plus the article was published 7 years ago. Who gives a shit about something that long ago. It's not relevant.

Next, hang around awhile and you'll get a feel how willy operates. He is very partisan, throws out his usual grenade, stirs the pot with crazy shit, or should I say makes up crazy shit. And this from a high school graduate, practicing anarchist, govt employee who doesn't really work, smokes weed, and is generally obnoxious. Other than that, he's a nice guy.

-- Modified on 5/16/2012 9:57:20 PM

Timbow709 reads

Posted By: St. Croix
What did it say at the top of the article, the bold face type? These are extracts from the terrorist Mohammed, excuse me "alleged terrorist Mohammed", diary. Did I say the Guardian lied? No, I was questioning, no I was being a bit sarcastic, about the content of the diary. Come on, Mohammed talking about Steven Tyler, Meat Loaf, and cuts on his penis. Does that sound a bit strange to you? Plus the article was published 7 years ago. Who gives a shit about something that long ago. It's not relevant.

Next, hang around awhile and you'll get a feel how willy operates. He is very partisan, throws out his usual grenade, stirs the pot with crazy shit, or should I say makes up crazy shit. And this from a high school graduate, practicing anarchist, govt employee who doesn't really work, smokes weed, and is generally obnoxious. Other than that, he's a nice guy.

-- Modified on 5/16/2012 9:57:20 PM

I just don't think they'd print it if they thought it was complete claptrap.

You guys are too funny here!

It certainly would be an interesting story to follow up on. Maybe if I get some free time I will do that. Going to bed now, tho. Kisses and hugs! xoxoxoxo

According to Britain's Court of Appeals.


Excerpt at the end re specifics:

In an unrelated case in the US last November, a judge referred to Mr Mohamed’s two-year torture ordeal, saying: “During that time he was physically and psychologically tortured. His genitals were mutilated. He was deprived of sleep and food. He was summarily transported from one foreign prison to another. Captors held him in stress positions for days at a time. He was forced to listen to piercingly loud music and the screams of other prisoners while locked in a pitch black cell.

All the while he was forced to inculpate himself and others in various plots to imperil Americans. [i]The Government does not dispute this evidence.[/i]”
(emphasis mine)

He was apparently secretly awarded millions of pounds:

"secret multi-million pound payouts to 16 terrorism suspects, including former Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed, last November after they claimed they had been mistreated by security and intelligence officials."


His 2007 civil case against a Boeing subsidiary was dismissed in 2010 by Obama because a trial would divulge "state secrets". (Yeah, right buddy. ;) ) Glad UK didn't let Miliband get away with that.


So are you denying torture happens? Or are we just quibbling here about methods?

Posted By: Timbow
Binyam Mohamed told his lawyer and does not prove the event happened .

Timbow580 reads

Posted By: SoftlySarah
So are you denying torture happens? Or are we just quibbling here about methods?
Posted By: Timbow
Binyam Mohamed told his lawyer and does not prove the event happened .

Why? And would it really matter either way? Is not torture, by any means, heinous and despicable?

Also, remember, "The Government does not dispute this evidence." That's pretty big. Do you know where this is disputed officially? Or is this just your own opinion? Because now I am really interested in this story.

Timbow698 reads

Posted By: SoftlySarah
Also, remember, "The Government does not dispute this evidence." That's pretty big. Do you know where this is disputed officially? Or is this just your own opinion? Because now I am really interested in this story.

the liberal District Judge Gladys Kessler might believe the story that he said a female solider took a photo of his penis . Good luck finding it ;)

The District Court noted,'' the Government did not confirm or deny the accuracy of Mohamed’s accusations of mistreatment; on the contrary, the Government argued that those  accusations, even if true, did not render Mohamed’s later statements unreliable or otherwise inadmissible.''

-- Modified on 5/18/2012 7:16:35 PM

press, Faux news, Lambaugh, Hannity and the rest. Nothing else.

There is no tanking economy if Keith Olbermann doesn't say there is.  I'm so smart!!

nuguy46537 reads

i'd take this story with a grain of salt...throw it into the wound and see if he screams.

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