Politics and Religion

hippy dippy weather man was awesome.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1242 reads

tonight's forecast: dark. Continued darkness tonight until widely scatter daylight in the morning, man.

Hershey_Highwayman2293 reads

It is unsurprising that Bush's claims about a global war on terror were treated so skeptically, and continue to be treated now that Obama is echoing those sentiments, when we encounter stuff like this.


Published: January 23, 2010
Filed at 12:50 p.m. ET

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The Transportation Security Administration says a worker who pretended to plant a plastic bag of white powder in a college student's carryon luggage at Philadelphia International Airport earlier this month is no longer employed by the agency.

Twenty-two-year-old Rebecca Solomon says she was having her bags screened on Jan. 5 before her flight to Detroit when the employee demanded to know where she had gotten the powder. The University of Michigan student says about 20 seconds later he smiled and said it was his.

Solomon says she was told that the man was training TSA workers to detect contraband, and two days later she was told he had been disciplined.

TSA spokeswoman Ann Davis declined to identify the worker and his job title, citing privacy laws. She also wouldn't say whether he was fired or quit.

but then he turned into a bitter old man. Got tired of hearing him pissing and moaning about everything.  Sure, sometimes it was funny, but it got very old very fast.

Very much the same route that Letterman is going. although Letterman was never as funny as Carlin was back in the 60s and 70s.

basically divided into three periods.

His cardboard cutout period where he was a straight comedian.

His hippie/druggie period.

And his bitter old man period.

Man oh man, I loved his hippie period. Toledo Window Box and all that jazz.

But I gotta say, IMHO, Carlin never stopped getting better. And I think his last HBO special was absolutely amazing, and left me gasping for air I laughed so hard.

Loved him as a straight comedian. He even started with short hair and wore suits and ties.

His "hippy-dippy" weather man routine was one of the funniest of all time.

Also loved his sportscaster bit.  Especially when he gave out "partial scores"  (It was Baltimore 6 . . . . . )  

tonight's forecast: dark. Continued darkness tonight until widely scatter daylight in the morning, man.

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