Politics and Religion

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. There is more than ONE dog in this hunt.
HONDA 153 Reviews 172 reads
2 / 11

The SCOTUS this week just dumped a stink bomb into the Republicans primaries this week. ...lol

RRO2610 51 Reviews 189 reads
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Though the main-stream TV media won't say much Bernie Sanders is building a 'movement' by young democrats/progressives, independents and Republicans.

  If Bernie can dodge the quite literal bullets fired by the likely collusion of the GOP & DNC we could quite possibly witness a true populist revolution at the polls.

nuguy46 211 reads
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it's always nice to see the Repubs get hammered for "flip flopping"....recall the diatribe against Romney?  jus' saying.

GaGambler 263 reads
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and not just a few high profile politicians,  if this were not so, gay marriage would have been legal decades, or even centuries ago. Obviously people changed their minds on the issue.

Well, I never changed my mind on this particular subject. I was always in favor of, it was never a huge issue to me, and I still think that one day gays are going to rue the day they ever "won"  

I have always supported "equal" rights, and I have always been against "special" rights, I look as this more as gays being stripped of their "special" right to be exempt from the cause of financial and emotional ruination of more men I know than all the other causes combined, MARRIAGE/DIVORCE.

I imagine their are a whole lot of divorce attorneys celebrating today as well, just salivating at the prospect of being among the first people to profit from a brand new industry, Gay Divorce. lol
Posted By: HONDA
The SCOTUS this week just dumped a stink bomb into the Republicans primaries this week. ...lol  
Posted By: nuguy46
originally says no to gay marriage.  and now?  

GaGambler 220 reads
6 / 11

We still are not about to embrace an openly Socialist candidate for POTUS.

Yeah, he will get support from the kids who don't know any better, but I'll give you long odds he won't win a single state much less the nomination. The American public is just not quite as stupid as you seem to think they are. Stupid yes, but not THAT stupid.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 155 reads
7 / 11

Around oneself is a sign of intelligence. The inability and refusal to accept the change and fighting till death is stupidity.  

mattradd 40 Reviews 162 reads
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I imagine it will be like watching a hot skillet full of live grunion!   ;)

JackDunphy 161 reads
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I don't think people should be trashed for ultimately coming around to the right side of an issue.  

My problem though, is once they move like Obama just recently did, that then EVERYONE has to change right then and there or the Left labels them homophobes.

Many lefties rip religious righties on this issue now when they were fucking silent with Barry two years ago. People on the right, or left, should be given time, like Obama and Hills had, to eventually get to the moral side of a hotly contested issue.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 154 reads
10 / 11

Changing one's position is pandering to a particular group. Recent example is, Jindle wanting to abolish the Supreme Court. He wrote an Op-Ed in Times.  

Only happened after the two unfavorable ruling. Besides being completely stupid, it is pandering to the right of the right. States attempting to pass law to protect pastors who doesn't want to perform same sex marriage is another one. What if, IRS says, such churches are not religious institutions?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 185 reads
11 / 11
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