Politics and Religion

Hillary has not been "proven" to be a liar and a thief either
GaGambler 4192 reads

at least no more than any other politician. She has however, been proven to be thinly disguised communist, an opportunistic bitch, and a  megalomaniac.

Obama, on the other hand, has not been proven to be a liar or a thief "yet" either, but he is a naive, inexperienced, unqualified, ideologue, who thinks we can "talk" to the likes of Chavez and  Ahmadinejad.

Only Huckabee could get me to even consider Clinton, and not even Huckabee could get me to consider Obama. Cinton IMO would make a horrible POTUS, but we could survive her presidency, Obama,OTOH,Jacko and Doc have often times said that nothing could be any worse than what we have now. Obama could make things much, much worse. I don't know if we could actuall survive four years of leadership as weak as Obama's portends to be.

RightwingUnderground2512 reads

then the Republican (whoever he is) will win in the GE.

Too many of the blacks and especially most of the young people that are "turning out" for Obama will stay home, out of anger against the Clinton's.

Not to mention that negative campaigning will work far more effectively against the Clintons than Obama, given Hillary's already super high negatives and given that the first black President is trying to destroy the would be first real black President.

The Clinton’s are willing to kill the Democrat party in order to maintain control over it.

The Clinton’s are willing to kill the Democrat party in order to maintain control over it.

Agreed: the Clintons are willing to wreck the Dem Party if they can't control it.

diagreed:  African-Americans will sit out the election if Clinton is the nominee instead of Obama.  Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!  Do African-Americans think a Romney/McCain?Guliani admin will look more favorably on the interests of black America than any Democratic administration?

Sitting out the election in a fit of pique is an amazing act of short-sighted political narcissism. It's tantamount to handing the election  to the GOP candidate.  

and there would be a real intraparty price to be paid.  If blacks are perceived within the Dems as costing them the Presidency in 2008, how do you think this is going to play out?  Expect a further effort to "distance" the Democratic party from the interests of black America, especially the urban poor blacks.  

Naw, this is politically suicidal.

But i suspect the GOP would rather run against Obama than run against Hilary.

"But i suspect the GOP would rather run against Obama than run against Hilary"

Hillary would be much easier to beat than Obama in the presidential election..All you old farts keep discounting the youth vote that will come out in droves for Obama..Hillary will be able to mobolize old ladies and old men only..but then again with her money and all the old folks homes available she does have a good chance.

GaGambler1750 reads

Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

RightwingUnderground1580 reads

How old does one need to be before they turn into a "Fart"?

Its not how old you are... its how old you feel and whether you have any friends that aren't retired..

GaGambler2770 reads

The only reason I ask, is you brought up the subject repeatedly today, and nothing you have posted in the past has led me to believe that you are signifcantly younger than the norm here.

When you start making statements like you have today, it's a valid question.

"The only reason I ask, is you brought up the subject repeatedly today, and nothing you have posted in the past has led me to believe that you are signifcantly younger than the norm here.

When you start making statements like you have today, it's a valid quest"

 lol I think I am 60 but I look 80  and I still haven't grown up.

GaGambler1650 reads

but your last couple of posts indicate that you think that you have some kind of inside track on what the younger voters are thinking. I was wondering where you got that idea. Jerseyflyer made a good point. "Voters" under thirty rarely even make it to the polls.

BTW FYI I am 49, not a kid, but probably more in tune with the "younger" voters than you.

RightwingUnderground2155 reads

I only said that enough would fit the mold that The Clintons would be defeated.

The GOP prefers The Clintons over Obama.

"The GOP prefers The Clintons over Obama".

I would not bet on that and I reckon it would depend on what state is polled ...I have never voted Democrat in my life,and I definitely don't agree with most of Obamas policies but at least he hasn't proved to be a liar and a thief..

GaGambler4193 reads

at least no more than any other politician. She has however, been proven to be thinly disguised communist, an opportunistic bitch, and a  megalomaniac.

Obama, on the other hand, has not been proven to be a liar or a thief "yet" either, but he is a naive, inexperienced, unqualified, ideologue, who thinks we can "talk" to the likes of Chavez and  Ahmadinejad.

Only Huckabee could get me to even consider Clinton, and not even Huckabee could get me to consider Obama. Cinton IMO would make a horrible POTUS, but we could survive her presidency, Obama,OTOH,Jacko and Doc have often times said that nothing could be any worse than what we have now. Obama could make things much, much worse. I don't know if we could actuall survive four years of leadership as weak as Obama's portends to be.

Cpl_Punishment5250 reads

stop or slow down whatever you're doing.

This is the reason we should elect some lawyer who represents creditors - they understand that instinctively.

The real problem is that the presidency is as much about managing the different domestic issues as defense against foreign interests.  Then there is the issue of doing it half-assed efficiently, knowing things could change 180 tomorrow.

RightwingUnderground2226 reads

We're talking about who they prefer. . .
to run AGAINST, not elect.

"but at least he hasn't proved to be a liar and a thief.."

One of the reasons that he is more electable.

kerrakles1883 reads

attacking him SC.

Wait till the Grand Old Party gets hold of him, they will shred him to pieces.

Obama's church affiliation and his preachers praise Farakkan bothers heck out of me.

No way I will ever vote for him ever.

Lot of punditry about Obama's SC win. Looking at the demographics, it is nothing special. Jesse won it twice.

Timbow1806 reads

People Obama ain't gonna get the nomination .Ya have heard of Super delegates right ? It compromises 1/5 of the total vote and they do not have to follow who voters want to nominate.
 The mainline DEms will honor Bill and in the end he and Terry Mcullife Howard Dean and all will choose Hillary .
Pat Buchanan really showed how naive Joe Scarborurgh was last nite and he did not even bring this up to do it.

RightwingUnderground2789 reads

I did not say and neither did MrSD say that Obama was going to be nominated.

We said that IF he was nominated then it would be harder to beat Obama than The Clintons in the General Election.

BTW, I hope you are right about the brand new point you interjected into this thread.

Timbow2660 reads

I disagree then the Reps with McCain as the nominee would beat either Hillary  or Obama and I think Obama would be easier then Hillary .
The Clinton machine is more formidable then Obama and  if you think Swift boating was bad the Reps would crucify Obama .

Timbow2529 reads

Also people will not stay home out of anger to the Clintons if Obama does not get nomination that is naive to think that will occur.

-- Modified on 1/27/2008 8:26:20 PM

Timbow2422 reads


This looks valid from a ABC News clip .
It would be great in a  political ad :)
This action is a lot different  then not wearing a fricking US flag pin !

Obama is Hillary and Hillary is Obama.  They're just a couple of socialist fascists.  That's what they are.  They wanna turn the USA into Canada.  They wanna take away all our freedom.  The Republicans are gonna stand up and fight back.  Even shithead John McCann will win.

"Obama is Hillary and Hillary is Obama.  They're just a couple of socialist fascists.  That's what they are.  They wanna turn the USA into Canada.  They wanna take away all our freedom.  The Republicans are gonna stand up and fight back.  Even shithead John McCann will win.'

 McCain is not a Socialist??

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