Politics and Religion

hiilie the commie thinks "profit
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1848 reads


5 Deferments Dick3911 reads

of The Decider's war.

Back when Saddam was trying to smuggle oil out, the Navy used to intercept those based on the UN sanctions, put a prize crew on and auction it in Dubai.  Big surprise that it was always US & UK buyers for pennies on the dollar, eh?!

Now, I don't mind a little piracy as long as the pirates are on MY side.   But I guess GW figured out that this wasn't paying enough into his buddies' stock options, so he decided to go straight to the source.

No, I really don't think the RNC was stupid enough to think that a war would get more oil to market - or that they couldn't foresee the insurgency (Cheney is on tape predicting it in Gulf 1).  What they figured was that greed is good, and the US treasury pie needed to be made higher for all the other defense contractors and rip-off artistes.

But I do think a few of you boys are stupid enough to vote Republican.

The war "being fought for oil" or "protecting our oil interests in the Middle East" is a common politically correct reason/excuse for the war. Many anti-war people use this because they are either not aware or too cowardly to admit the real reason for the war and in turn why gas prices are high. A meaningful debate may be had on what reason is more ridiculous with regard to actually coming close to the real reason oil or "fighting so Iraqis can be free..

The fact is that big oil is restricted by the pillars of our policy in the Middle East. The oil companies could make billions more if the US government let them deal more freely with Arab nations. They are limited in their dealings because of the policy with regard to Israel. If we actually pursued American interests in the Middle East we could do more to lower gas prices. Not to say that is the only reason they are high, the oil companies are exibit number one of capitalism proving to be harmful to the country when proper regulations are not applied, but our support of Mordor on the Mediterrainean does not help ease supply and demand issues one bit.

And before my capitalism comment is taken out of context let me state that the founders of this nation never advocated this kind of gross abuse of a system that has resulted in the accumulation of wealth by a few. Communism,although advertised as a way to "share the wealth" ended up resulting in the same final result. This country when it was strong was what one might call a productive enterprise which protected the interests of the nation as a whole,all those who wished to contribute with hard work and application of their talents, while still letting those with good ideas that help the society and who have the ability to rise above the competition do so, but never at the expense of the society as a whole. A country with no production base and an economy that is hampered by money changers (usury) is doomed to fall and fall hard. The buisness of making money off of money and not producing anything of value is as far as you can get from the Western concept of civilization. It is the practice of parasitic aliens. When the host is dead or dying,as America clearly is, the parasites look for yet another host.

-- Modified on 4/9/2008 2:48:00 PM

kerrakles2155 reads

The Iraq is making 100 Billion in oil sales. Who is buying?
Where is it going?

Don't tell me the Chinese. I will pissed.

I really dont have alot of knwledge regarding oil profits and where they go. I would say that any money being taken in by the Iraqi government will be in the hands of people that are even more corrupt than Saddam Hussien. The current leaders are just puppets of the US government and Israel.

And what is 100 billion when it could be 500 billion. I have heard from several reliable sources that the oil companies could be making even more money if not for restrictions put on them due to the US desire to treat Israel as if it is the 51st state. I think one of those nations where they are restricted is Saudi Arabia,but I am not certain on that.

I mean what the the price per gallon of gas before this war for Israel in Iraq was started?? As the original poster mentioned this war has resulted in higher gas prices and anyone who thinks the main cause for this war was not to eliminate a main threat to Israel has no idea or concept of just what has transpired in that area over the past 60 years.

Personally I think the high gas prices will lead to good things. People will start paying attention to more than just the ballgames and reality shows if it gets to $4.00. The people running this country better reevauluate whether allowing this to go on will be beneficial to them in the end. It is high time that the treason that has occured in this country in the last several decades is punished by more than just an election defeat. I think that these rising prices,the loss of relative comfort and safety on the part of the masses, will straighten out there thiking quite a bit and put them in the correct mood with regard to just what action needs to be taken against the scum that run this country. The home crisis,gas prices all of these factors will also do much to make people concerned with something more than saying and doing the things necessary to remain politically correct. And that is the key to freedom,real freedom,once again being brought to victory. If the population is scared to even mention their overlords then there is no way they can be overthrown.

GaGambler2164 reads

would be over 13 million BOPD@ $100 per barrel. Iraq is not capable of producing anywhere near that much oil.

Your statement that the oil cos could be making more money if not for the restrictions put on them because of Israel is ludicrous. The oil cos fill demand for their product, if a country did in fact have such restrictions, the oil cos would not go without oil to supply their customers, nor would the country just sit on that oil. If you hadn't noticed oil is well above 100 per barrel nobody is sitting on excess capacity at these prices.

You state that you don't have a lot of knowledge about oil profits, you certainly proved that point.

kerrakles2563 reads

Came from the recent Congressional hearings on Iraq so, they have capacity to produce.

Moreover, I don't think higher oil prices change peoples behavior that much. Look at how many people eat unhealthy food knowingly. As society, we are not that disciplined (majority, I mean). 10% may be.

Gazillion horse power on a vehicle to go 75 Mph 10 of the time, rest of the time sitting in traffic. Sounds like great investment on Horse power. I would like to see limiting horse power for every vehicle other than commercial and have the Auto companies compete mileage, instead of competing on Horse Power, like who has the biggest dick.

GaGambler2684 reads

It was our local jew basher's claim that they could produce $500 billion if not for our releationship with Israel that I called bullshit on.

$100 billion in oil equals a little over 2 1/2 million BOPD in production which is right in line with Iraq's actual output. $500 Billion would be more in line with 12 or 13 million BOPD, there is absolutely no way in hell Iraq could produce anywhere near that much oil under any circumstances.

Eventually prices will impact consumption, there is a "pain" point at which consumers will demand higher mileage. I don't know what that number is, but we haven't hit it yet.

kerrakles1763 reads

but wasting it. I do believe we waste a lot more than we actually use.

Of course stating the fact that the Arab nations are not inclined in the least to untighten the screws on how much they charge for oil to a nation that has supported the atrocious behavior of the Israeli regime is taken as "jew bashing". I would be willing to wager a large sum that if the US government ceased all support of Israel that the Arab nations would consider a price cut,a significant one.As it is the Arab nations are in no mood to loosen the screws a bit.

Hmmm sounds like a good way for a patriotic group to really gain the admiration of the people, gain power, change that biased policy,then the gas prices drop like a rock....Something tells me that support for the new regime and all other measures they wanted to carry out would be supported. Controlling the masses of sheep can cut both ways as hopefully the current ruling traitors and aliens will find out some time in the not so distant future.

GaGambler867 reads

Oil is a world wide commodity, not just an American consumer product. Israel could cease to exist tomorrow and we still wouldn't see fifty dollar oil, much less twenty.

The world uses over eighty million barrels a day which is just about what the world is capable of producing without billions of dollars of new investment. We might be the worlds biggest consumer of oil, but we are far from the only one.

Notwithstanding the Arab world's issues with us regarding Israel, they will still act in their own self interest and getting top dollar for their number one resource has very little to do with whether or not they like their customers. Business is still business.

BTW your statement about $500 Billion dollars a year worth of oil being produced by Iraq is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard, even around here where people make stupid, uninformed declarations all the time.

your statement about $500 Billion dollars a year worth of oil being produced by Iraq is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard, even around here where people make stupid, uninformed declarations all the time."""


are you even the least bit surprised by that?

Shouldn't there currently be an "Israeli tax" imposed on the US under talldim's logic, and yet Canada pays the same Saudi price as US does.

Theory B rears its head again. He's just an ignorant buffoon.

that the war in Iraq was simply done for Israel because they somehow dictate US foreign policy, and also you claim that Jews control all the mainstream media.
Yet, all the mainstream media (with the exception of Fox News) slams the war in Iraq constantly, by trumpeting every casualty, any security breaches, general mismanagement of the war effort, supposed corruption with Haliburton etc etc.

Guess those Jews just can't make up their minds what they want.
Or else you are an ignorant buffoon.

Hmmm, I'm going with theory B.

Timbow1883 reads


Massive Oil Deposit Could Increase US reserves by 10x

America is sitting on top of a super massive 200 billion barrel Oil Field that could potentially make America Energy Independent and until now has largely gone unnoticed. Thanks to new technology the Bakken Formation in North Dakota could boost America’s Oil reserves by an incredible 10 times, giving western economies the trump card against OPEC’s short squeeze on oil supply and making Iranian and Venezuelan threats of disrupted supply irrelevant.

In the next 30 days the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) will release a new report giving an accurate resource assessment of the Bakken Oil Formation that covers North Dakota and portions of South Dakota and Montana. With new horizontal drilling technology it is believed that from 175 to 500 billion barrels of recoverable oil are held in this 200,000 square mile reserve that was initially discovered in 1951. The USGS did an initial study back in 1999 that estimated 400 billion recoverable barrels were present but with prices bottoming out at $10 a barrel back then the report was dismissed because of the higher cost of horizontal drilling techniques that would be needed, estimated at $20-$40 a barrel.

It was not until 2007, when EOG Resources of Texas started a frenzy when they drilled a single well in Parshal N.D. that is expected to yield 700,000 barrels of oil that real excitement and money started to flow in North Dakota. Marathon Oil is investing $1.5 billion and drilling 300 new wells in what is expected to be one of the greatest booms in Oil discovery since Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938.

The US imported about 14 million barrels of Oil per day in 2007 , which means US consumers sent about $340 Billion Dollars over seas building palaces in Dubai and propping up unfriendly regimes around the World, if 200 billion barrels of oil at $90 a barrel are recovered in the high plains the added wealth to the US economy would be $18 Trillion Dollars which would go a long way in stabilizing the US trade deficit and could cut the cost of oil in half in the long run.


-- Modified on 4/9/2008 8:31:38 PM

kerrakles2089 reads

-- Modified on 4/10/2008 5:31:17 AM

GaGambler1584 reads

There just aren't any reserves that can be developed cheaply. Primary oil recovery rarely yields more than 20% of the original oil in place leaving countless billions of barrels still in the ground. We know it's there, it's just expensive to coax out of the ground. With prices anywhere near todays levels it becomes cost efficient to produce those remaining reserves.

speculate on exploration, thereby keeping the oil in the ground so it never gets used...

we are in a far weaker position when we depend on others for our energy needs and since amreica is an evil nation, that is a good thing

praise allah and nancy pelosi

GaGambler2091 reads

It was she who promised in her most Mao Tse Tung style to "take the oil cos profits away from them" I guess the $25 Billion dollars that Exxon already pays isn't enough for her. She wants to tax them out of existence so we will be completley dependent on foreign oil.

5 Deferments Dick1920 reads

with mah shotgun, since we know hitting ya in the head wouldn't hurt - but ah'm not a very good shot.  Ah'm hoping ya don't have much memory, but this danged videotape technology keeps fucking me over!!

Timbow1517 reads

''What Findley, Lycos and Halliburton discovered is the Elm Coulee Field in eastern Montana. Elm Coulee now pumps 45,000 to 50,000 barrels a day of light sweet crude, real Texas T, at a 40 to 42 degree API. ''



the USGS estimates are still ~25 times more in recoverable oil than originally anticipated .....using current technology.
And a limited number of wells have already been bringing oil in.

Interesting stuff.

The most powerful lobby group in Washington,bar none, is AIPAC. AIPAC,a grouping of a gaggle of proIsrael groups contribute massive, massive amounts of money to the coffers of politicians in return for them to be pro-Israel at all times. They also have pumped money into the coffers of politicians who have ran against patriotic politicians who have taken a stand for a pro-American foriegn policy in the Middle East. Do some research on how Paul Findley (Ill) and Charles Percy were booted from office in the 80's.

Findley wrote a book called "They Dare to speak out" which interviewed a wide range of figures that spoke on this control of the pro-Israel lobby. This is no secret,even lefty peacenik Jimmy Carter has written on the subject.

If you look at the strategy used by Jews over time it has always been based on having a stake in both sides of an issue. Take gun control. It is obvious to any person who acknowledges the truth that many of the people who have lead the assault against the 2nd amendment are Jews. Yet their is an organization called "Jews for the preservation of firearms" or something to that effect. People who can look past the ruse anmd observe what the majority of jews are backing can see this. The media's supposed stand against the war has not done much of anything to actually end the damn thing has it, if they really wanted it to end they could do much toward that end.

You think I am just some "ignorant Jew hater" but your missing the fact that everywhere in the world,save for the United States, and to a lesser extent Europe (there is more even coverage of the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians in Europe than in the US where Israel is rarely put in a negative light). You may be suprised to know that you in fact are in the minority to think that the "victims with nukes" are not to blame for the lion's share of the trouble there.

-- Modified on 4/10/2008 4:58:14 PM

because you put the word 'truth' in capital letters?

BuckFush!1466 reads

Regardless of your political affiliations, you must agree that the f*ckin' ahole is a little simple minded denseheaded dork and both he and his evil overlord, Dickless "I didn't mean to shoot anyone" Chaney have screwed up this once great nation of ours.

Keep voting Republican and your children better start learning to speak chinese so that when those bastards take over this place, your children will be prepared.

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