Politics and Religion

Hi jackdumsbass
JackDunphy 2244 reads
1 / 26

Now according to Barry, we have to add "workplace flexibility" to that list. Good grief.

Does this big eared bozo EVER help me run my business so I could possibly hire more people?

More taxes, more regulations, disastrous O'Bummercare, pushing for a higher min. wage, flex time, child care, paid sick leave, etc etc etc.

Hey Mr President, since you were a community organizer, you've NEVER had to make payroll, deal with the IRS, keep your employee morale up, deal with a terrible economy, global competition, local competition, OSHA, EEOC, etc.  

And you know what, I get it. But how about checking with SOMEONE you do trust that does manage to deal with all the crap I have to deal with and try ONCE to understand just how hard it is to make it today despite all the blowhard know nothings like Krugman that crow about "record and unfair profits."

JohnyComeAlready 464 reads
2 / 26

Which I fully support, with one exception. You had to be alive when slavery was legal in the U.S.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 491 reads
3 / 26

What kind business do you run? If you require less than subsistence wages, workers without health care, want free run to rough shod of over people, environment, you fucking don’t how to run cow shed.

You are just dumbs who sits in his corner watching Faux news spreading lies and thinking it is the truth because your dumbs doesn’t truth from lies.

Other developed country have more regulation and they seem to be doing K. Look at Germany.  

Suppose your goal is to make workers standard of living same as the Chines. Why don’t you build 8x11 rooms and pack 8 in a room? You can’t do it because of regulations, right?

Blowing Chunks 508 reads
4 / 26

At least learn some grammar and learn how to form legible sentences.  LMAO!!!!  

Or is it that the fungus growing in the brain is causing some learning disabilities?

JohnyComeAlready 552 reads
5 / 26

I discovered the building had been leased to an temp-to-hire, employment agency.

Who's running this country?
Posted By: anonymousfun
What kind business do you run? If you require less than subsistence wages, workers without health care, want free run to rough shod of over people, environment, you fucking don’t how to run cow shed.  
 You are just dumbs who sits in his corner watching Faux news spreading lies and thinking it is the truth because your dumbs doesn’t truth from lies.  
 Other developed country have more regulation and they seem to be doing K. Look at Germany.  
 Suppose your goal is to make workers standard of living same as the Chines. Why don’t you build 8x11 rooms and pack 8 in a room? You can’t do it because of regulations, right?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 401 reads
6 / 26

union hall buddies’?

Now, retards think it is Obama’s fault.  


JackDunphy 548 reads
7 / 26

And then he lied to the unions.

Remember when the tough Obama said he would put on his sneakers and walk with ANY union and picket so evil people wouldn't take away collective bargaining rights for unions?

But then "Mr Rhetoric Obama" disintegrated, and yet AGAIN "Mr Do Nothing Obama" filled in for him.

"Obama campaigned big, but he's governing small," said Larry Hanley, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union.

Guess Obama needs someone to not only find those missing emails, but his sneakers too. :D

GaGambler 442 reads
8 / 26

but you have to love it when our respective morons start talking to each other. It's really tough to figure out who should really win the SPOTY, they are both so deserving of the award. lmao

86H13LTP 375 reads
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skin color and ability to read fiction out loud to other delusional clowns who believe it to be truth .

-- Modified on 6/22/2014 2:41:49 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 584 reads
10 / 26

This is incredibly stupid. Flex time is commonly practiced in Europe. The result? Far lower poverty rates.  

It's simple. If a corporation says their payroll is too large, then instead of laying people off, and throwing their world upside down, you instead cut everyone's hours by a little bit.  

With a company with 160 employees, that needs to cut it's payroll by 40 hours, it works like this. Instead of laying off 1 guy, who now has to find another job, maybe get put on public assistance for the time being, and deals with the stress of losing all their income, you instead have all 160 employees cut 15 minutes of their schedule. Those employees will never miss those extra 15 minutes.  

Why in the fuck would you be opposed to this? Are you just a shitty person who likes to see some people get laid off

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 351 reads
11 / 26

WTF are you bloviate mg about? Something bat shit crazy Reptards made up? Go back to your cave with your guns.

JackDunphy 443 reads
12 / 26

Isn't that the place where the unemployment rate in Greece is 27%, Spain, 26% and Italy 20%? LOL.  

And aren't they all going broke from legacy costs?

And if its so great for business, why isn't business behind it? Big Gigantic Stupid Wasteful Government doesn't need to mandate something to benefit businesses. If it is beneficial, they will adopt it w/o the need for Bams to get involved.

And if its so great Willy, why did it take Barry 6 years to even mention it? roflmao.

You are witnessing the big, inevitable meltdown of the nanny European state and you want us to adopt those destructive policies???


-- Modified on 6/23/2014 11:24:13 AM

JohnyComeAlready 406 reads
13 / 26

One parent could stay home with the children every day of the week.

an "involved" parent can teach their child way more than any government mandated head start program.

GaGambler 437 reads
14 / 26

Check out some of the posts by our lefty friends who wanted so badly to emulate Europe, that is until many of those countries they held in such high regard, like the ones you mention virtually collapsed. Now they are a little more muted in their wishes to be more like Europe, but even after the fact, that's still what they want.

Everyone wants to be a grasshopper and no one wants to be an ant, but maybe that's why so many of us ants support the second amendment? To fend off those hungry grasshoppers who were too lazy to work and now want to take what we have earned by force.

JohnyComeAlready 339 reads
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is here in America we have a constant influx of both legal, and illegal immigrants coming to this nation looking for work. Along with the natural born citizens, who will eventually need employment.

Some policy will never work with an open board.

Then we have the technological advances of automation as well.

There are NO! workable solutions to unemployment.
Posted By: JackDunphy
Isn't that the place where the unemployment rate in Greece is 27%, Spain, 26% and Italy 20%? LOL.  
 And aren't they all going broke from legacy costs?  
 And if its so great for business, why isn't business behind it? Big Gigantic Stupid Wasteful Government doesn't need to mandate something to benefit businesses. If it is beneficial, they will adopt it w/o the need for Bams to get involved.  
 And if its so great Willy, why did it take Barry 6 years to even mention it? roflmao.  
 You are witnessing the big, inevitable meltdown of the nanny European state and you want us to adopt those destructive policies???  

-- Modified on 6/23/2014 11:24:13 AM

JohnyComeAlready 346 reads
16 / 26

The mosquito should have never lent the the grasshopper the ant's capital

St. Croix 598 reads
17 / 26

And I ain't talking about yanking your fucking dick! A lot of companies rank their employees. Jack Welch came up with a 20/70/10 model. To cut through the bullshit, the top 20% of employees are usually the most productive. They are the best of the best. Your "A" players. You shower them with money, gifts, recognition, and maybe a promotion. The 70% are OK, not great, not bad. You work with them. You train, coach, mentor, and maybe a few will elevate to an "A" game. Then you have your 10%. Every company has them. Let me repeat, every company, big or small, has them. Maybe the company blew it during the recruiting/hiring process. Whether it was the company's fault or the employee, you have to get rid of them, because keeping them pisses off the 20%.  

Whether a company is going through a major restructuring, or needs to reduce payroll by a small amount. No 20 percenter in their right mind would reduce their compensation by 20%, 10%, 5%, or in your example a fraction of 1%. Because once you start fucking with their compensation, you'll eventually lose them.  
Posted By: willywonka4u
This is incredibly stupid. Flex time is commonly practiced in Europe. The result? Far lower poverty rates.  
 It's simple. If a corporation says their payroll is too large, then instead of laying people off, and throwing their world upside down, you instead cut everyone's hours by a little bit.  
 With a company with 160 employees, that needs to cut it's payroll by 40 hours, it works like this. Instead of laying off 1 guy, who now has to find another job, maybe get put on public assistance for the time being, and deals with the stress of losing all their income, you instead have all 160 employees cut 15 minutes of their schedule. Those employees will never miss those extra 15 minutes.  
 Why in the fuck would you be opposed to this? Are you just a shitty person who likes to see some people get laid off?  

GaGambler 491 reads
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even the stupid and incompetent according to the likes of Willy. If you were to ask him which employee to cut, his answer would invariably be to start cutting at the top with the people that actually run shit, leaving a headless chicken of course that eventually will fail completely, leaving all the employees, even the stupid ones he wants to protect so badly, jobless as well.

Blowing Chunks 386 reads
19 / 26

The more I think about it,  I think sex in the office isn't fair.  
Remember,  sex in the office existed before there was office. Rofl

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 479 reads
20 / 26

My last corporate job, and probably the longest I could stand in that atmosphere of backbiting because of their huge layoffs.  I witnessed 3 during my 7 years.  My dept had 50 employee's, and I accidentally saw a spreadsheet that had us ranked.  It had our salaries, how much personal leave we used, our production numbers, how much vacation we were owed.  I figured out quickly that the bottom 2 were about to fired, well laid off is what they called it.  How anybody can continue to work under that kind of stress until retirement is beyond me.  The whole dept were on anti-depressants and the worst back-biting (mostly the women) from job scared people was enough to drive me crazy.  I was at the doctors constantly on high blood pressure medicine, had migraines, ringing in my ears, and TMJ from clenching and grinding my teeth toxic stressed.  I left corporate America from my doctors advice.

I have outlived my father that stroked out due to corporate stress.  And don't even have high blood pressure at all anymore.  :)

JohnyComeAlready 533 reads
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Management or employees who actually produce an end product/service?

Most organizations do not need the amount of management they employee.


Why do you think the A players need a BJ to stay where they are and remain productive?


I'd like to know what specific type of organization you are talking about. The variables you mention, apply in a different fashion, depending on the business.

JohnyComeAlready 386 reads
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Sure blame the stupid/lazy hires.  

What about the people who run shit, I think they need to be replaced. They ain't running shit to well are they?... if they have people they can afford to fire.

Blowing Chunks 441 reads
24 / 26

Unfortunately, I did work in an environment similar to that. Didn't see any spread sheet but constant layoffs were the norm. I left that bull shit for something much better and with plenty of vacation time. I don't miss a thing. lol

Blowing Chunks 503 reads
25 / 26

That didn't work. They are all still employed and google is thriving.  

The specific organizations that have too many management employed find out they have too many useless employees when their numbers don't make sense. Eventually they fire the unproductive ones.  I'm thinking it's a never-ending self-correcting mechanism. It reaches maximum efficiency during its worst periods and goes back to being a bloated pig during high times

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 491 reads
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until years later when I looked back on the situation and what it done to my health.  Almost all which have cleared up from a compromised immune system (graves disease), IBS, anxiety, depression, fatigue, high blood pressure, migraines, TMJ, Tinnitus, body pain (Fibromyalgia)  

I would rather go through sexual harassment on the job, then ever work in an environment of women bullies ever again.  

Escorting literally saved my life.  Thank you, I don't have to take any medications and I healed from the abuse.  Thank you to anyone that provided that reprieve for me here at TER.  I am grateful.

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