Politics and Religion

Hezbollah and Hamas, Not Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto," Is Behind
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2855 reads

the unexplained and mysterious collapse of he Aztec civilization.

Or was it the Inca civilization?

No matter -- they'll be blamed for both!

More and more, objective journalists from around the world are getting the real truth out there. Here again, pictorial proof of the evil of Hizbullah and their repugnant use of innocents as shields for their cynical propaganda. This is just another Jenin propaganda exercise. Arabs kill their own children without compunction to serve their political ends.
But go ahead and keep blaming Israel and the Jews for everything. Mel Gibson's voice needs a chorus.

Explain to me how that works? Israel bombs a building. Eight hours later, it collapses on dozens of innocent victims. Innocents who were forced to stay indoors by Hizbullah murderers despite the imminent collapse of the structure.

But let them continue to blame Israel. Its a groovy thing.

In the absence of the building being bombed by Israel, would it have collapsed? Your grasp of cause-and-effect leaves a bit to be desired.  But I suppose even the law of gravity has it in for Israel.  That Issac Newton, what an accursed anti-Semite!

The point you really want to make, that Hezbollah, by forcing those innocents to stay in the attacked building [if true] is of course correct.  But, IF TRUE?  And that in no way changes the fact that Israel attacked the building.

Also encouraged to see that you can conceive of any non-Israeli as an "innocent."  Progress indeed.

as many as possible before the building collapsed on some of the rescuers and those trapped inside.

The sequence leading to the collapse of the WTC is by now understood and documented in a book by a top northwestern U.prof. If Hizbollah really cared that much about the women and children why not follow the nyc example and swing into action right as the bldg. was struck unless they had an ulterior motive to create more victims!In attacking Hizzbulah positions israeli pilots are not equipped to distinguish between genders and between members/nonmembers of Hizbollah.

engineers who would think the bldg would collapse.

Mistakes are far more common than malice throughout life, and that's much more true in combat.   In politics, dumbness replaces both mistakes and malice.

You will need a more credible source then Australia if you want to counter the pictures of slaughtered children out of the world's psyche.  Sorry.  Obviously you did not read the article; which means you do not want a dialogue, only a one-sided "Rantfest".

You're right -- and this is not even a war. How does any ofthis bring the abducted Corporal Shalit [remember him?] and the other two IDF abductees any closer to release?

And I guess that, since 90+ minutes passed between the impacts of the crashed jetliners and the collapse of the two WTC towers, it was faulty construction and design, poor building materials, and whatnot that caused them to collapse.

Doc, we admire your devotion to your cause, but sometimes we question the rationality behind that devotion.  Be a mensch, just take your lumps, they're few enough  and far between enough as it is for the partisans of your cause.

-- Modified on 7/31/2006 11:42:28 PM

I've been taking my lumps as a Jew my whole friggin life. Maybe it is YOU and your terrorist comrades who should take their lumps. oh wait... they are. no wonder you're screaming for the Jews... oh, pardon me... for the ISRAELI's  to be reined in.
I never see you bleating one word of protest when the Arabs bomb schools. Or blow up buses loaded with innocent people.

But wait... your position is only because you are an American Patriot. Bullshit, you're a terrorist sympathizer. Rot in Hell.

you've got that trike, and you're complaining??!!

More credible and sympathetic to complain about women.

The most important being that Hezbollah and most of the rest of these fellows consistently pursue a stated policy of attacking women and children, and taking hostages, as a weapon of war.   That happened in WTC, it happened at Entebbe, throughout all the pizza parlor suicide bombings, etc. etc.

The fact that civilians actually get killed in combat does not mean somebody intended to aim at them.   Perishable or plain bad intelligence, weapons CEPs (often increased by ground fire) combine to make bombardment a very inexact tool.  When a man takes a shot at a passing a/c from his rooftop, nobody can be surprised if the next a/c eliminates him and all household members from the gene pool.   Maybe it's overreaction, but you're not the one living in the bomb shelter because this fellow's neighbors are lobbing rockets at your outhouse.

So we have a real big difference here, that the Israelis are pursuing a conventional war by western standards, while Hezbollah is not.  Of course this is true of most guerrillas, except that killing civilians is more a tool than a goal for most of them.  And you can argue the fairness of it all, but the idea that because a nation fights with one hand tied behind its back, it should fight with both hands tied, that logic does not follow.

My suggestion that some sort of uniform standard should be applied to both.

The next should be equally obvious - people tried to get out of the WTC, and couldn't.   There was no suggestion here that these people tried to get out of the bldg.  It would make more sense to assume that these 3rd worlders did not recognize the bldg might collapse - and fairly, that might have happened to any of us.  They might have needed the shelter.

But the question does come down to asking, what evidence do you have to show the Israelis are trying to hit civilians instead of fighters, as Hezbollah does?   Because combat is a very inexact affair.   And I've seen enough Israeli after-action reports to know that these fellows are not much more proficient than any other reservists - and yes, that means the Arabs are truly, truly pathetic.

By the way, the Mel Gibson contretemps, is that Schdenfreude heroin for Abe Foxman?

I tell you, those unreconstructed Baltimore Cathecism RCs HAVE GOT TO stay away from that sacramental wine.

Still, if all the predicate felons in the music industry can be given a pass, I don't see why Gibson's drunken outburst should count for all that much.

But I guess trafficing in narcotics and ordering murders, like Suge Knight, is more acceptable as it did not involve any offensive drunken coments aimed at the Jewish population? I mean, what's murder compared to a few hurt feelings?

Odd set of standards methinks?

the eventual contraction and total collapse of the universe back into it's pre "big bang" state.

economic depression, a falling birthrate, geographical overextension, a weakened currency, the fatuities of Christianity, the rapant  pracice of decandant sexual vices,  the invaions and depredation ofthe Germanic barbarian hordes, the inevitability of change, and the historian Gibbon were behind the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

Wars, ndustrial overproduction and massive, unsound stock market speculation was behind the Great Depression, 1929-41 !!!

inadequate operating procedures and emergency protocols, was behind the disasters at Three Mile Island in 1979 AND Chernobyl [spelling?] in 1986 !!!

the american buffalo in the 19th century !!!

[Actually, I'm told they're really bison  -- buffalo is the type found in Asia and some parts of Africa.  No doubt Hez & Hamas have done damage to them as well!].

conspirators, was responsible for the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE !!!

of global macroecomonic trends, technological innovation and obsolescence, the predatory neo-Mercantalist policies of East Asian state-directed economies, transnational capital flows, short-sighted economic policies on the part of the US, and bargain-hungry US consumers was responsible for the massive losses in the US steel, auto, shipbuilding, and consumer electronics industries !!!

crappy seamanshipo was responsible for the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 !!!

failure, was behind the Irish potato famine in the 1840s !!!

criminally inept British generalship, was behind the destruction of the Light Brigade in 1854 during the Crimean War !!!

disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa in 1975 and Judge Crater in 1931[?] !!!!!

the forbidden apple, was responsible for the fall of man and his subsequent expulsion from the Garden of Eden by God !!!

the unexplained and mysterious collapse of he Aztec civilization.

Or was it the Inca civilization?

No matter -- they'll be blamed for both!

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