Politics and Religion

Obama and his $100 million vacation w/family
nuguy46 2997 reads

he let sequestration happen..actually encouraged it.
cancelled WH tours....school kids, etc visit on recess/vacations.

then he stumbled off to Africa spending est $100 million.

IS he saying to all Americans and his illegal buds, UP Y**** ??

...when he's going to Africa for the purposes of diplomacy and foreign relations? What? Is the black President going on vacation to Africa? If he were white, would you say a trip to Africa is "vacation"?

The nutty tea baggers were the ones who insisted on sequestration. They said, we gotta cut gov't. Well guess what? We cut gov't. When you cut gov't spending, you cut the least important shit first. Like tours of the fucking White House.

There's your bed, dumbass. Now sleep in it.

Panthera12873 reads

If it was just "work" he wouldn't be taking his offspring with him. His work ethic is almost non existent. He's just around for the ride in the next few years. He will probably spend more time on his pardon list then any other single issue aside from a possible invasion somewhere in the Middle East.  

Remember they cancelled a safari because they were afraid of getting eaten by lions. It's not safe without a dozen sharpshooters shielding him in any open area.

mrnogood831 reads

Not sure what I my caplock key wouldn't turn off in the title of this post. I am not yelling, however, that said.. We would be lucky if Obama spent his last few years on a pardon list.. What it looks like he is about to do is rule over us by executive order while he throws the Carbon taxes down our throats.

It also looks like he is going to declare a full blown war on our privacy, right to protest, and free speech.. With his secret FISA courts..

I hope you're right because what I see happening is something much worse

Posted By: Panthera12
If it was just "work" he wouldn't be taking his offspring with him. His work ethic is almost non existent. He's just around for the ride in the next few years. He will probably spend more time on his pardon list then any other single issue aside from a possible invasion somewhere in the Middle East.  

Remember they cancelled a safari because they were afraid of getting eaten by lions. It's not safe without a dozen sharpshooters shielding him in any open area.

Panthera12985 reads

Whatever his masters put before him he will sign especially if it involves trashing the people and the Constitution.

followme934 reads

Be at the top of his own pardon list .

Yes it is a vacation under the guise of an official trip.

Thank you  
2014 = GOP Senate and House

Shall we recount the most days any president was on "vacation" in Crawford TX? Oh that was ok cuz it was GWB and he was a white guy.

Really, the ignorance that you would even complain this Africa is a "vacation" when it has been slated as a diplomatic trip for a very long time.

Why do you nit pick on stupid shit, and I mean stupid shit. How many times have you fudged an expense report isn't that stealing from your employer? How many times have you added expenses to your expense report to cover seeing a girl? Let's go down all the things that you have cheated your employer on and cost us the consumers to have price increases? Are you getting the picture yet

Gawd when will you republicans worry about a jobs bill instead of "vacations" that are just rhetoric by the right. Ignorance is abound on this board by republicans. Also, it seems that this board is just a insult board, why cant anyone on the right debate with facts instead of rhetoric from the faux news channel, rush Limbaugh talking points and glenn beck. Please before you post something can we please discuss facts and not ad hominum attacks on individuals

sessions to ease the tension I feel oozing from the monitor.  Now take a big breath, then exhale and lets all say the chant... "we did this to Bush so it is only fair, they do it to Obama, we had the chance to not do it to Bush, but it felt so good to criticize him"  There there, feel better?! I hope so.  Now lets discuss rationally....

Make no mistake about it, I did not like Bush, most of his policies, but Obama/??  instead of correcting the excesses of Bush/Cheney seems to take Glee in expanding survailance of US Citizens and punishing them when they disagree with his position - Yea, we all know the IRS has been used by D and R presidents to go after perceived political enemies - no one is innocent there.  Be a big boy and admit that! But tell THIS president, he can fix it, and he should... and make it so that in the future when it happens (no matter D or R) it is instantly brought to the forefront. No beurocrat should have that much power.

the NSA - keeping and analyzing all phone communications.... and then listening in... Even "some" of the right challenged media become somewhat concerned about that!  Come on, this should be stopped, no matter who is in the president - maybe started by Bush, but continued and expanded by BO.  

Now, BO has determined that he can use Drones to both spy and kill us citizens without due process.

Oh, as for sequester?  BO set it up so that he decides which services etc. get cut.  A real man would have said, I need this "African" trip but the American people are still feeling the pain of a recession, so maybe the wife and kids, stay home, and emphasize that we are ALL cutting back (GW had no sequester)....  

As to padding expenses... I worked for a small company, which had a layer of ineffective VPs...  The BOD was exhausted trying to figure out who to fire, and how to fire them without a bunch of legal issues... they hired an executive VP whose job it was to do just that.  I was called into his office, he had a pile of expense vouchers, and we went through mine, item by item and I had to justify every item. I did.  He did the same with the VPs.  they all resigned within a week.  I never thought to steal that big.

Anyone who pads an expense report in this day and age of electronic record keeping is just dumb - they may let you do it, but if someone gets a hair across their ass about you, you've just handed them the tool to fry your ass.

Don't be a putz and continue the partisan ship, recognize that both parties do the following:
Cheat and  

In case you didn't notice I'm not a hobbiest. I am the provider and thus I am self employed so how can I pad an expense report when I don't have one.

Really are you that paranoid? Do you know how many people it would take to listen in on all these phone calls you are claiming they listened in on?  

How much more do you think it would cost to have michelle and the girls go on the trip? They stay in the same room, they fly on airforce one which is already going their. They have secret service here so they go with them? Do you know that if it is a vacation they have to pay for the vacation. The American people don't pay for many things that many of you claim we pay for. Maybe you should read the income tax return that is released to the public to realize the amount they pay.

Everyone pads expense reports. It's called miscellaneous expenses you don't have receipts for. Like tips for caps.. Or you get extra hand made receipts from the cab driver and make up cab rides. How do I know... I saw it daily when I was an accountant. I still see it, many of the guys that take me out to dinner will put it on their expense report saying they took so and so out. So don't try and tell me you never did it. Many of the expenses the companies cant prove if they are legit.

Ok, so you are self employed.  I am also.  I consult - and much as an escort, I get folks telling me, "do your stuff, and if I am satisfied, I'll pay you what I think your work is worth." Sound familiar?  I tell them, "no, consulting is kind of like prostitution, you pay me for what I value my time (and I know how i value my time to the penny, because I keep strict accounting of all my expenses with the assistance of my tax accountant)."  If you do otherwise, you only cheat yourself, and if ou are an accountant, you know that to be true.

as to listening in - they don't have to listen in to every phone call! and indeed the NSA has admitted that the "data" is reduced to electronic signals which can be analyzed - for example if the words "bomb, C4, white house, president, revenge, damage, and Allah Akbar" are used in an e-mail or phone conversation, said conversation or e-mail may then be reviewed by a person.  This technology has been available for some time.  What we see from a technology standpoint, is only a small fraction of what is available...

I frequently ask people, when they come out with blather like this:
   What do you know about the "hanford facility"
   What is the "purpose" behind In-Q-Tel?
   What is located at the Savannah River Plant that would enable them to blow planes out of the sky  
      who accidently fly over the facility?
   Why was a building at FT Dietrick sealed for many years so that no one could enter?!
   What was the reason for the closure of  Plum Island and the removal of the research there to the
       continental US where there is no "water barrier" to the accidental release of a bio agent to the
       US?  (talk about a scenario for WWZ!!!)

For the most part, I tell folks unless you know the answers to the above, don't vote because you can't intelligently pick a president (senator, congressman) to oversee these operations.  Our Government keeps secrets, lies and worse has done and continues to do stuff to the citizens it is supposed to defend and protect (read the frikkin constitution)  

I observed the DNA technology that was used to ID Ben Ladin, years before it was made public after the mission which took his life.

Baby, your in an industry which is probably well observed, but they choose not to go after.  and the "guys' that cheat get away with it do so only because they've not crossed swords with the wrong bad-ass dude or dudette.....  Yet.

As to Michelle's vacation. Sorry, but I can't give a pass to this guy and his free-spending spouse.  Espercially at the time when millions of americans are struggling just to feed themselves - sorry just can't do it.  And we DO pay for these things - all of us.  If you are an accountant- ya know we do.  Either that, or our govenment is even more corrupt than I think - look at the income that the us govenment takes from us (by the by, fewer and fewer of us every year pay into the system, and more and more of us on the dole!).

Grow up, its not that this will happen to you, its that it can.

Oh please cant give Michelle a pass because of his free-spending spouse? excuse me who are to say what she can spend her own money on?

I have first hand experience of what the govt spends and what the publics perception of what govt spends are. Both my parents worked for the kennedy and Johnson administrations, my mother was a secretary for a deputy (3rd from the secretary) cia agent and my father worked in the pentagon as a lt colonel. What you perceive to be your "facts" are not reality.

We as a country can not say well the American people are in a recession so we will let all diplomatic relations go to hell. Obviously, you don't sound like you have experience in govt, I am not naïve to spending, there is plenty of waste don't get me wrong but when you go after The first family and what they spend its not your money. They have to pay for all expenses in the private residence, their food, their travel, their clothes all the normal things you pay for to live. Michelle is paying for this trip, regardless if you like it or not. The American people don't pay for the girls school you are just trying to find something to ridicule something that is a non issue. WE DO NOT PAY FOR THESE THINGS. Educate yourself on what we pay for a president and what we don't pay.  

You seem to have the mind set that everything is corrupt and since I believe A then they shouldn't do what I cant do. You do not have a basic understand of what the government is for or how it works. Everything in this world is corrupt, corporations, even you yourself is corrupt to a certain degree. It's a matter of how corrupt and your perception of how things can and can not work.

When you realize that if you take a positive attitude toward government, it might not be as corrupt as you portray it to be and it might start working for you if you determine how it can benefit you instead of being so harmful to you. It's like is the cup half full or half empty?

Yes, the President receives a salary (actually it is less than most executives of global corps) BUT, when BO is asking sacrifice from so many, is it in good form that he put on an ostentatious display?  As to the cost of the trip, she pays a very small portion of the trip as she does not provide for the additional security necessary for herself and children.  As to diplomatic relations - I didn't say he should not go, only that this additional trip (along with Michelle's other trips - spain and mexico to name two) seems a tad much.

As to the girls school, where did I say anything about their school?  To tell the truth, they should go to a private school while BO is president as a matter of security.

As far as who your parents or grandparents worked for, I am sure they are great folks but what does that have to do with this conversation?  My grandfather was a judge for over 50 years... but that does not make me a lawyer.

Again, my comments are directed at what governments DO, and I am fully aware of what they have the capability of doing; please read the attachement and answer my questions about facilities around the US - that is what we ARE currently doing and the facilities that DO them.  Compare that to what the US govenment has done and continues to do today.  Please don't lecture me about govenment, especially an administraction that is accelerating the day when they will have the right to do things to us all, in the name of security.  And as I say, don't think my comments are targeted at only BO as they are NOT.  I believe that our federal govenment has become too big and has taken too many of our individual liberties and protections found in the "Bill of Rights" for any of us to be complacent about this or any administration.  By the by, how and was the "bill of rights" created?!  One simple explanation was to prevent the type of intrusive govenment we seem to be  moving towards.

Finally as to my view of corruption - I know many honorable and honest men and women, who don't lie, cheat and steal (none of them work for the government).  They work hard, contribute to their communities and are a joy to be around.  I also know that they have had the opportunity to lie, cheat steal but chose not to.  How can you support the NSA spying on us all, the IRS targeting any group and the lack of support for the ambasador in Benghazi?  Obama has time to call a gay couple over the supremes decision, but no time to take the call to rescue an ambasador under assualt! Wow!

Every single person I know has lied, regardless if it is a white lie or a big lie. We are not human if we have not lied, so you lied on that point alone. Everyone of us lies cheats and steals, its just the degree and how we classify stealing. Have you ever taken a pen by mistake? Have you have taken anything like sugar from the 7-11? You know honorable and honest men? defined by who? Everything is relative and how you define it or classify it.

The irs targeting? They were trying to follow the letter of the law between the bill that was signed by the president at the time it was passed and the regulation that the irs changed it to. They were not targeting anyone and that has been proven.

The NSA is not spying on you, as they say if you are that afraid shut your phone off and never talk on the phone or post on the internet again.

It was the republican congress who would not allow funding for additional security in Benghazi. There was no phone call to Obama from the ambassador.

where do you honestly get this rhetoric from do you read govt websites to get the facts or do you just listen in libertarian bullshit and faux news? Everything you stated points to a state of paranoia. I don't fear my government to the extent you do. I am not part of your "WE". The "we" you are talking about is primarily the tea party.

I brought up my parents because I see how government is not all corrupt and bad the way you purport it to be. The government is people, its not one entity the way you put it forth as. It takes many people to implement these programs that you claim "they".  You don't have an understanding of the technology no more than I do. I don't fear the government, it (notice not the we or they) has not intruded into my life except recently with the assault on women's rights. However, even that has not effected my decisions with my body or my life and how I live it.

partisanship.  The fact of the matter,  is that Barbara Boxer does not want Congress to agree everything the Executive office wants.  "Moreover, while Boxer claims that Republicans “cut” the budget, she is only comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent years."  


Posted By: cece
Also, it seems that this board is just a insult board, why cant anyone on the right debate with facts instead of rhetoric from the faux news channel, rush Limbaugh talking points and glenn beck. Please before you post something can we please discuss facts and not ad hominum attacks on individuals.

Treasury dept appoints former oil executive, to sit on the BOD at Ally financial.


My question: What would the liberal left say, about this mundane decision, if a Republican was in the WH

I guess you have a memory lapse of what happened with Enron? Shall I remind you of Paulson the treasury secretary for bush?

All BOD's have some connection to some corporation that is in the eye's of the general public to be bad. It's what the person did in his position determines whether he was beneficial and moral or harmful to the general public.

When people are so far right or so far left they don't comprehend that the general public, including myself are moderates. All I know is that my investments since I have been able to invest my money has always been done much better with democratic leadership. Reagan and Bush both contributed to my portfolio to lose a lot of money I worked hard to save for retirement. It was only under Clinton and now under Obama that I have been able to regain my loses.  

The men on this board astound me. The war on women in TX, OH, VA (governor ultrasound) all contribute financial burdens on both society and women's health in general. Governor Perry has the mindset that women are not as acknowledgeable as he is, especially after his patronizing comments to Wendy Davis yesterday.

The patronizing is also on this board. For all you men who are hobbyist I would think you would consider the war on women an what the republican party is doing to setting women back another 100 years.  

Tell me and explain it to me why you vote republican what do they do for you? How do they help you prosper? They say they want small government except when it comes to sex and then the bigger the government the better. Here in Illinois they took the war on women to another level, its a felony for providers if they get busted but still a misdemeanor for the men. Tell me why would I as a women vote republican

OkHereGoes862 reads

And daughter Lisa Madigan is the AG.  Now what?

Actually after the 2nd bust and conviction, it becomes a felony, for both the provider and hobbyist. Otherwise it's a misdemeanor.  Is the following info wrong?


Prostitution is a Class A misdemeanor. A person convicted
of a second  or subsequent violation of this Section, or
of any combination of such number of convictions  under  this
Section  and Sections 11-15 , 11-17, 11-18, 11-18.1 and 11-19
of this Code is  guilty of a Class 4 felony.  

Patronizing  a  prostitute  is  a  Class A misdemeanor. A
person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of
this Section,  or  of  any  combination  of  such  number  of
convictions  under  this  Section  and Sections 11-14, 11-15,
11-17, 11-18.1 and 11-19 of this Code, is  guilty  of
a  Class  4  felony.

Posted By: cece
They say they want small government except when it comes to sex and then the bigger the government the better. Here in Illinois they took the war on women to another level, its a felony for providers if they get busted but still a misdemeanor for the men. Tell me why would I as a women vote republican?  

Yes the law was changed in January of 2011. MSNBC has done a series on prostitution and one of their segments is particularly one on Chicago.

Many of the things we have in Illinois have come from Ryan who is now in Jail for his wrong doings and blago who is also in prison for his shit. Both of these governors were for themselves and nobody else.  

If you know anything about Chicago, then you will know that most of the reps in the us congress are republican because most of the outlying suburbs are republican. Only recently has the legislature in Illinois gone dem however only the senate is dem which is lisa Madigan and mike Madigan, its not the entire legislature.

OkHereGoes1173 reads

Only recently?  And you say your from IL LOL. I guess everybody but you know IL has been run by the dems for sometime.

Actually Ryan is out of jail (released 1/2013) , and other than a couple of years (95/96) Mike Madigan (D)  has been speaker of the House since 1982.

Just who was Gov of IL in 2010 when the new law was passed? A Dem  

Who was Speaker of the house in 2010 when the law was passed?  A Dem, Mike Madigan (D) 1/ 1997 to Present

Who was President of the Senate in 2010 when the law was passed? A Dem, John Cullerton (D) 1/2009 to Present. Prior to to Cullerton, Dem John Cullerton, Emil Jones (D) was President of the Senate from 1/2003 to 1/2009

Gov Rod Blagovich (D) 2003 - 2009
Gov Pat Quin (D) 2009 - To Present

The Dems have had full control of the IL government since at least since 2003

Posted By: cece
Yes the law was changed in January of 2011. MSNBC has done a series on prostitution and one of their segments is particularly one on Chicago.  
 Many of the things we have in Illinois have come from Ryan who is now in Jail for his wrong doings and blago who is also in prison for his shit. Both of these governors were for themselves and nobody else.  
 If you know anything about Chicago, then you will know that most of the reps in the us congress are republican because most of the outlying suburbs are republican. Only recently has the legislature in Illinois gone dem however only the senate is dem which is lisa Madigan and mike Madigan, its not the entire legislature.

OkHereGoes932 reads

Can you provide a link to this new law?

Posted By: cece
Yes the law was changed in January of 2011. MSNBC has done a series on prostitution and one of their segments is particularly one on Chicago.  
 Many of the things we have in Illinois have come from Ryan who is now in Jail for his wrong doings and blago who is also in prison for his shit. Both of these governors were for themselves and nobody else.  
 If you know anything about Chicago, then you will know that most of the reps in the us congress are republican because most of the outlying suburbs are republican. Only recently has the legislature in Illinois gone dem however only the senate is dem which is lisa Madigan and mike Madigan, its not the entire legislature.

OkHereGoes982 reads

Are you sure you from IL?

IL Members of Congress

7 - Republicans
12 - Democrats

There are 18 congressional districts, and the Dems control 11 of the 18.


Posted By: cece

 If you know anything about Chicago, then you will know that most of the reps in the us congress are republican because most of the outlying suburbs are republican.

Fed has basically one tool to affect the economy,  it decides whether to make money cheaper or more expensive. As long as the central bank is the only entity in Washington doing anything to try to strengthen growth, no one should be surprised if Wall Street keeps rallying and the "real economy"  (i.e.   a disconnect between financial markets and the economy)  is slow to keep up.  Another reason to discount the importance of the stock market reaching a new high is,   it hasn’t been matched by a similar increase in the incomes and job prospects of Americans. The Dow may be back to its old highs, but it sure doesn’t feel like it. There is nearly a $1 trillion gap between what the U.S. economy is capable of producing and what it’s actually producing, the unemployment rate is hovering around 8 percent, and the average earnings in the private sector, adjusted for inflation, have barely budged for five years.    

So what the market is doing,  has absolutely nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats,  it is the Central Banks of the world lowering all interest rates.  We did get a taste of what will happen last week,  when the hint of raising the interests rates was presented to Wall Street.  Well,  they backed off and decided to allow the dollar to continue losing its value.

The government can effect the economy by one simple thing. Called investment expenditures. If we invested in rebuilding our roads and bridges, and putting in a better rail system, and investing in improving our airports that would created thousands of jobs. Those people with money would now have what is disposable income to invest back into the economy. However, this congress is being hijacked by the far right whose only agenda is cut spending and obstruct anything in congress. The tea baggers are proving that government doesn't work by allowing it not to work by obstructing and passing bills that will never get to the senate or to Obamas desk. You know this and I know this.  

remind me again where is the jobs bill republicans? You have control of the congress....


Not sure how the aforementioned bills that are stalled in Congress will  "create jobs".  

IMHO both sides are assigning fault to other for their own edification,  the subterfuge of our government to "we the people"  has become nothing but autocratic.  Time to get rid of them all!!!!!  If we don't we will/are burying ourselves from the inside out.

“Here in Illinois they took the war on women to another level, its a felony for providers if they get busted but still a misdemeanor for the men.”

         Um, no. In fact,  you have it exactly backwards as a practical matter. It always depends on what each party is “busted” for but, in a typical  encounter where sex for pay occurs,  penalties for men are actually higher because of the statute criminalizing “patronizing” a prostitute:  

"Sec. 11-18. Patronizing a prostitute. (a) Any person who knowingly performs any of the following acts with a person not his or her spouse commits patronizing a prostitute: (1) Engages in an act of sexual penetration as defined in Section 11-0.1 of this Code with a prostitute; or (2) Enters or remains in a place of prostitution with intent to engage in an act of sexual penetration as defined in Section 11-0.1 of this Code; or (3) Engages in any touching or fondling with a prostitute of the sex organs of one person by the other person, with the intent to achieve sexual arousal or gratification. (b) Sentence. Patronizing a prostitute is a Class 4 felony…

(Source: P.A. 96-1464, eff. 8-20-10; 96-1551, eff. 7-1-11.)"

Exceptions raise the penalty to a Class 3 felony.  

       Conversely, a woman who performs a sex act for money AND WHO VIOLATES NO OTHER LAW commits only a misdemeanor. Basic sec 11-14 “prostitution” defined as performance of a sex act in return for anything of value, is a Class A misdemeanor and is gender neutral. So if that is ALL  a lady does, she gets charged only with a misdemeanor.  

        Various exceptions can raise it to a Class 4 felony -  including second violations and a combination of  convictions - but if you are busted ONLY FOR a single act of sex for pay, it is a misdemeanor for the lady but a felony for the guy.

       And, of course, all of the statutes are gender neutral as they must be to avoid equal protection challenge. So there is no war on women here- the legislature has targeted the guys more than in most states. There is a bill to repeal felony prostitution but as far as I know it has yet to be passed

GaGambler886 reads

Maybe you should hire her as your stockbroker, she claims to have 15 years of experience, but I bet her idea of due diligence is reading the company's web site.

Don't laugh I actually had a "financial professional" I think he called himself an "estate planner" who actually thought that's what constituted due diligence. lmao

You built quite a reputation as one of the most ignorant partisan hacks on this board and it's clear you've learned nothing.  Presidents are supposed to make overseas trips to promote our foreign policy and Republican Presidents have made their fair share.  In fact, this is Obama's first trip to Africa and he'd been criticized for ignoring it.
So, once again, you've demonstrated why you had (and still have) no credibility on this board.  Thanks so much for showing up again to share your ignorance.

GaGambler1277 reads

There has been a real shortage of right wing trolls around here, and it makes me look partisan when all I can point to when discussing trolls are the left wing variety. Now whenever I talk about partisan trolls I have a right winger to include in my list. Hey, we could even have a P&R division of the SPOTY's

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