Politics and Religion

Hey! my cat's not dead.angry_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 992 reads

He just had to get his dick chopped off.

By the way, you don't know the love of a pet until you sing sweet nuffin's to him while he painfully pisses on your chest, after which you coo at him to calm him down, and you wash him off first before you jump in the shower.

There, I said it.  

It's one thing for a bunch of mommy-machines to fondle little Timmy until he cries about being bullied, but it's quite another when this bullshit spreads to 300 pound meatheads on a football field.  

Recently some douchebag named Incognito called another douchebag a bunch of names, and wouldn't ya know it, a shit ton of sissy fairies started pissing and moaning about how this was "adult" bullying.  

Are you serious? These dumb shits bash each other's brains in, and we're now going to worry about someone's feelings getting hurt? Rumor has it, that after Incognito's rants, The NFL has decided that all players will now have to play the game with a dildo shoved up their no-no holes, and every team's uniform will now have to be pink. That way, everyone can feel like a winner.  

Hasn't it occurred to anyone that this whole anti-bullying campaign is about finding a way to get people to accept censorship, in order to avoid anyone ever getting their precious little feelings hurt? Isn't this really about raising an entire generation of people who don't have enough gumption to stand up for themselves?  

I mean, really, when was the last time you ever witnessed an ADULT being bullied? You know how you solve that problem? You step outside the beat the shit out of each other like the good lord intended. If that's not touchy-feely enough for you, you'd be amazed at what can be accomplished with a crow bar and the element of surprise.

So, let's play with this idea. Why would we want to create an entire generation that doesn't have enough gumption to stand up for themselves? Wouldn't those kind of people be a lot easier to control? To manipulate? Oh, Corporate America, you're a sly one!

-- Modified on 2/14/2014 11:16:18 PM

...for the bullying, is that his teammates felt intellectually inferior to Jonathan Martin and were trying to take him down a peg.  They knew Martin would be successful after football because of his background while Incognito, at age 30 with only a few good years left, was spending 300K on a Ferrari.  Genius.

I was the geeky kid that people made fun of.  As someone on that end of the stick, I still think that much of the bullying scare is exaggerated.

OBVIOUSLY there are some forms that are very bad and should be prohibited.  No one should be hurt.  

I remember a great line from law school.  "one man's freedom ends at another man's nose."  Very much like what my mother told me about sticks and stones.

However, as with anything else, the "zero" tolerance is stupid.

Some of what is banned today is school yard banter that kids should learn to sluff off.

AGAIN, no one should be harmed, and no one should be harrassed endlessly.  But some develpment of a thick skin is good.

I repeat, I am saying this as someone who was the frequent butt of jokes, etc.

I've noticed over the last couple of decades that any form of cogent, polite defense or argument in one's own behalf is almost always met by someone calling a security officer to escort you from the premises. It is now politically incorrect and backed by threat of legal action to merely stand up for oneself.

  How many times on these boards have you seen a thread where a hobbyist is afraid to merely have a provider 20yrs younger than himself as passenger in his car for fear of a cop 'assuming', then arresting him on a vice charge? Or worried that he will be "questioned" by a hotel employee as he sits waiting for a text from his "date" to come up to her suite?

  It's an intentional dumbing down and subjugation of the populace to be good little boys and girls and not question authority; even if there is no "authority" behind or asking the question of us

GaGambler953 reads

but they are universally made by morons. There was one particular idiot that used to claim this kind of shit happened to him all the time. I call Bullshit.

but I will concede we are being programmed to NOT stand up for ourselves and to become exactly the kind of little pussies that WW is talking about. Yes Martin is a pussy, a 6'5" 300+ lb pussy, but a pussy none the less, and as the libs that don't even want kids to have winners and losers in playground sports take over, this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

We are quickly becoming a nation of little cunts, but someone forgot to tell the rest of the world that the rules have changed. The smartest, the strongest, and the toughest are always going to end up on top, and if none of them happen to be Americans because we are a bunch of pussies, I guess America time on top will simply come to an end with some country not so "touchy feely" supplanting us as number one.

You try to bully everyone here but many have caught on to you.  

Shouldn’t you change name to DallasDick?

This wasn't a bunch of school kids in some pick up game.  It was grown men on a professional team.  No other business would allow this type of harassment, and nether should the NFL.

and what you call “bullying” was unlawful racial and sexual harassment  

          Suppose when you went to your government job each day your co-workers started talking about fucking your sister and your mother, as well as demeaning you?  Would you step outside and “beat the shit” out of your co-workers as you suggest in your post? That would be fatal to your job as well. No, you would complain to management ,just as Martin did.

         Further, although the media has not picked up on this yet, this on the job “bullying” –which we now know involved sexual as well as racial slurs- most likely was a violation of law. If you are an employer and you knowingly allow a sexually hostile or racially hostile work place environment, you are liable to your employee under Title VII. If the Wells report placed knowledge of thee harassment on Dolphins management, then you can bet a lawsuit is in the works.

        Bullying on the playground is one thing –bullying on the job is something else. Maybe you better rethink this one, Willy.

Posted By: willywonka4u
There, I said it.  
 It's one thing for a bunch of mommy-machines to fondle little Timmy until he cries about being bullied, but it's quite another when this bullshit spreads to 300 pound meatheads on a football field.  
 Recently some douchebag named Incognito called another douchebag a bunch of names, and wouldn't ya know it, a shit ton of sissy fairies started pissing and moaning about how this was "adult" bullying.  
 Are you serious? These dumb shits bash each other's brains in, and we're now going to worry about someone's feelings getting hurt? Rumor has it, that after Incognito's rants, The NFL has decided that all players will now have to play the game with a dildo shoved up their no-no holes, and every team's uniform will now have to be pink. That way, everyone can feel like a winner.    
 Hasn't it occurred to anyone that this whole anti-bullying campaign is about finding a way to get people to accept censorship, in order to avoid anyone ever getting their precious little feelings hurt? Isn't this really about raising an entire generation of people who don't have enough gumption to stand up for themselves?  
 I mean, really, when was the last time you ever witnessed an ADULT being bullied? You know how you solve that problem? You step outside the beat the shit out of each other like the good lord intended. If that's not touchy-feely enough for you, you'd be amazed at what can be accomplished with a crow bar and the element of surprise.  
 So, let's play with this idea. Why would we want to create an entire generation that doesn't have enough gumption to stand up for themselves? Wouldn't those kind of people be a lot easier to control? To manipulate? Oh, Corporate America, you're a sly one!  

-- Modified on 2/14/2014 11:16:18 PM

GaGambler1215 reads

and you are getting paid seven figures mainly for being tough and physically gifted, there is, and there should be, a different standard involved.

Even a white wine spritzer drinking ambulance chaser should get that concept. Or are you an advocate of lowering the nets in the NBA so vertically challenged players can compete as well?

a regular guy bc he’s so tough? So, if you can bench press 350, those muscles help you deal with sexual slurs made against your mother and sister by your co-workers? Physical toughness has nothing to do with it.

      By your reasoning, sexual and racial harassment in the Army should be left to the soldiers to deal with, right, bc they are certainly trained to be tougher than football players.

     No, while you are entitled to your opinion as to what the standard should be, you are dead wrong as to what the legal standard is- there is not a different standard under the law. It’s the employer’s responsibility to prevent and remedy this, and the physical toughness of the victim has absolutely nothing to do with it, even if, unlike me,  he drinks white wine spritzers

My question is if there isn't a different standard how come professional athletes aren't arrested and charged every time there is a fight? Its obviously assault and happens almost every game and practice. I keep waiting for a hockey fight to end with a player dead from hitting his head on the ice after a fight.  

Posted By: marikod
a regular guy bc he’s so tough? So, if you can bench press 350, those muscles help you deal with sexual slurs made against your mother and sister by your co-workers? Physical toughness has nothing to do with it.  
       By your reasoning, sexual and racial harassment in the Army should be left to the soldiers to deal with, right, bc they are certainly trained to be tougher than football players.  
      No, while you are entitled to your opinion as to what the standard should be, you are dead wrong as to what the legal standard is- there is not a different standard under the law. It’s the employer’s responsibility to prevent and remedy this, and the physical toughness of the victim has absolutely nothing to do with it, even if, unlike me,  he drinks white wine spritzers.  

with the police and the fight causing insufficient injury for the police to exercise their discretion and investigate and arrest, as far as I know.

If Kermit Washington punched Rudy T today, he would be arrested.

      I don't think the collective bargaining agreement in most pro sports can preempt criminal law or eve Title 7 for that matter but you would have to check that to see if it would affect a civil assault an battery action.

of if the injured party wants to or not. Esp if there are witnesses or its on film. At the very least it could be charged as disorderly conduct... but because its a sport its given a free pass to some extent. In a society where a spouse can be charged with domestic assault for verbally assaulting a partner the distinction is rather alarming.  

Posted By: marikod
with the police and the fight causing insufficient injury for the police to exercise their discretion and investigate and arrest, as far as I know.  
 If Kermit Washington punched Rudy T today, he would be arrested.  
       I don't think the collective bargaining agreement in most pro sports can preempt criminal law or eve Title 7 for that matter but you would have to check that to see if it would affect a civil assault an battery action.

verbal domestic violence, unless there is a witness, is him against her... that gets charged by the state even if both parties recant but pro sports fights on camera, some ending in hospital stays don't get charged. I was mainly stating there is a double standard

GaGambler997 reads

I recall a few years back, he all but guaranteed that GWB would be charged with "war crimes"  

I don't recall what kinds of odds I offered against that happening, but I guess even the incredibly long odds I offered weren't enough for him to put his money where his mouth was, fortunately for him as Bush not only has not been charged with any crimes whatsoever, but even his harshest critics have given up on this ever happening.

Sometimes I think that Mari is a 'teaching" attorney, and not an ambulance chasing or even practicing attorney of any kind. He seems to be able to recite "chapter and verse" where it comes to various statutes, but he seems to have a disconnect with the real world and how things work here.

...impressed, but it's all hornbook law, something cited by a 1L.

GaGambler875 reads

BP if that's what you got out of my post, might I suggest a remedial reading comprehension course?

...who assumes he is a lawyer.  Did he show you his bar card over a round of white wine spritzers?

GaGambler1262 reads

Lawyers are even more despised than oil men, and usually not tough enough to do anything but file lawsuits over it.

Lawyers are a dime a dozen, why would someone possibly be impressed by a scum sucking lawyer. of course in Mari's case I doubt that he sucks scum, but I wouldn't 'make that assumption about other people on this board who claim to be lawyers, and please don't show me your "bar card" unless there is no toilet paper and I need to wipe my ass with it.

...to cite "chapter and verse" but you weren't impressed by Jeff's medical knowledge.  You didn't believe Jeff was a doctor; why would you believe mari is a lawyer?

GaGambler1091 reads

and I don't really give a fuck who or what Mari is, he's a huge step up from Jeffypoo. Even you are a huge step up from that cowardly cunt.

and I still don't get where you come up with me being "impressed" by Mari, I meant what I said as a dig, not as praise. You really need to stop hanging around with AF, his stupidity is starting to rub off on you. Not that you needed much help.

I have already reminded you several months ago that your memory is faulty- I never, ever said on this Board that GWB would be charged with war crimes- I said that he committed war crimes per the torture and should be so charged.

        Given that virtually every president commits war crimes - though none quite so blatantly - and no one ever gets charged, that would have been a foolish prediction by me indeed. You are reliving your successful bet with Priapus, not with me.

He just had to get his dick chopped off.

By the way, you don't know the love of a pet until you sing sweet nuffin's to him while he painfully pisses on your chest, after which you coo at him to calm him down, and you wash him off first before you jump in the shower.

GaGambler1154 reads

I was "racially harassed" called a gook and a dink and taunted about whether I had fought for the "other side" unlike Martin I didn't go crying to Mommy. After a very short time of "turning the other cheek" like I had been brought up to do by a very liberal mother, not unlike the libs of today. I took matters into my own hands. I decided to simply not take it anymore, the next guy that called me by a racial slur was going to get his ass beat. Well unfortunately for me the next guy that called me a gook outweighed me by a good 70 lbs and I didn't exactly kick his ass, truth be told he kicked mine, and badly, but no one called me a gook anymore.

I guess I could have called my company commander and he would have stepped in and made the guys quit "picking on me" but then I never would have had the respect of any of them, I always would have been the little pussy who couldn't fight his own battles, and I would have suffered through two years of hell. So yes, I think Martin is a little cunt who will never, and should never wear a uniform in the NFL again in his life, and yes I bet you he drinks white wine spritzers too. lol

on one of your wildcats comes to you and says the white roustabouts are calling him a “nigger?”

You tell him

(a) don’t be such a sissy. Just beat up whoever calls you that; or
(b) I’ll investigate and put a stop to this immediately.

What you do?

      If your answer is (a), you need to get some legal advice in a hurry, and I don’t mean from an Unemployed Porn Star

GaGambler1055 reads

If it's a "they" issue as in many guys are harassing him, which certainly was not the case in the Martin case. I would first off give each one of the offending employees the chance to have a little "one on one" time to say what they want to the rather large black man in my employ, and when all the sensible and conscious roustabouts refuse that opportunity to get their ass kicked, I would remind them that this is the 21 st century and that if they have a race problem they can start with my Asian ass if they want to be unemployed.

If it's a superior, IOW lets say a foreman calling a subordinate using racial slurs, that's an easy call, I bounce the foreman off the job on the spot,  

but now if it's one big mouth running his mouth, and one big mouth only, and this 325 pound employee comes running to me because he's getting "picked on" one on one, most likely I would give him lip service and start looking for an excuse to fire him for some other reason, because there is no room on an oil rig, white, black or green who doesn't have the balls to stand up for himself, just like in the NFL. Not to mention that if I disciplined the racist big mouth after the black guy came running to me. everyone else in my employ would start getting the idea that I was coddling every pussy who couldn't stand up for themselves, and that maybe I was a pussy, moral would suffer, and I would risk my entire business for some guy who should be behind a desk in the first place.  

You have obviously never been on an oil rig, or you never would have asked such a ridiculous question, but your question does bring up one point, I bet you the execs in Miami went through a very similar thought process that I did, and they undoubtedly came to the same conclusion that Martin was a cancer to their organization and that he had to go. The proof is, he's gone and he's unlikely to ever find himself in another NFL locker room

GaGambler1092 reads

as the other two guys accused of harassing Martin are both BLACK. lmao

Is it really "racial" harassment if a black guy calls another black guy a nigger???

I do remember TrannyBoy calling me "GayGambler"  coming from a guy who likes chicks with dicks, is that sexual harassment, and should I have called "Mommy admin" to protect me?

...doin' the dozens, but it crosses an unacceptable line when the insults of one's mother become sexual, regardless whether it's from a black person or a white person.

Perhaps you should consult St. Croix, your expert in all things African-American.  He knows all about bruthas because he plays basketball with them.

GaGambler953 reads

because one of them "cleans your pool"

So it doesn't bother you at all that two of your three "racist" bullies are of the same race as the "victim"  You and Mari must have gone to the same internet law school.

We simply have moved the context from
the sports profession to the wildcat oil industry.

          You are viewing the problem as one of individual integrity whereas I say that when the harassment takes place in the workplace it is the employer’s responsibility under the law.

       Now you have reached the right conclusion if multiple guys are involved or a superior is involved as I knew you would given the way I structured the scenario. You would let them know it is unacceptable or fire them.

      But your answer as to what if it is just one guy doing the harassing –you’d give him lip service and look for an excuse to fire him – is a terrible business decision bc now you have been put on notice of the racial harassment and you did nothing to stop it. So the black employee can stop working for you, claim “constructive discharge,” and sue you under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for the emotional distress and lost wages he has suffered as a result of the racially hostile work environment on your rig.

     And my favorite part - you have to pay his atty fees in most cases.

       And by the way, we now know that the Martin case is indeed a “they” case. The Wells report found that two other offensive linemen followed Incognito’s lead and harassed Martin, as well as others on the team.  

No need to thank me. The bill is in the mail. LO

GaGambler1241 reads

Both of them are black. If I ever saw this as a racial issue (which I didn't) I certainly wouldn't now.

As for your hypothetical 320 lb black roustabout and his lawsuit against me, You have just hit upon one of the huge flaws in our justice system, but I can't see myself taking seriously a charge of racial bullying by a 6'4" 320 lb black man against one white guy and two black guys. This reads like a plot line for a bad sitcom

any more than women get a pass for making sexually offensive workplace comments about other women. Title VII protects employees from being subjected to a racially hostile or sexually hostile work environment period. Nor does it matter if the harassers are joking if the victim found the harassment offensive. Here we have a pretty clear case of that.

And it is the employer's legal duty to prevent and correct this kind of conduct

in favor of lowering the top speed, in which an emergency ambulance can travel? :-D

If he can't stand up for himself in the locker room  he's done in the NFL .
 Perhaps he's more suited for a Human Resources job  in  the Girl Scouts administration  .http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/dolphins/2014/02/14/jonathan-martin-parents-texts-miami-richie-incognito-ted-wells-report/5492757/

I'm for raising the nets in the NBA to eleven feet , to make it more interesting and challenging for 7 foot mental midgets .

Posted By: GaGambler
and you are getting paid seven figures mainly for being tough and physically gifted, there is, and there should be, a different standard involved.

Even a white wine spritzer drinking ambulance chaser should get that concept. Or are you an advocate of lowering the nets in the NBA so vertically challenged players can compete as well?

-- Modified on 2/15/2014 1:50:42 PM

If you are an employer and you knowingly allow a sexually hostile or racially hostile work place environment, you are liable to your employee under Title VII.

...if not, would the Commander In Chief, be liable?

Posted By: marikod
and what you call “bullying” was unlawful racial and sexual harassment  
           Suppose when you went to your government job each day your co-workers started talking about fucking your sister and your mother, as well as demeaning you?  Would you step outside and “beat the shit” out of your co-workers as you suggest in your post? That would be fatal to your job as well. No, you would complain to management ,just as Martin did.  
          Further, although the media has not picked up on this yet, this on the job “bullying” –which we now know involved sexual as well as racial slurs- most likely was a violation of law. If you are an employer and you knowingly allow a sexually hostile or racially hostile work place environment, you are liable to your employee under Title VII. If the Wells report placed knowledge of thee harassment on Dolphins management, then you can bet a lawsuit is in the works.  
         Bullying on the playground is one thing –bullying on the job is something else. Maybe you better rethink this one, Willy.  
Posted By: willywonka4u
There, I said it.    
  It's one thing for a bunch of mommy-machines to fondle little Timmy until he cries about being bullied, but it's quite another when this bullshit spreads to 300 pound meatheads on a football field.    
  Recently some douchebag named Incognito called another douchebag a bunch of names, and wouldn't ya know it, a shit ton of sissy fairies started pissing and moaning about how this was "adult" bullying.    
  Are you serious? These dumb shits bash each other's brains in, and we're now going to worry about someone's feelings getting hurt? Rumor has it, that after Incognito's rants, The NFL has decided that all players will now have to play the game with a dildo shoved up their no-no holes, and every team's uniform will now have to be pink. That way, everyone can feel like a winner.    
  Hasn't it occurred to anyone that this whole anti-bullying campaign is about finding a way to get people to accept censorship, in order to avoid anyone ever getting their precious little feelings hurt? Isn't this really about raising an entire generation of people who don't have enough gumption to stand up for themselves?    
  I mean, really, when was the last time you ever witnessed an ADULT being bullied? You know how you solve that problem? You step outside the beat the shit out of each other like the good lord intended. If that's not touchy-feely enough for you, you'd be amazed at what can be accomplished with a crow bar and the element of surprise.  
  So, let's play with this idea. Why would we want to create an entire generation that doesn't have enough gumption to stand up for themselves? Wouldn't those kind of people be a lot easier to control? To manipulate? Oh, Corporate America, you're a sly one!  
 -- Modified on 2/14/2014 11:16:18 PM

That type of harassment is not allowed in the military today.  
Offenders can be charged and punished for this under the UCMJ.

"I mean, really, when was the last time you ever witnessed an ADULT being bullied? You know how you solve that problem? You step outside the beat the shit out of each other like the good lord intended."

I see it all the time. The last time was a guy bullies a waitress. She got something wrong on her order; honest mistake, and he leaped out of his chair and started threatening her. That's adult bullying.

Bullies, whether children or adults are big cry babies when they lose, so beating the shit out of them will just mean your day in court! Good luck with that!

There's plenty of ways to develop toughness without being a bully or dealing with bullies in the manner you suggest. Our legal system does not give us any real recourse to dealing with bullying without being vulnerable to suffering legal penalties.

Matt, I learned a long time ago way back in the day when I was working in the piece of shit private sector how to deal with this.

The fact of the matter is that some people just believe that they can treat people like they're slaves. It's simple. You don't let them.

When I was a teenager working as a convenience store clerk I had a customer get into an argument with me over the price of a pint of milk. I was polite and reasonable and then the guy got hostile. I took his milk away and told him I was denying the sale. He looked puzzled and shouted at me some more. I told him he had to leave or I was calling the police. He left. Notice in this little story that I did't need anyone else to fight my battles for me. No public service anti-bullying campaigns were needed. I simply called an asshole out on his bullshit.

Another time I was a cab driver and I picked up a drunk who was so toasted he couldn't even tell me where he wanted me to go. I asked him over and over, but he passed out. So I took him to the address the dispatcher had given me. By the time we got there the guy said that's not where he lived. I took him elsewhere and the guy started pissing and moaning about running up the meter. And then he started screaming at me. I pulled into a gas station, parked the car, opened his door, grabbed the little fuck by his collar and threw him on the ground. I told him I was going to do him a favor and not charge him for wasting an hour of my time.

Again, no public service campaigns needed. No one else was need to fight my battles for me. Problem solved.

Having other people fight your battles for you does not improve self-esteem. Nor is it particularly important that we do improve self-esteem. You know what does improve self-esteem? Learning self-reliance.

However, neither of our examples really fit with the definition of harassment, since they are not ongoing, just one time events. You and I can take care of ourselves, no problem. I had 3 guys who use to pound the shit out of me in elementary school. After spending a summer working on a ranch in the boonies in Idaho, I came back and cleaned all of their clocks. And, boy did they cry. One gym teacher got out his pizza paddle to mete out punishment, and another his extra large sized sneakers with holes drilled in the soles. No problem, I knew the possible consequences, and I was willing to suffer them. No problems after that. Not, in college. But, then in Navy Boot Camp a company commander from one company was trying to start a fight between his company and another, in the chow hall. I suggested he mined his own business. I was sitting down, eating, he grabbed me by the throat. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back with my boot to his throat. To tell you the truth, I was always afraid of getting in a fight in boot camp, because it meant having to spend time in the brig or spend more time in boot camp, and of course, possibly both. But, instincts and reflexes kicked in, so I had no thoughts or fears in the moment. It's funny. None of the staff reported me. Guess they thought he got what he deserved.

Now we can continue to beat on our chests and declare how everyone else should be able to do what we did, but everyone can stand up for themselves against a bully, and that's what they count on. They don't pick on someone who can stand up to them, and they know most people can't afford to suffer the consequences, whether it be the loss of a job, lawsuit, getting suspended from school, or retaliation of other sorts. In other words; get real!

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