Politics and Religion

He's unelectable, some of his policies are questionable, but I sorta like him.
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1393 reads

While in Vegas, we happened to come across a Ron Paul rally march taking place on the Strip. It reminded me more of the reactive protest marches during the Vietnam era than of a mundane political rallying cry.

I wish he was taken more seriously by the media. But some of his ideas are not palateable to the mainstream, and certainly not to the existing corporate power structure.

IF his goal is to develop a strong grass roots organization for the next 7 years in order to build a viable third party alternative, then I would say he is on a very viable quest.

But there is no chance he could get the nomination, let alone win the election in 2008.

But at least he's a better alternative than Ralph (I have no ego at all) Nader.

Hey guys,

 I have never posted here.  But I have become interested in the dark horse republican, Ron Paul.  Just curious what some other anonymous opinions of him are?

While in Vegas, we happened to come across a Ron Paul rally march taking place on the Strip. It reminded me more of the reactive protest marches during the Vietnam era than of a mundane political rallying cry.

I wish he was taken more seriously by the media. But some of his ideas are not palateable to the mainstream, and certainly not to the existing corporate power structure.

IF his goal is to develop a strong grass roots organization for the next 7 years in order to build a viable third party alternative, then I would say he is on a very viable quest.

But there is no chance he could get the nomination, let alone win the election in 2008.

But at least he's a better alternative than Ralph (I have no ego at all) Nader.

Yeah I see your point.  And I hate to beat a dead horse...but he is a strict constitutionalist and I feel like that point is spun to make him look crazy when it makes me think he's the most sane.

But I'll give him one thing, in debates and interviews, IMHO, he answers questions more directly and more quickly than anyone else.  And I hate to say this, but I think its cuz he believes what he says and he under no circumstances has to make up an answer...he just answers what the constitution says.  But when FOX has the power to not even invite you on their round table...you're probably right, he has very little chance.

And the sad thing is, I doubt he would really run again...he's 72 I think.  So this is probably his last shot...even though I think McCain is 72 also.

Thanks for the feedback though.

because like Kucinich and Edwards he is not a bought myrmidon of the corporatist status quo. Unfortunately for America, its Constitution and Bill of Rights we truly need a dark horse like Ron Paul or Kucinich or Edwards; but if any of them did beat the rigged electronic voting machines and get the populace nod they'd probably meet with some terrible accident(?) before their inauguration ceremony.

 Clinton, Obama, Edwards, McCain, Romney, Huckabee and the rest all have bowed & borrowed and made their promises & profit to & from the power structure, and so they will be the stinking plate of same old shit the campaign financed, lobbyist corrupted electoral process will allow and give us.

kerrakles1341 reads

Some of his ideas like going back to Gold Standard may be crazy but he does address many of the issues. Shows a good grasp of economy.

Wish he could get elected. Unfortunately he won't. The two party system is set up to discourage and curtail a third party.  Further more, there seems to be no continuity also. Every 4 years, a dark horse comes along. Don't think, you can build a party like that.

If you're belief is that a guy like Ron Paul will not be elected, but he is who you most support...Is it still our patriotic duty to vote for "our" candidate or add to his "no chance" and not vote for him?

Just curious about how people feel for voting for their candidate if he/she is an underdog...

Timbow1221 reads

Ron Paul is a nut and we sure do not need a wacked out doctor as President .

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