Politics and Religion

Trump favorability soars!
JackDunphy 1899 reads

Now above water for first time.

Again, policy will come later but politically he is killing it right now.

saltyballs142 reads

......and he has very many political, foreign, domestic mine-fields to navigate through. Remember the last "change" guy we had as POTUS had an initial favorability rating in the low sixties but slid to 40-45% for most of his time as POTUS. I suspect Trump will do much worse, as his supporters find out he cannot keep 75% of the promises he made.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Now above water for first time.  
 Again, policy will come later but politically he is killing it right now.

Obamacare is toast.

He will secure the boarder.

He is obsessed with saving/creating jobs for the middle class and below.

He will appoint a conservative for the bench.

He will lower taxes on the middle class.

He will greatly reduce many regulations.

It's not the percentage of promises that will be important, it will be the importance of the promise.

That is easy – he will not “secure the border”
in any meaningful sense beyond what we have now. Congress will never fund his Great Wall, a profoundly stupid idea, and surely, Jack, even you realize that Mexico is not going to pay for it.

       Whether his tax cut for the middle class survives Congress is also uncertain.  And his plan only lowers taxes for some in the middle class – most single family households will pay more.

       Saving/creating jobs for the middle class is hardly an accomplishment if the government subsidizes the savings which is what happened with Carrier.

          Having said that, and despite being sick at heart about his election, I've got to say that I love the guy each time I look at my S & P 500 Index Fund, my small cap fund, and the Diamonds I brought the day after BREXIT. Didn’t see that coming for sure.  Go Donald

Of course the border will be more secure. To state otherwise is delusional. And yes, I do believe he will build a "wall" but in some parts there will be a fence. If you don't think there is a photo op of Trump with a hard hat at the border with middle class workers building it, again, you are delusional.

Now, no, it isn't great or even good policy. We agree there. But the R congress wont have a choice but to fund the "fence/wall" as they need Trump for their little bag of goodies plus it is wildly popular with his R base and the R congress will cave a bit, after they negotiate it out.

No uncertainty about his tax cut at all. Congress on the R side is DYING to vote for it and D's cant stop it. I think it will garner a unanimous vote of R's in senate and House and bring along quite a few Dems.

Obamacare is toast.  
Let's see how the house play with this "Appeal and Delay of the ACA"...They want to keep it till the mid-terms...WHY? But in the meantime while it's in appealed, they'll try to figure out how to replace it..To displace 30 million people for what? For lobbyist...? Good luck on that.
He will secure the border.  
No wall will be built, nothing will change. If more jobs are created then more illegals will come, it's cheap labor...this was way too easy.
 He is obsessed with saving/creating jobs for the middle class and below.  
See more illegals crossing the border for the new jobs. Margins have to be met somehow. Middle class will continue to suffer.
 He will appoint a conservative for the bench.  
Holy shit, to be young, poor and a minority...you're fuck!
 He will lower taxes on the middle class.  
That's a lie....but that's to be seen
 He will greatly reduce many regulations.  
Get ready for the bubble to burst...Especially with Goldman Sachs heading his financial cabinet or advising him..
Koch brothers will love that, another West Texas city will be up in smoke soon, due to some fertilizer plant explosion. A 8.0 magnitude earthquake will rock Oklahoma City...but shit it's a red state, so who cares. It's what they wanted.
 It's not the percentage of promises that will be important, it will be the importance of the promise.
Time will tell if he's just running another circus act.

GaGambler170 reads

but it's the RIGHT 25%, I will be more than content with that.

Overhaul the tax system, repatriate that 2 TRILLION bucks and get rid of Obamacare and I will be a happy camper.  

Deporting 11 million illegals is not going to happen, building a wall should not happen, and I don't think Trump gives even a single fuck about socially conservative issues like Gay Marriage and Abortion rights. Will he give lip service to his base on these issues? most likely, but unlike someone like a Ted Cruz, I doubt he is going to waste much political capital on those issues. Quite the contrary, I would not be surprised to see him "cave" on those issues to the Dems in order to get a bargaining chip to get the legislation he really wants enacted through Congress.

JakeFromStateFarm128 reads

Of course his favorability just went up, it's the post-election honeymoon period.  Please try not to splooge all over each other

It skyrocketed from a 60% disapproval to a 50% APPROVAL. That is a YUGE turnaround in just a few weeks. Jesus H Christ, when Bams approval goes up a few points you guys wanna parade! lol

But anytime you can work Beavis and Butthead into the convo, you ha me at hello.

Ever see the episode when they try and pay a hooker with counterfeit money when they printed off a few dozen $1 bills on the copier at the 7-11? Fucking classis! LOL!

JakeFromStateFarm155 reads

But now you're touting them? LMAO!
Which one of you clowns is Cornholio?

JakeFromStateFarm140 reads

It's the opposite of yours.  But it's from the NY Times, so it must be bogus.

"Donald Trump’s still not all that popular.

Nearly a month after Mr. Trump’s election as president, he still has a long way to go to win the confidence of the nation.

A Pew Research Center poll of 1,502 adults found that 35 percent of Americans thought Mr. Trump would be a good or great president; 18 percent said he would be average; while 38 percent said he would be poor or terrible. That is better than in October, when just 25 percent of the public said Mr. Trump would make a good or great president, while 57 percent said he would be poor or terrible.

The poll found that 40 percent approved of the president-elect’s cabinet choices and other appointments, while 41 percent were satisfied with his explanations of policies and plans for the future.

By comparison, in December 2008, 71 percent approved of Barack Obama’s cabinet choices. In January 2001, 58 percent had positive views of George W. Bush’s appointments. Similarly, 72 percent approved of the way Mr. Obama explained his policies and plans. Mr. Bush had a 50 percent rating in that regard.

And in my best BP impersonation:

"Where is the link? You lefties never provide a link! You made that up and pulled that shit out of your ass!" rotf

JakeFromStateFarm100 reads

As for a link, I cut and pasted my entry from a longer piece, the rest of which I did not wish to inflict on you. You should thank me.  Dipshit.

saltyballs112 reads

...... from the pew research center. Trump is still underwater and has the worst favorabilities of any president elect in the history of presidential polling.

Posted By: JackDunphy
And in my best BP impersonation:  
 "Where is the link? You lefties never provide a link! You made that up and pulled that shit out of your ass!" rotf

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