Politics and Religion

Check out the jet stream! It's almost collapsed, and no longer goes above America
mrnogood 2012 reads

holy fuckin shit

THIS is why we're having such a heat wave, and drought across the nation..This will effect our food, ya'll may want to check out the farm report.. 30% of the crops are already gone on corn, and they think soy is gonna be hit hard too..



You can see it is no longer going over the united states! You will see this drought not only correlates with America's MAJOR farm lands, but it also correlates with where the jet stream no longer goes http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/us-natural-disaster-area-drought-150130308.html

Right now because there is still a jet stream to the north, it's taking the rain away from the southern states, however, once it's completely stalled this will change drastically

The ice melting at the poles, is causing something called post glacial rebound, and this is stalling our jet stream out...In one of my posts months ago, I mentioned I thought it would totally collapse..we're not there yet, but, almost

It is NOT carbon that is causing your climate change, it's post glacial rebound...It's a natural cycle, and has everything to do with the solar flares, and our poles position in the heavens

the cycle that is causing ALL this to happen is http://www.lunarplanner.com/HolyCross.html

The post glacial rebound,  and the large amounts of water melting from the ice, is collapsing our jet streams...and as far as weather goes..WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET

The fun starts once the jet stream is entirely collapsed..We'll have storms, like hurricanes, EVERYWHERE..and they'll stall out, and cause all kinds of havoc as they sit over 1 area for days, possibly even weeks...we'll have tornadoes that wont go any where... IT WILL BE HELL!

On our food, and our homes..

Storms so big, they'll be in GA, and Canada at the same time..

This is what you want to prepare for folks, and you government will try to trick you into being carbon slaves over the coming weather and disasters, it's not carbon..IT'S A NATURAL CYCLE..The precession of the equinox

This is the year the poles align with the sun, and while it's not the end of the world, it's the beginning of MAJOR changes...both for humanity, and our planet.. The poles aligning with the sun, is causing the ice to melt, the melted ice is collapsing our jet stream..The energy from the poles aligning with the sun is ultra electro- magnetic and is causing the solar flares...and this cycle feeds upon itself, gradually getting powerful..



-- Modified on 7/24/2012 11:51:01 PM

mrnogood196 reads

I understand it's unprecedented.. I also understand what else this unprecedented ice melting causes..

The melted ice goes somewhere bigpappa, int our oceans, and it messes with our currents..UNPRECEDENTED ice melting effects the currents in the ocean, and since the currents CREATE the jet stream above..We ARE now seeing our jet stream collapse..

Glaciers HAVE melted before, THIS has happened before..EARTH USED TO BE IN AN ICE AGE, and when those glaciers melted, it caused the same things to happen! EVEN MORE SO, because the entire earth was covered...So that authors choice of the word "unprecedented" is subjective..


-- Modified on 7/25/2012 2:42:12 AM

it's gonna be a bumpy fucking ride.

...or you can stick your head in the sand, and pretend it will all go away, because the bible told you so, and Fox News can take a couple of stolen e-mails out of context.

mrnogood238 reads

that's causing ALL this...It IS part of a 26,000 year cycle, and it will go away....

The world will be entirely different by the time these changes are complete...I'd like to see humanity get through this, without becoming carbon slave...

CARBON IS TO LIFE, what life is to carbon, they need one another to exist..No one should be allowed to control it...

I am not saying we shouldn't go green, I'm saying, we need to do this without letting the elite control carbon



If we let ANYONE control carbon, they will control ALL life on this planet..

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 5:33:18 AM

Space Cadet....the surface temperature on Venus is 894 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can you tell me why it's so hot there?

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 7:39:16 AM

mrnogood237 reads


Not only have I told you about this MONTHS before it happened...I CAN TELL YOU WHEN WE'RE GONNA HAVE BIG EARTHQUAKES...

Just so you know, the vortex is part of the magnetosphere..and that is shifting as the poles align with the sun..because ANYONE can look at this post here, and see you have no clue what the vortex is..

OBVIOUSLY, I have a fucking clue....It's you who doesn't know shit here..YOU ARE THE SPACE CADET

That's a huge leap to make, telling you this would happen, and then it does, if I didnt know what in the fuck I was talking about...Now you couple that with my earthquake predictions which are 100% correct thus far...

and it becomes OBVIOUS I know this shit...You've been brainwashed by your corporate media willy

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 8:21:00 AM

followme182 reads

this is not obama's fault. He is so busy fucking up so many other things and has not had time to get ot this one.

You're welcome
2012 = GOP

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