Politics and Religion

Her sheep actually believe she has pneumonia.
ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 536 reads
1 / 46

Just when you thought this election couldn't get more insane----------

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 83 reads
2 / 46

That said, BOTH candidates should reveal detailed medical records. Trump's "suspect G.I. sawbones", looking like "Jeff Lebowski", calls his diagnosis into question as well. There are conspiracy theories emanating against the right as well., but I'm sure you know that, Mein Herr.

Time will tell about this "health" issue.
Posted By: meinarsche
 ''Overheated?''  On the day of her collapse, Ground Zero was a mere 82 degrees (F), which is far from sweltering in anybody's book............except Hillary.  
 Maybe, this latest public display will blow out the Clinton campaign's ability to maintain the cover-up once and for long enough to allow some truth to surface.  
 Maybe OT, but she reminds me of Claire Zachanassian, the main character in ''The Visit,'' a play by Frederich Durrenmat.  
 if you feel like reading it - here t'is:  

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 63 reads
4 / 46
Nnoway 13 Reviews 77 reads
5 / 46

Not a bad plot actually. Very "Albee"esque.

-- Modified on 9/11/2016 5:58:40 PM

Nnoway 13 Reviews 89 reads
6 / 46

...on some sort of steroids big time. There is that A-a-anold look about his face that just screams that he'd fail a doping test. Well, unless of course, he'd go through his "Florida's Attorney General" routine.  lol

GaGambler 128 reads
7 / 46

The odds on Hillary NOT being the nominee come November just plummeted to 3 to 1. That's fucking HUGE.

Just remember, when it does happen, you heard it here first. I have maintained for over a year that somehow, someway, Hillary was going to end up not even being on the ballot come November. I never claimed to know WHY she was not going to be on the ballot, only that it was going to happen.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 100 reads
9 / 46

& easily whip Trump's ass, in my opinion. Kaine is VERY well liked on both sides of the aisle.

Posted By: GaGambler
The odds on Hillary NOT being the nominee come November just plummeted to 3 to 1. That's fucking HUGE.  
 Just remember, when it does happen, you heard it here first. I have maintained for over a year that somehow, someway, Hillary was going to end up not even being on the ballot come November. I never claimed to know WHY she was not going to be on the ballot, only that it was going to happen.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 81 reads
10 / 46

I suspect it would take satisfying much higher criteria for Hillary to step aside.  

I can already hear cries from the left: "sexism! chauvinism!", while Putin is having a heart attack and Trump and his supporters coming out with 1000 conspiracy theories of how establishment conspired to deny him his "inevitable" presidency! It would turn current craziness into embodiment of sanity! lol  

Do you think they're going to promote Kaine or draft Biden? I'd say the later. Either way if that's what happens the republic would be saved and I'd be losing my $1000. :)

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 96 reads
11 / 46

Not unprecedented. As for counting her out now, premature at this stage, but in this crazy election year, anything can happen. We'll see.

Posted By: Dr.Beeper
Spin it however you like this is not good for her at all.

GaGambler 90 reads
13 / 46

She is about the most anti business person in politics today, except for her own hypocritical house flipping of course.  

She would energize the nut jobs though, The very same nut jobs who ironically enough have never held a job.

What I do find a bit puzzling is the overlay on the odds with Hillary generating action to not even be on the ticket in November at 3-1, yet still being the odds on favorite to win at 4-9. Interesting odds to be sure. I am positive there is some arbitrage action to be had here, but the problem is there just isn't enough action or liquidity to make it worth the while.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 108 reads
14 / 46

Back a few decades there was this thing that was happening in the forests back home. There was deer, and hunting was popular in season, which by Christmas was over. But during the winter guys on snowmobiles would come across a deer and chase her till her heart gave. They would bring a cleaned doe carcass back to town, no bullet holes, and if asked just explain that she died of natural causes. Heart attacks are considered natural causes.

Apparently, between the grinding cross country campaign schedule coupled with the House Committee badgering her about Ben Ghazi and her emails hoping to create enough smoke so they could claim there had to be fire so that they could cripple her campaign has worked.

I've had pneumonia and it makes it hard to exert a lot of energy. It's not fatal if you have food and shelter usually, but trying to campaign for office would become very difficult I imagine.

Dr.Hackenbush 99 reads
16 / 46

Two hours after her 9/11 “fainting” episode, after resting up at Chelsea’s apartment, she emerges all smiles and proceeds to embrace a young girl who runs up to her on the sidewalk. Lying or stupid? They gotta pick one.

The Moose 26 Reviews 107 reads
17 / 46

long before the 2000 election...And while one can live with serious heart issues, it likely can never be completely resolved...

Dwight Eisenhower had a heart attack in 1955, there was an election the next year....Ronald Reagan had colon cancer surgery in July 1985....Of course the aforementioned never had to deal with FOX News, right wing radio, and Twitter...

Now HRC gets pneumonia and the right wing media is making it out to be the return of the black plague from the 1300's..

STPhomer 176 Reviews 95 reads
18 / 46

Why would pneumonia be a disqualification for seeking the presidency.
Sounds pretty sexist to me.
If a guy contracted pneumonia but tried to soldier through and attend a meaningful event we be talking about how damn tough he was

Nnoway 13 Reviews 95 reads
19 / 46

Here it starts! The establishment's conspiracy to screw poor white racists out of their chance for the White House ...although there are "some, (that) I assume, are good people" too. lo

Dr.Hackenbush 73 reads
20 / 46
Nnoway 13 Reviews 83 reads
22 / 46

Shit, I knew I'd be right but didn't know that I'd be that right. We already had one left winger (STPhomer) in this thread evoking "sexism", and one right winger (Dr.Hackenbush) pushing a conspiracy theory lol

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 90 reads
23 / 46

...of London.  Life imitates art - It's Jurassic Park come true!!!!!

-- Modified on 9/11/2016 11:28:26 PM

Makwa 18 Reviews 76 reads
25 / 46

Yes!  She works veru hard to keep corporations from screwing over people!    

When did this country change from Lincoln's "government of the people and for the people"  to government "for profit"?

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 92 reads
26 / 46

Insult a an older ill Woman ? From what I heard on the news that is strictly a no-go from the Trump campaign. His idiotic vitriol on hiatus for awhile. As I said earlier, if it comes to Biden/ Kaine or Kaine/Warren, landslide for the Dems. No baggage from either combo, unlike HRC.

Posted By: STPhomer
Why would pneumonia be a disqualification for seeking the presidency.  
 Sounds pretty sexist to me.  
 If a guy contracted pneumonia but tried to soldier through and attend a meaningful event we be talking about how damn tough he was.  

saltyballs 78 reads
27 / 46

........corporations fucking over people.

Posted By: Makwa
Yes!  She works veru hard to keep corporations from screwing over people!    
 When did this country change from Lincoln's "government of the people and for the people"  to government "for profit"?

JakeFromStateFarm 105 reads
28 / 46

she has no choice now but to release her detailed medical records.

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 98 reads
29 / 46

Including an EEG.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
she has no choice now but to release her detailed medical records.

JakeFromStateFarm 93 reads
30 / 46

She's in an even stronger position to demand he release his medical records and tax returns if she's released hers.  Also, while Trump has a lot of flaws, he's not the one who's off the campaign trail with pneumonia.  That puts the burden on her.
She's been damaged as "untrustworthy" because of her email debacle and this is a good way to move beyond that and put him on the spot.

FatVern 81 reads
31 / 46

Can a former First Lady, former Secretary of State, and current Presidential candidate contract pneumonia. So much for health care.

I'm surprised she hasn't claimed that Purin, has poisoned her.

-- Modified on 9/12/2016 8:41:54 AM

FatVern 87 reads
32 / 46

Who cares if charities get fucked over. They aren't nothing but a tax exempt business.

Dr.Hackenbush 82 reads
33 / 46

Do you think it's ok to hug children when you have a potentially contagious disease? She either doesn't care about that child or she has something else.

mattradd 40 Reviews 78 reads
34 / 46

had to leave the game due to complications from having the flu? Then they are re-hydrated, and thrown back into the game again. Despite the incredulity of self-proclaimed doctors on this boards  at the explanation Hillary's doctor gave, it's the same thing. She re-hydrated her, and she looked and felt better.

mattradd 40 Reviews 86 reads
35 / 46

on how Hillary's health issue may impact the elections!  ;)

-- Modified on 9/12/2016 9:09:35 AM

The Moose 26 Reviews 75 reads
37 / 46

ANYONE can get pneumonia, young, old, rich, poor, black, white....It's quite common, and is usually easily treated...

Posted By: FatVern
Can a former First Lady, former Secretary of State, and current Presidential candidate contract pneumonia. So much for health care.  
 I'm surprised she hasn't claimed that Purin, has poisoned her.

-- Modified on 9/12/2016 8:41:54 AM

ChoosyCynic 1 Reviews 101 reads
38 / 46

Particularly since you agree with me.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
She's in an even stronger position to demand he release his medical records and tax returns if she's released hers.  Also, while Trump has a lot of flaws, he's not the one who's off the campaign trail with pneumonia.  That puts the burden on her.  
 She's been damaged as "untrustworthy" because of her email debacle and this is a good way to move beyond that and put him on the spot.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 75 reads
39 / 46

You're right there. I think she probably indeed has pneumonia but with all her strive for keeping things close to the vest she just didn't think of that.  

I don't think there was much of a malice there and it's not like she's got a plague you know or TB. It's pneumonia, kind of like common cold, everybody gets it, people go to work with it as they take their antibiotics. I had it 8 months ago. It sucks big time and can really get you out of commission but so can common cold. For God's sake the woman has an amazing stamina for the 68 year old. I hope I have half as much when I'm her age.  

I kind of look at it as I do at most things said and thought of about the Clintons: it's minor staff being blown out of proportions. I'm much more impressed with her husband getting involved in 3-4 military operations with all of them ending successfully and in the process managing not to loose a SINGLE American soldier, then with him and his wife possibly being involved in some iffy commercial deals or him being impeached for getting a blow job. I wish his two successors were more active with chicks then with their foreign policy. We all would've been better of for it.

JakeFromStateFarm 107 reads
41 / 46

She'd been on antibiotics for two days and the disease was no longer communicable.  
This would be you, I presume

JakeFromStateFarm 97 reads
42 / 46

Which makes one wonder why no one thought to give her a shot of the pneumonia vaccine.  I just walked into my supermarket pharmacy yesterday and got one.

JakeFromStateFarm 80 reads
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Dr.Hackenbush 80 reads
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that you think you know what's going on with Clinton. I'll stack my M.D. up against your M.D. any day.

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