Politics and Religion

He was using the word "and" as a plus (+) sign.
CENZO1 162 Reviews 782 reads
1 / 19

I'm sure we all believe that there are moderate Muslins in our country and in the rest of the world who truly believe in peace and coexistence. But what I find is that there seems to be so few prominent Muslims who command large audiences. Instead we have too many radicals like the Norwegian Mullah Krekar. This is an interview he gave in 2015. Where was the worldwide condemnation from the Muslim world? If there was, I missed it. I am not a racist nor am I anti religious, but if this is the face of Islam, there is need to be concerned. Please be patient and watch the entire interview. It provides an lot of insight in my opinion.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 212 reads
2 / 19

India's Muslim population is 14.2% of the population or 172 million.     That is more than the entire population of Pakistan.     The country had two Presidents who were Muslims and countless number of Ministers at the Federal and State levels.

CENZO1 162 Reviews 175 reads
3 / 19

Why haven't all these prominent individuals gone on public record via the many faces of the media to condemn the radical mullahs? Is a large part of the world just waiting to see which way the wind will blow?

hotplants 202 reads
4 / 19

White religious conservatives have not gone on the public record condemning those who bomb planned parenthood locations, repeatedly---or the white US born terrorists who bombed the govt buildings in OK city? Or, the US born who have perpetrated school shootings, or the recent massacre of people in a black church in Charleston SC by a white, US born racists radical...or............

I mean, hey, if every Muslim in the US  should be required to stand-up and take responsibility for every other Muslin in the US---or the world---- why should that standard not be equally applied to white christians, here in the 'homeland'?

Where are the defenders of US safety when it comes to condemning every violently radical white person in the US. Where are they in condemning the recent Mosque shooting in Quebec?. Where were our MAGA presidents' public condolences for the tragedy perpetrated against our friendly neighbors to the north, by a self declared trump supporter?  

Where are you on the fact that the majority of terrorism in the US, since 911,  has been perpetrated by US citizens?

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 189 reads
5 / 19

Yes that is right.   Mass terrorist attacks in Tucson, Aurora, Newtown, Oak Creek, Charleston, DC all perpetrated by American born white terrorists!

CENZO1 162 Reviews 170 reads
6 / 19

I would like to see what I missed. Before I posted, I researched what info I could find on the subject. Please show me where that information exists so that I might be able to correct my ignorant beliefs.

hotplants 154 reads
7 / 19

One of the fabulous advantages of the modern world is the vast amount of information available to all of us, by simply running a search engine query.  

Here's one. I found this in about 2 secs: http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/faith-matters/2008/04/02/finding-the-voices-of-moderate-islam

Try reading it with an open mind. If you don't like this particular position, you can do your own research.  

CENZO1 162 Reviews 203 reads
8 / 19

I honestly missed it . I wish there was more publicity given to articles like this. The real point behind my op was that criticism of radical Islam by the West has much less of an import than if it comes from the leaders and high profile individuals of the Muslim world. BTW, that article does date back to 2008. A lot has happened since then.

ed2000 31 Reviews 112 reads
9 / 19

Where was it when you eagerly adopted the photo propaganda I refuted for you earlier?

hotplants 176 reads
10 / 19

T's claim of inauguration crowd numbers (at...what...1.5 million people? THE most attended inauguration EVER!!!!!)---despite every single data point to the contrary, have been debunked/disproven over and over again---by multiple new orgs (yeah...they're all lying---it's a conspiracy).

Continuing to debate the issue is, one, pointless and, two, pointless.

hotplants 137 reads
11 / 19

I agree that it would be helpful to see more overt criticism of 'radical' islam from moderate Muslims.  

By the same token, it would be helpful to see more overt, and public,  criticism of 'radical' christianity, by Christian leaders here in the US.  

Again---despite all of the fear mongering by our new Pres----the terrorists actors of record in the US in the last 15 yrs have been, predominantly, US citizens. Yeah...some with distant roots back to a Muslim dominant country. But, most, home-grown white boys.  

And, yes, it's an old article---but it seemed relatively balanced, to me.  And, Islam, much like Christianity, has not changed much in since 2008.

ed2000 31 Reviews 165 reads
12 / 19

Trump never said it was the most attended. They said it was the largest audience, which if you add up all the online streaming views that is absolutely true. The photo the media used to demonstrate numbers was taken hours before the inauguration. It very well could have been 1.5 million in attendance; the guy in charge of organizing the inauguration admitted he told Trump as much. Still it was a far smaller crowd in person than Obama 2009, but then Trump never argued that point.  

I now see none of that matters to you. I now see nothing Trump could ever say or do, that you would view in a positive way, that would matter to you. You mimic a holocaust denier in saying they no longer wish to debate the issue. Deniers retreating from debate is exactly WHY the debate should continue.

The media aren't all lying. I would say a large percentage of them are simply willfully ignorant, just like you.

-- Modified on 2/10/2017 12:07:59 AM

marikod 1 Reviews 210 reads
13 / 19

"That was the largest audience to witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe."

          I’d say “both in person” is pretty clear that he meant persons in attendance. Hard to witness something in person if you watch it on TV, unless you are Bill Oreilly.

         Mr. Spicer may have admitted he flubbed it once he got his “pants on fire “ rating from Politico but he did say that. Clearly this is what Hotpants is talking about even though it would have been more accurate to say Trump said 1.5 and Spicer added the "most in attendance."

ed2000 31 Reviews 176 reads
14 / 19

Nice try to explain your out of context misinterpretation.  If you'd seen the whole thing like I did you'd know that when challenged he clarified he meant the total of in person, TV and online. Some were like you and so eager to criticize that Spicer had to start adding their own numbers for them.

If you really want to be useful try to explain away the fake photo propaganda that has proliferated. The Trump photo in your link was NOT taken while Trump was speaking.  It was taken hours earlier.

-- Modified on 2/10/2017 9:36:52 AM

JackDunphy 162 reads
15 / 19

You are separating the "in person" numbers from "the around the globe" numbers. Spicer was not.

I will be fair here and say it could have been read either way, so I think Spicer gets the benefit of the doubt, especially on something so trivial.

LaffysBoytoy 189 reads
17 / 19

Every single thing you just said, I can point out to in the Bible. Even worse things. Your Christian Crusades were nothing more than terrorism too.

Posted By: meinarsche
There simply ain't no such thing as "moderate Islam" or a "voice of moderate Islam."    
 A ''radical Muslim'' would like to go murder all the infidels (they also refer to non-Muslims as 'Kefirs') themselves while a "moderate Muslim'' would like to have all the Kefirs murdered by "radicals."    
 This is as deeply ingrained throughout Islamic "culture'' as are the practices of polygamy, homosexual anal rape, wife-beating, pedophilia, inbreeding and lying for exactly the same reason: it's all found in the Koran within the example of behavior provided by Mohammed - their bull-goose "prophet" who made up most of their shit back in the 6th/7th century.  
 164 Koran verses can be found that exhort Muslims to commit mayhem against non-Muslims.  
 For 1500 years, Muslims have been devoted to aggressive conquest and acquisition of new territory and the wealth it contains by the genocide of any one having the misfortune to live in any area which they coveted.  
 In the "Holy Lands," Europe, Africa & Pacific Regions  
 Muslims killed 80 million Hindus in 500 years.  
 Altogether Muslims have murdered 600 MILLION  
 1971 Bangladesh genocide of 3,000,000 by Muslims  
 Islamic Shenanigans continue in the 2nd Islamic Conquest of Europe  
 The link you provided to the video featuring the Islamic parasite (phony-baloney Holy-Joe) who is currently busy destroying his Norwegian hosts is more the rule in regards to how Islamist thinking works than it is an exception.  If you're waiting for any "worldwide condemnation from the Muslim world," don't hold your breath - it will never happen!  
 For all those special dimwits who say, " The West deserves all this as 'payback' for what Christians did to Muslims during the Crusades!"  
 Genocide 1971 Bangladesh Coming Soon To Your Town Thanks To 9th Circuit

dncphil 16 Reviews 230 reads
18 / 19

There are three important differences between the Crusades and today's Moslems.

First, the Crusades were a defensive war by Christians.  Many parts of the Middle East and Africa were Christian and the Moslems attacked them to conquer and convert by sword.  The Christians of Europe answered a call for help from Christians who were living in those areas.  

Second, the Christians and Moslems at that time both engaged in the same type of war fare.  For example, both sides would lay siege to a city and offer to spare the city if if surrendered, but would promise slaughter if they did't.  As I say, this was the norm of war at the time.

Third, and most important, that was almost 1,000 years ago.  There is no serious Christian sect today that provides for death for apostasy or blasphemy. A Christian can convert to Islam, Judism, or become a Wickan, and no one would call for his death.  

Christians - in the name of any significant church that is not statistically zero - do not cut people's heads off, burn them in cages, fly planes into civilian buildings, bomb subways......

Yes, 1000 years ago, them Christians were bad.  They evolved in ways to subtle for many people to see
Posted By: LaffysBoytoy
Every single thing you just said, I can point out to in the Bible. Even worse things. Your Christian Crusades were nothing more than terrorism too.
Posted By: meinarsche
There simply ain't no such thing as "moderate Islam" or a "voice of moderate Islam."    
  A ''radical Muslim'' would like to go murder all the infidels (they also refer to non-Muslims as 'Kefirs') themselves while a "moderate Muslim'' would like to have all the Kefirs murdered by "radicals."    
  This is as deeply ingrained throughout Islamic "culture'' as are the practices of polygamy, homosexual anal rape, wife-beating, pedophilia, inbreeding and lying for exactly the same reason: it's all found in the Koran within the example of behavior provided by Mohammed - their bull-goose "prophet" who made up most of their shit back in the 6th/7th century.    
  164 Koran verses can be found that exhort Muslims to commit mayhem against non-Muslims.  
  For 1500 years, Muslims have been devoted to aggressive conquest and acquisition of new territory and the wealth it contains by the genocide of any one having the misfortune to live in any area which they coveted.  
  In the "Holy Lands," Europe, Africa & Pacific Regions  
  Muslims killed 80 million Hindus in 500 years.  
  Altogether Muslims have murdered 600 MILLION  
  1971 Bangladesh genocide of 3,000,000 by Muslims  
  Islamic Shenanigans continue in the 2nd Islamic Conquest of Europe  
  The link you provided to the video featuring the Islamic parasite (phony-baloney Holy-Joe) who is currently busy destroying his Norwegian hosts is more the rule in regards to how Islamist thinking works than it is an exception.  If you're waiting for any "worldwide condemnation from the Muslim world," don't hold your breath - it will never happen!  
  For all those special dimwits who say, " The West deserves all this as 'payback' for what Christians did to Muslims during the Crusades!"  
  Genocide 1971 Bangladesh Coming Soon To Your Town Thanks To 9th Circuit

GaGambler 190 reads
19 / 19

but by and large I do agree with you. There was a time when Christians and Muslims were equally abhorrent, but while the Christians have evolved over the last few centuries, the Muslims are as barbaric as ever. The scary part is that these barbarians have access to 21 century technology. Anyone not afraid of Islamic terrorism is a fool IMHO.

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