Politics and Religion

He is the candidate of CHANGE
Mister Red Baron 19 Reviews 1523 reads
2 / 11

Apparently it was not the one to which you provided a link.  There was no promise in there.  Furthermore, it seems like there was just a project that didn't get completed.  Is that unusual in any way?  $100,000 is a tiny amount of money in this context.

holeydiver 113 Reviews 1724 reads
3 / 11

Spoken like a career Democrat with a law degree.  DFKing Freddie and Frannie is our little secret.  Just don't marry them.

But seriously, Engelwood is a great Chicago neighborhood that Obama helped organize.  Just be sure to bring the handgun that Daley forbids you to own.  

-- Modified on 9/25/2008 3:57:39 PM

-- Modified on 9/25/2008 4:00:07 PM

charlie445 3 Reviews 1398 reads
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Englewood here. $100k is less than a penny compared to what needs to be done there. A garden? The place needs infrastructure first.

holeydiver 113 Reviews 1493 reads
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I think everyone should visit the Southside of Chicago and Phoenix, then vote.  I have lived in both places.  Take a close look at the cities these characters live in and the States they represent.  Which one would you rather live in?  

You can easily own and carry a gun in Phoenix, but you will probably never need it.  Vice versa in Chicago.

anon1112245 1323 reads
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He will give you a little change for your 100k

Tusayan 1814 reads
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That's old news.  You're two months behind. Here's the story from today.  The Illinois AG is investigating to see if the grant was spent properly.  

From today's Sun Times article:

"Obama's actions in awarding the money are not a focus of the investigation, Smith (chief assistant to the AG) said."


Of course Obama issuing a completely legal state grant is much worse than McCain's campaign manager being paid $15,000 a month by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a lobbyist even while he was running the McCain campaign.  

charlie445 3 Reviews 2950 reads
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First , I am a life member of the NRA. Owning a gun in Chicago would probably not do me much good.
The gunfights that go on there are between well known criminals not between civilians and criminals. I feel safe walking the streets of Chicago unarmed. Most of the gunfights are over drugs. I have been to Phoenix and they have drug problems there too. Yes you can be armed there but what real good would it do. I can be armed when I feel a need to be armed.

I have been to most states in the US and in selecting a state to live in my primary consideration would be about the weather.

dncphil 16 Reviews 1402 reads
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Obama also arranged a grant to a Jesse Jackson off-spring group, for $200,000, which ended up being the same amount the group paid in fines for improper conduct.  It was the group headed by Jackson’s mistress – mother of his love-child.  It was supposed to be for an investment group to stimulate job growth, but it appears that after it got the money the project was never launched.

When asked why the group got the money so easily Obama explained that he lacked the resources as a state lawmaker to vet the merits of grant requests and that almost every nonprofit group that asked him for state money got it.

Basically, this was a Chicago-buy-friends-ward-healer-community-organizer of the old Daley school

For a link to it see http://articles.latimes.com/2008/jul/12/nation/na-obamafaith12

Boy. I can’t wait until he gets his hands of hundreds of billions of dollars.

9-man 1374 reads
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Again, another corrupt Chicago developer: what candidate in that city doesn't encounter those?

Okay, a broken promise. $100 thousand had been granted to this Kenneth Smith guy. The money disappears. Check: Obama is not the guy who took the money.  

Then you complain that Obama broke his promise. What do you want him to do? Send the guy a million more dollars? That's what you're saying. So, "to keep his promise" you expect him to lose the state a million more dollars.

I presume that if he fulfilled his promise you would be writing now about how Obama lost the state $110 million dollars.

dncphil 16 Reviews 1445 reads
11 / 11

It isn't bullshit. It may be that someone took the money, but Obama was responsible.
In addition to the two mentioned above, he got other money for people like Father Flager - remember him?

The problem with these grants is that he is
spending tax payer money.  It is his job to see that it is spent well and wisely and given to groups that won't piss it away.  But his policy was that if groups asked, he would give them money without "vetting" them.

Now, he wants to control the economy of the U.S. He is asking for $100,000,000,000 for energy.  I don't want to give that kind of money to someone who doesn't guarantee it goes to the right place.

He is asking for other huge amounts.  Before he spends trillions, I would like to know that he was careful with the thousands.

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