Politics and Religion

He is
saltyballs 1561 reads
1 / 13

The U.S. Intelligence Community(IC) is so worried by the unprecedented problems of the Trump administration—not only do senior officials possess troubling ties to the Kremlin, there are nagging questions about basic competence regarding Team Trump—that it is beginning to withhold intelligence from a White House which our spies do not trust.

That the IC has ample grounds for concern is demonstrated by almost daily revelations of major problems inside the White House, a mere three weeks after the inauguration. The president has repeatedly gone out of his way to antagonize our spies, mocking them and demeaning their work, and Trump’s personal national security guru can’t seem to keep his story straight on vital issues.

That’s Mike Flynn, the retired Army three-star general who now heads the National Security Council. Widely disliked in Washington for his brash personality and preference for conspiracy-theorizing over intelligence facts, Flynn was fired as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency for managerial incompetence and poor judgment—flaws he has brought to the far more powerful and political NSC.
Donald Trump's constant dissing of the intelligence agencies is beginning to have an effect—and not in a good way. John Schindler, a former NSA analyst, has written a damning piece clearly stating that his contacts in the intelligence community are most unhappy with how things have gone in the first three weeks of the Trump administration. They find it very troubling that the head of the National Security Agency, Mike Flynn, discussed lifting the sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. and then lied about it to Vice President Mike Pence and everyone else. Schindler also confirms that at least some of the information in the 35-page report former British spy Christopher Steele wrote about how Russia has compromising information about Trump is true.

Worst of all, the intelligence community is scared shitless about how little the president cares about the President's daily briefing and how much the White House leaks. The spy agencies are beginning to think: "Why give the president critical secret information if he just ignores it and it is likely to leak out?" The idea of the NSA, which provides most of the information, holding back information from the president because it doesn't trust him is unprecedented and potentially harmful to the country if the president then makes decisions without knowing the facts.  

Schindler ends by saying sooner or later there will be an international crisis and "the White House will need the best intelligence possible to prevent war, possibly even nuclear war. It may not get the information it needs in that hour of crisis, and for that it has nobody to blame but itself."

bigguy30 224 reads
2 / 13

Posted By: saltyballs
The U.S. Intelligence Community(IC) is so worried by the unprecedented problems of the Trump administration—not only do senior officials possess troubling ties to the Kremlin, there are nagging questions about basic competence regarding Team Trump—that it is beginning to withhold intelligence from a White House which our spies do not trust.  
 That the IC has ample grounds for concern is demonstrated by almost daily revelations of major problems inside the White House, a mere three weeks after the inauguration. The president has repeatedly gone out of his way to antagonize our spies, mocking them and demeaning their work, and Trump’s personal national security guru can’t seem to keep his story straight on vital issues.  
 That’s Mike Flynn, the retired Army three-star general who now heads the National Security Council. Widely disliked in Washington for his brash personality and preference for conspiracy-theorizing over intelligence facts, Flynn was fired as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency for managerial incompetence and poor judgment—flaws he has brought to the far more powerful and political NSC.
Donald Trump's constant dissing of the intelligence agencies is beginning to have an effect—and not in a good way. John Schindler, a former NSA analyst, has written a damning piece clearly stating that his contacts in the intelligence community are most unhappy with how things have gone in the first three weeks of the Trump administration. They find it very troubling that the head of the National Security Agency, Mike Flynn, discussed lifting the sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. and then lied about it to Vice President Mike Pence and everyone else. Schindler also confirms that at least some of the information in the 35-page report former British spy Christopher Steele wrote about how Russia has compromising information about Trump is true.  
 Worst of all, the intelligence community is scared shitless about how little the president cares about the President's daily briefing and how much the White House leaks. The spy agencies are beginning to think: "Why give the president critical secret information if he just ignores it and it is likely to leak out?" The idea of the NSA, which provides most of the information, holding back information from the president because it doesn't trust him is unprecedented and potentially harmful to the country if the president then makes decisions without knowing the facts.  
 Schindler ends by saying sooner or later there will be an international crisis and "the White House will need the best intelligence possible to prevent war, possibly even nuclear war. It may not get the information it needs in that hour of crisis, and for that it has nobody to blame but itself."

saltyballs 254 reads
3 / 13

.....anytime soon, not with the current crop of GOP spineless baboons now running the asylum.

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 10:45:49 AM

bigguy30 148 reads
4 / 13

If the GOP does not do anything.
They will be blamed for a cover up too!

Posted By: saltyballs
.....anytime soon, not with the current crop of GOP spineless baboons now running the asylum.

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 10:45:49 AM

saltyballs 248 reads
5 / 13

..it's Party FIRST before Country for these folks. My ass has a greater chance of turning bright red, just like this Babboons ass, than House Republicans impeaching Trump.

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 11:08:14 AM

RiverStark See my TER Reviews 265 reads
6 / 13
RiverStark See my TER Reviews 335 reads
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and that right there is the problem with americas low information and low intelligence voters. Its so sad.

earlweaver 255 reads
8 / 13

after 8 years of fucking it it up by

including but certainly not limited to:

1.  having a pussy President
2.  gutting our armed forces
3. crushing the morale of our armed forces
4.  badmouthing our own country overseas and
5.  having a pussy President

spare us guys, you know that you can't wait to see your friends kill 'mericans

cuz, to libs, we deserve it ;)

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 2:31:53 PM

earlweaver 181 reads
9 / 13

being penetrated by Putin

saltyballs 299 reads
10 / 13

...........however he is losing support among Independents, so his overall approval is around a historical low 40%. If Trump's overall approval dips even lower, he will be politically powerless and this Republican Congress will desert him.

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 3:21:32 PM

borabora 15 Reviews 228 reads
11 / 13
borabora 15 Reviews 293 reads
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borabora 15 Reviews 336 reads
13 / 13

his approval rating among republican politicians.

They are all waiting for the right opportunity to stab him in the back.
Posted By: saltyballs
...........however he is losing support among Independents, so his overall approval is around a historical low 40%. If Trump's overall approval dips even lower, he will be politically powerless and this Republican Congress will desert him. PM

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