Politics and Religion

He has no shame - parties w/ Solyndra execs at fundraiser!
nuguy46 1410 reads
followme196 reads

Are you surprised that the betrayer-in chief would rub elbows (and who knows what else) with those two?

Thank you
2012 =  GOP

raise the fucking debt by spending $540 billion on tax breaks for the rich. What kind of bubble are you in? And the holier than thou pious act coming from a party who is getting secret donations from billionaires and partying with the Koch Brothers at the "We are VIP party."  This kind of airheaded post is the definition of spam from someone who has nothing else to do.

Both parties get all the donors they can, and in a provider client paradigm people who donate large amounts have exponentially more influence.  A Princeton Professor just wrote an excellent book analyzing this in detail.

"Affluence and Influence," by Princeton professor of politics Martin Gilens.

nuguy46393 reads

Solyndra fails, but the execs got their millions brfore it went under....now your guy barry wants some of that back in the form of a campaign contribution...slick, huh??

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