Politics and Religion

He doesn't need plastic surgery to see hookers. There's one old...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 265 reads

...hooker who calls Trump "Daddy" who would welcome Billo with open, albeit wrinkled, arms.

GaGambler6361 reads

We can debate all night long whether or not Fox was justified in cutting the embattled O'Reilly loose, but his popularity is undeniable. "Someone" is going to want this ratings powerhouse, but just who is out there that has a large enough distribution network to afford him and who would also being willing to "take the heat" for hiring him?

I have a hard time believing that any of the networks would take on the shit storm that would come from hiring him, so what's left? Radio?

Mr.M.Johnson208 reads

Fox Noise is an entertainment station.   http://www.newscorpse.com/ncWP/?p=27363

Maybe O'Reilly can go on Comedy Central?!

— Cher (@cher) April 19, 2017

So #RogerAiles & @OReillyFactor were pushed out for sexual harassment & abuse but ol' dude grabs nether regions & becomes president? Mmkay😒
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) April 19, 2017

Goodbye @oreillyfactor! What a terrible day to be a horrible, old, racist white person.
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) April 19, 2017

....he will land on a long, sharp spike.

For Fox to give away his popularity there must be much, much more to this story than has been published.

bigguy30209 reads

Then why comment at all?
It's a big topic today.
I don't like Fox Fake News either.

I did give a response in the form of my ASCII avatar. This little fella over here ---> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Don't know and really don't care. Bill O has gotten away with being a bully and a pompous ass for far too long (much like you and your podmates from Planet Stupid). He's made millions upon millions, does not need to work a day in his life and will wind up on his feet somewhere, writing books, doing podcasts, and maybe even working together with his kayfabe buddy Jon Stewart.

I wonder how much he owes his ex given the accusations of his domestic abuse? nyuk,nyuk!

I read somewhere he shells out in the neighborhood of 2 mill a year between all his domestic obligations. That's on top of whatever was paid out to pay off his victims over the years. I hear he's already playing the left wing conspiracy card.

JakeFromStateFarm155 reads

And O'Reilly was shit-canned because even though his ratings remained strong, advertisers fled in droves.  High ratings + no advertisers = No money.  
So it doesn't matter where O'Reilly would land because whoever would hire him wouldn't make enough money to justify his contract.  I won't say he'll never work again but I'm having a hard time figuring out who'd want him.  I think he needs to go eat humble pie, ask for forgiveness and then go underground for a while.

GaGambler144 reads

It's just that often they can no longer sell ads to more "mainstream" clients.

Which does bring us full circle back to your point and the point I made in my OP. "Someone" is going to want him, as he has millions of loyal followers which mean ratings, but that is at least partially counterbalanced with all his negatives which will scare off any of the major advertisers.  

Perhaps he will go the way of Glenn Beck? Wherever he goes, I guarantee you, we haven't heard the last of him. I doubt he will "eat humble pie", but I think given the limited pool of potential employers, he is going to take a huge haircut in salary. Of course, considering he is likely to get many ten of millions as his severance from Fox, it's doubtful he is really going to need the money, unless of course he has to pay it all out in damages to his "victims"

JakeFromStateFarm299 reads

so they had to buy him out of that, albeit with a penalty for his bad behavior, depending on how the contract was written.

...gave it up because he could "...no longer give both TV and radio the time they deserve."  Yeah, he had to work two hours a day on radio and one hour a day on TV.  That's a total of 15 hours per week which left him hardly any time to be a pussy hound.

Another reason for you not to like Billo - he never had a drink in his life!


...where he was going on vacation.  I submitted two answers and it turns out they were BOTH right.  I said that Billo the bible thumper would ask God to save his job and, in fact, he went to the Vatican and shook hands with Pope Francis (the pervert was in the VIP section).  I guess it shows there IS a God because he told Billo to go fuck himself,

My second answer was also right -- the unemployment line.

Down goes Billo!  Down goes Billo!


GaGambler209 reads

I don't really care much for O'Reilly one way or the other, but even if he is 100% guilty of EVERY charge made against him, if there is a heaven he'll get in way before any officer of the Catholic Church.

On balance, grabbing a few pussies pales in comparison with forcibly raping and systematically covering up said rape of thousands of children over a period of decades. If there was a God and he was going to say "Fuck You" to anyone, I would hope it would be EVERY member of the Catholic Church who stood by idly while this travesty was occurring right under their noses.

And you won what......NOTHING.

Talk about someone totally obsessed with themselves.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...where he was going on vacation.  I submitted two answers and it turns out they were BOTH right.  I said that Billo the bible thumper would ask God to save his job and, in fact, he went to the Vatican and shook hands with Pope Francis (the pervert was in the VIP section).  I guess it shows there IS a God because he told Billo to go fuck himself,  
 My second answer was also right -- the unemployment line.  
 Down goes Billo!  Down goes Billo!  

...issue an executive order to prevent Fox from firing Billo.  He supposedly said: "Us pussy grabbers have to stick together."  I'm sure JakeFromTheFunnyFarm's OCD will compel him to point out that Trump should have said "We pussy grabbers."
And he will have to obsessively post another one of his jejune name-calling troll posts.  Poor feller, he just can't help himself.


...Maby Donnie the dumb fuck will put Billo on staff @ the White house as the #2 pussy grabber.

JakeFromStateFarm210 reads

I'd love to be a fly on the wall to hear Ivanka tell "Daddy" what a dumb idea that would be.  But we can hope for a tweet.

I really don't know how that argument would go. They decide who is on, or off, their air and they heard enough from people they trust that know Billo has a women problem.

I agree a bit with Jake. The popularity/ratings size is only as good as the advertisers behind them. Rush Limbaugh's advertisers left only to come "rushing" back when the heat died down.  

Billo's case is totally different. Rush got into trouble for what he said about ONE woman in public. Bill is in trouble for what he has said privately to apparently many women in the workplace environment, a much bigger sin.

He would need to go on the apology tour. Write a book, tell people on air what he has learned, how he is different and how he has changed, blah blah blah for I don't think anyone with serious money will give him a TV gig with potential other women out there who have not yet come forward nor will they do so without him addressing the problem.

That is any new employer's biggest fear; that they will have to give him the boot, shortly after they promoted the shit out of him that he is coming to XYX network at X o'clock.

I don't think he can deny the allegations either. Too many women from both sides of the aisle are now accusing him of shit. He is in Bill Cosby/Bill Clinton territory re: believability with women.

Billo seems like too big of a stuffed shirt to embarrass himself and do the Brian Williams thing i.e. take a lesser role at a lesser network. He would have to be "the man" somewhere else and I don't see that happening soon, if ever.

Seems like radio and book writing are in his future.

...his books were best sellers because of his Fox followers.  If he writes more books, he'll have a hard time finding shows (like "The View") which will let him flack his books.

Billo would be huge ratings for the shows that would take him as a guest, and you know there would be many that would. I cant see him groveling in front of those women anyway.

He wouldn't have the reach without having Fox behind him but he does have a massive audience out there that will take him back in some form and with social media, the internet, etc it is easier reaching that audience then in years past and a radio gig would help his book selling.

That doesn't mean his sales wouldn't take a hit, they would, but when you are #1 on the NY Times best sellers list on so many occasions, many publishers will accept him selling books that make only the 5th or 10th best slot on the list.

...things quiet down so his kids wouldn't get any blowback.  Maybe he's going to fade away for the sake of his children.

But he also has a massive ego.  He had the #1 cable show for 15 years in a row, and Fox made sure to mention that every single day in a prerecorded lead-in.  His books were #1 bestsellers too.  He won't settle for being a runner-up,  He quit his radio show even though it was successful because it wasn't #1.

In the end, it'll be a battle between his ego and his kids.

...allegation of Billo's boorish behavior, his viewership actually increased!

The GOP - the party of old white misogynists.

Good lord. Why do you keep bringing up misogyny? You should run and hide from ANY and ALL mention of hating women as you're the master of it.

Who hates and bullies women more than you?  You are well known for your terrible behavior towards women.  Funny how you would revel at O'Reilly's comeuppance.  Hypocrite toad.

He may come and grab your dick!   That will some place to land.

Mr.M.Johnson177 reads

I didn't now about his ex-wife and kids.  Besides calling women and masturbating he also beat his ex-wife!  


His daughter is 18, his son is 14 - both old enuff to masterbate.  I can hear Bill at the dinner table with his kids who ask "dad, WTF - why the hell did you do that? - you really are a deranged old man - you have money but, don't you get laid?"

See ya Bill, don't wanna be ya.  $$$ ain't EVERYTHING.

Maybe he can get plastic surgery so that no one recognizes him, and he can join TER and get laid on a regular basis - he can afford it

...hooker who calls Trump "Daddy" who would welcome Billo with open, albeit wrinkled, arms.

I've seen Dev up close and her arms have no wrinkles. Her bod is in shape and she takes care of herself. Why go to the predictable "she's old and wrinkled" bullshit? You don't like her political views, fine and dandy. You've never met her so stop with the stupid slams on her looks. It's redic and makes you look like an idiot.


-- Modified on 4/19/2017 1:51:57 PM

-- Modified on 4/19/2017 1:56:20 PM

The " Fucking Spin Zone "

I have always liked his show. But when I thumbed through his book on the Kennedy assassination, I found it like a kindergarten reader. No mention of the grassy knoll. No discussion of the doctor from Parkland Hospital who declared the deadly bullet to have hit the right templar area (think: front – not rear, as in 'Oswald').

A pussy grabber to go with an incentive knuckle dragger....But he'll be back on radio for awhile, till the heat dies down. Then.. who knows.

and talking over his guests.  I don't doubt any of the claims of abuse from women that said it was more than sexual harassment, it was done to put them in there place.  What a dick, worse than I thought he was.  Glad it come to light.

Posted By: GaGambler
We can debate all night long whether or not Fox was justified in cutting the embattled O'Reilly loose, but his popularity is undeniable. "Someone" is going to want this ratings powerhouse, but just who is out there that has a large enough distribution network to afford him and who would also being willing to "take the heat" for hiring him?  
 I have a hard time believing that any of the networks would take on the shit storm that would come from hiring him, so what's left? Radio?

JakeFromStateFarm207 reads

And we don't need that fuck down there.  Or in Colombia.

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