Politics and Religion

Haven't you said this before?
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 2550 reads

Are you using your $300 tax rebate to move to Canada?

This isn't a false exit. I said about a month ago that my days here were numbered. Things change, and if I'm lucky, they change to the better.

Many have accused me of pessimism, and I swear to you, I can't tell. I tried to explain the appearance of it, but within myself, I really can't tell. If I am, I think the reason for it is not politics.

Dr. Gonzo-- I admire your insights. I hope we get to meet someday.

Billkyle-- You've gotten too grouchy and your posts have become sloppy. That's not what I remembered from you in 2004. You could present your arguments better. Maybe my going will improve your disposition.  

RWU-- I'm sorry for having underestimated you. You made me respect you and convinced me in several ways. Often I argued with my inferences about you rather than your point of view.

Xiaominglover-- Despite Dr. Gonzo's objections, I do believe you had important things to say about AIPAC and the influence of Israel in US government. I never found you to be anti-semitic, but do be vigilant of the sources you cite.

Bizzaro Superdude-- We had some bitter clashes, but you did convince me to look at studies instead of just the report about them. Currently, it's easier said than done for me. However, I felt that I couldn't win by agreeing with you. We got off on the wrong foot.

GaGambler-- We think in completely different terms, so it was a surprise when we did agree. Pessimism is a an emotion of decision, not a POV.

Snafu-- get lost.

Quadseasonal-- You had some remarkably good insights, if it's true that your education stopped at 8th grade, your thinking is better than some college grads.

Tusayan-- I always looked forward to your posts and their insights;

Jack0-- I admired the fire in your belly, and I wished I could write in the volume with the intelligence you could. I hope you have other larger venues.

Jeremy Bender-- Your snarky posts were frequently very funny.

Harryj-- I promise I'll think of something good about you sometime.

To the rest of you handles, aliases and lurkers: sorry I've run out of time. To all, a happy future. I'm off to other things. Bye.

High praise zinaval. Thank you. Quite often, I did NOT post a comment because you'd already said what was on my mind.

my email is doc(at)doctorZgonzo.com

Perhaps you can make it to Vegas for one of my M&G parties one day. (March 29 and October 25 are the next two scheduled events)

Best of Luck to you in your lifes journey.


You are great poster here and I always find your posts and arguments on point.  As a lurker I'm constantly reading everyone's POV yet yours are/ have been well thought-out as always. Fun time will not be around any more without your inputs because this is your last post.

I know you've had a tough past few years, but I do hope that is coming to an end.  remember... better to think on your own that be spoon fed....

equally important in the "real world" good to know when to opine... and when to remain silent.


Are you using your $300 tax rebate to move to Canada?

I meant.. I hope you change your mind and come back..
Not sure what the issue is but I truly hope it is not your health..If it is I can tell you the Drs. told me years ago I was soon to be gone but as usual I argued and here I am...lol my  Doc said he doesn't understand what happened .......But I did refused to let him disect me to figure that out.
Honestly  Eighth grade is the last grade I passed but I did start the ninth before I quit..however if I had to do it all over again I would slack off a bit on the ladies and study more ..........scratch that...The school of hard knocks made me more durable...now that I have had time to reconsider I like my life and "most"
of my memories..
Thanks for the compliment and may you "Go where all is well"

GaGambler1204 reads

It was usually an enjoyable exercise arguing with you. Our repective POVs are probably caused by our differing perspectives. Your's coming mainly from academia, mine sort of a cross between wall street and main street.

I will say that even though we were usually on opposite sides of most issues, you did keep me from being sloppy in my responses. Whenever I would shoot from the hip without thinking twice before I posted, you would usually make my pay for my mistake, and I do mean that in a most complimentry way.

Hope life treats you well, somehow I don't think this is the last that we will hear from you. Never say never, forever is a long, long time

Zin, even when you host your own pity party you are full of shit.  We'll just have to wait until the "new guy" "stumbles across" TER and joins the debate.  Picked out your new name yet?

RightwingUnderground2131 reads

Zin in a alias? I don't think he has it in him. Besides, he would be easier to spot than jack0.

How can someone who obviously spent hours per day on this site, arguing with people that will never be met, trying to get the last word in or one-up, simply quit and walk away??  Christ, he had to have at least 5 arguements going at any given time.  Don't shit yourself, not only has he been back on since his departure, he's probably already posting in an alter-ego he created a couple weeks back.  There are those that will bash me for this (like I give a shit) but anyone that sorry for himself had to be looking for attention...like fantasizing what your funeral would be like and who would be crying over your sorry ass.  That is, of course,unless he finally put a cap in his head or bought a piece of rope......Hell, he'll have read this response before anyone else opens it!

RightwingUnderground1886 reads

we tried to keep each other honest. Without honesty, it's all pointless.

I had fun. Best wishes and God bless.

May your journeys find the sun on your face and the wind at your back.

Don't I know how things can change.  Wow, I won't even go there as to what's been going on w/me.  It's strange as my situation is back to a somewhat sane reality and  I will be back to posting.

Don't be shy about coming back in a few months.

I said it before and I'll say it again.  You are one of the best writers on the board so you will be missed.

Well, again, Godspeed on your future adventures. And, again, don't be shy about coming back next fall.   Dang, you're leaving just when the election's coming up--- oh well,  recharge your batteries and get laid and hope you're back here next September.

-- Modified on 1/25/2008 5:09:54 PM

take care, good luck and best wished to you, zinaval.

you will definitely be missed; this board will be the poorer for your departure.

Godspeed.  Shalom.  Saalam.

It's been great.

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