Politics and Religion

Has it dawned on you the American people keep voting in a Republican house to keep B.O. in check?..e
JackDunphy 629 reads


randomvr3013573 reads

Since 2009 it has been:
. Block Everything'
. Oppose Everything.
. Obstruct Everything.
. Shut Down the Federal Government
. Block Equal Pay / Paycheck Fairness
. Block Minimum Wage
. Block Federal appointments
. Block taxing Corporations who dodge taxes with offices in remote islands
. Block dismantling tax rebates for corporations who ship jobs and manufacturing overseas for cheap labor

In spite of this, the economy added 50 million jobs since 2009, DOW has gone up from 7,800 (Dubiya's low) to over 17,000, S&P& Moody's at historical high, unemployment down to 6.2%, 3 million people with pre existing conditions have health care, 20 million uninsured now have health care, over 12 million under poverty line have Medicaid.    401(k) and retirement account balances are at their highest level they had ever been.

It is about time to dump these do nothing, oppose everything and obstruct everything Republicans and elect a Congress that can actually do something for the middle class Americans.

If you come to think of it, what has Republicans done to the middle class Americans since 2009?

That way you can do something.

On a side note, should we occupy Wall Street in response to news?

... or are you mad that Obama is a better Republican than Bush?

I don't have to as I work for a Dem in the House who does something every year for the middle class and women.

GaGambler662 reads

So he only does things for the middle class and women, I guess men, of both the upper and lower class, are shit out of luck.

You make a valid point. C37 might be evolving?... as he left race out the equation, this time.

Factories closing,and those jobs sent overseas to China,Mexixo, and Vietnam just to name a few. I know as I lost a couple of factories.Goverments layoffs affecting towns and the family run businesses. Bipartisans jobs bills that were always passed now stalled. Bascially people having to start over and reinvent themselves and they don't come back as "Middle Class".

I doubt if a jobs bill will create jobs.

Overall Dem won the popular vote in the house. But really what have the Republicans done for the middle class

That is right.    US District Court Judge in Florida ruled congressional re-districting in unconstitutional and favoring Republican candidates.    How else these crooks win seats.

No Right wing troll on this board can answer that question.    Because, they have done nothing.

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 9:05:21 PM

JackDunphy727 reads

And stop with your crying about gerrymandering, unless you really don't think Dems engage in this when they can. Lol. Christ they just changed the rules in the senate to help them rig the vote there.

Dems could have enacted the entire Czar 73 punch list when they held all 3 branches. But they used that opportunity to bring Americans likability of the HC system from 80% pre Ocare to upper 30's now. I am sure you are so proud of that stunning "achievement." Roflmao.


-- Modified on 9/1/2014 9:10:22 PM

Is there something? Can you answer that? If you do I won't bug you anymore.And I know Dems also did this whole gerrymandering shit so they aren't angels in this. And when the "Czar" had all three branches for a whole 2 years I'd like to know how much filibustering when on, ya know to delay and delay. And as I recall John Boehner was getting pretty much what he wanted in those years. This is where Obama should have gone rough shot, those first 2 years, my way or the highway, but he tried to be Bipartisan and look what it got him.

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 8:12:16 PM

Here's just a small sample:

The Hire More Heroes Act (H.R. 3474) passed the House on March 11, 2014, with support from 183 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 158 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) passed the House on December 5, 2013, with support from 130 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) passed the House on April 18, 2013, with support from 92 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. 4438) passed the House on May 9, 2014, with support from 62 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The America's Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 53 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act (H.R. 6) passed the House on June 25, 2014, with support from 46 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The S Corporation Permanent Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4453) passed the House on June 12, 2014, with support from 42 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (H.R. 2218) passed the House on July 25, 2013, with support from 39 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (H.R. 1105) passed the House on December 4, 2013, with support from 36 Democrats. The Senate has done nothing.

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 10:33:05 PM

salonpas643 reads

All had zero chance of passing the Senate. Great work, guys! Keep beating the bleached-white bones of that dead horse

JackDunphy729 reads

Liberals like yourself believe the govt always has to "do" something. It doesn't matter what it is or if it is logical, just the act of "doing" makes liberals "feel" better. Case in point, "cash for clunkers." Even left wing think tanks like Brookings are saying it was bad policy.

Conservativism/ libertarianism believes that govt should get OUT of people's lives not more involved. Good govt should "undo" what govt has already done.  

Scrap Obamacare and start over. Come up with something of a hybrid that won't hurt jobs and hours worked. That would be GOOD govt but liberals have no desire in that.

Make the tax code much more user friendly and simplistic. That takes govt, specifically the corrupt IRS out, out of people lives, or at least less in their lives.

As Blanche Lincoln,  Democrat, wrote in the HuffyPo, scale back the 4200 regulations the Obama admin had implemented/planned to put on businesses. Those regulations, as she points out, hurts job creation.

So, you wanna help the middle class? Get govt OUT of people's lives/businesses as best we can and allow the once great entrepreneurial spirit of the U.S take over and rev up the job creating engine. Business owners are scared to death to expand and take on more payroll with all the govt is "doing" now and plans to do.

Lastly, Dems had a filibuster proof majority in the senate and could have passed minimum pay increase, higher taxes on the rich, etc etc etc. or anything else they say is SO important right now. They chose not to and now are blaming R's at election time. Lol. What does that tell you?

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 11:45:18 PM

How many Republican amendments has Reid allowed (not count budget bills where he can not block them)?

In his first year as Senate Majority leader in 2007 he allowed 218 Republican amendments.

In 2103 Reid had shrunk that number to 67 with ONLY FOUR allowed in the last 6 months of 2013. I haven't counted them for this year.

I gather you're not hearing this from your news sources.

All those amendments he has blocked would have deleted hundreds of USHA, MSDS and other workplace safety measures that businesses are mandated to follow.

In short, make workplace most unsafe for workers and not create jobs.    

Good job, Harry.

Over 2/3rds of all laws signed from this Congress originated in The House.  

Origination of Laws Signed From 113th Congress  
Public Law 113-001 originated as H.R. 41
Public Law 113-002 originated as H.R. 152
Public Law 113-003 originated as H.R. 325
Public Law 113-004 originated as S. 47
Public Law 113-005 originated as H.R. 307
Public Law 113-006 originated as H.R. 933
Public Law 113-007 originated as S. 716
Public Law 113-008 originated as H.R. 1246
Public Law 113-009 originated as H.R. 1765
Public Law 113-010 originated as H.R. 1071
Public Law 113-011 originated as H.R. 360
Public Law 113-012 originated as H.R. 258
Public Law 113-013 originated as S. 982
Public Law 113-014 originated as S. 622
Public Law 113-015 originated as H.R. 475
Public Law 113-016 originated as H.R. 324
Public Law 113-017 originated as H.R. 1151
Public Law 113-018 originated as H.R. 2383
Public Law 113-019 originated as H.R. 251
Public Law 113-020 originated as H.R. 254
Public Law 113-021 originated as H.R. 588
Public Law 113-022 originated as H.R. 2289
Public Law 113-023 originated as H.R. 267
Public Law 113-024 originated as H.R. 678
Public Law 113-025 originated as H.R. 1092
Public Law 113-026 originated as H.R. 1171
Public Law 113-027 originated as H.R. 1344
Public Law 113-028 originated as H.R. 1911
Public Law 113-029 originated as H.R. 2167
Public Law 113-030 originated as H.R. 2576
Public Law 113-031 originated as H.R. 2611
Public Law 113-032 originated as S. 130
Public Law 113-033 originated as S. 157
Public Law 113-034 originated as S. 256
Public Law 113-035 originated as S. 304
Public Law 113-036 originated as S. 459
Public Law 113-037 originated as H.R. 1412
Public Law 113-038 originated as H.R. 3092
Public Law 113-039 originated as H.R. 3210
Public Law 113-040 originated as H.R. 527
Public Law 113-041 originated as S. 793
Public Law 113-042 originated as H.R. 3233
Public Law 113-043 originated as S. 1348
Public Law 113-044 originated as H.J. Res. 91
Public Law 113-045 originated as H.R. 3095
Public Law 113-046 originated as H.R. 2775
Public Law 113-047 originated as H.R. 3190
Public Law 113-048 originated as H.R. 2094
Public Law 113-049 originated as H.R. 3302
Public Law 113-050 originated as H.R. 2747
Public Law 113-051 originated as S. 330
Public Law 113-052 originated as S. 893
Public Law 113-053 originated as H.R. 1848
Public Law 113-054 originated as H.R. 3204
Public Law 113-055 originated as S. 252
Public Law 113-056 originated as S. 1545
Public Law 113-057 originated as H.R. 3626
Public Law 113-058 originated as H.R. 185
Public Law 113-059 originated as H.R. 1402
Public Law 113-060 originated as H.R. 2251
Public Law 113-061 originated as H.R. 2871
Public Law 113-062 originated as H.R. 2922
Public Law 113-063 originated as H.R. 3458
Public Law 113-064 originated as H.R. 3588
Public Law 113-065 originated as S. 1471
Public Law 113-066 originated as H.R. 3304
Public Law 113-067 originated as H.J. Res. 59
Public Law 113-068 originated as H.R. 623
Public Law 113-069 originated as H.R. 767
Public Law 113-070 originated as H.R. 2319
Public Law 113-071 originated as H.R. 3343
Public Law 113-072 originated as H.R. 3487
Public Law 113-074 originated as S. 1614
Public Law 113-073 originated as H.J. Res. 106  
Public Law 113-075 originated as H.R. 667
Public Law 113-076 originated as H.R. 3547
Public Law 113-077 originated as H.R. 3527
Public Law 113-078 originated as S. 230
Public Law 113-079 originated as H.R. 2642
Public Law 113-080 originated as H.R. 2860
Public Law 113-081 originated as S. 1901
Public Law 113-082 originated as S. 25
Public Law 113-083 originated as S. 540
Public Law 113-084 originated as S.J. Res. 28
Public Law 113-085 originated as S.J. Res. 29
Public Law 113-086 originated as H.R. 2431
Public Law 113-087 originated as S. 23
Public Law 113-089 originated as H.R. 3370
Public Law 113-090 originated as H.R. 4076
Public Law 113-091 originated as S.J. Res. 32
Public Law 113-092 originated as H.R. 3771
Public Law 113-093 originated as H.R. 4302
Public Law 113-094 originated as H.R. 2019
Public Law 113-095 originated as H.R. 4152
Public Law 113-096 originated as S. 2183
Public Law 113-097 originated as H.R. 4275
Public Law 113-098 originated as S. 1557
Public Law 113-099 originated as S. 404
Public Law 113-100 originated as S. 2195
Public Law 113-101 originated as S. 994
Public Law 113-102 originated as H.R. 4120
Public Law 113-103 originated as H.R. 4192
Public Law 113-104 originated as H.R. 3627
Public Law 113-105 originated as H.R. 685
Public Law 113-106 originated as H.R. 1209
Public Law 113-107 originated as H.R. 862
Public Law 113-108 originated as S. 309
Public Law 113-109 originated as H.R. 724
Public Law 113-110 originated as H.R. 1036
Public Law 113-111 originated as H.R. 1228
Public Law 113-112 originated as H.R. 1451
Public Law 113-113 originated as H.R. 2391
Public Law 113-114 originated as H.R. 2939
Public Law 113-115 originated as H.R. 3060
Public Law 113-116 originated as H.R. 3658
Public Law 113-117 originated as H.R. 4032
Public Law 113-118 originated as H.R. 4488
Public Law 113-119 originated as S. 611
Public Law 113-120 originated as H.R. 1726
Public Law 113-121 originated as H.R. 3080
Public Law 113-122 originated as H.R.316
Public Law 113-123 originated as S. 1044
Public Law 113-124 originated as S. 2086
Public Law 113-125 originated as S. 1254  
Public Law 113-126 originated as S. 1681
Public Law 113-127 originated as H.R. 2388

JackDunphy701 reads

I still remember that post where you listed all the federal agencies and it took you, what ed, 7 posts to complete it? That should be required reading for anyone who thinks govt isn't large enough. Lol

-- Modified on 9/2/2014 12:14:23 AM

These laws are basically saying "stop when the signal ligth is red". Oh there was some Sandy relief benefits, after the fact, and Temporary Flood insurance, and something about public health. So dam this isn't the least productive Congress. Now I feel better. Send this to FOX asap, good job.  
And if Reid is holding something back it's probably because anything the House brings up is tied to tax cuts for the rich, or eliminating the ACA, completely and that isn't negotiable,unless the GOP has their own plan, which they don't.

So Reid only allows votes on bills that do nothing productive (your interpretation) and those that probably or maybe might have differing ideas, while you ignored my first list of bills that had substantial Democrat support in the House.

Face it. The Democrat plan has been to block most everything, blame the House and expect you and the lapdog media to go right along.

Facts are stubborn things that probably or maybe don't go away so easy.

Republicans have done two things:

1. Helped downgrade our Treasury Bonds.
2. Shut down the Federal Government

These are the same lines that FOX, Mitt, Rove & co used in 2012 but they got the President elected for a second term in a landslide!

If you cannot name even one, I have a perfect name for trolls like you without brain cells who are glued to FOX 24/7/365

You don't suppose the poplutions of states like CA, NY and IL had anything to do with that do you?  

Posted By: hpygolky
Overall Dem won the popular vote in the house. But really what have the Republicans done for the middle class?  

What have the Republicans done for the middle class? So far they've saved them from sinking into a full-fledged, 3rd world, banana republic hell.

Right!   These are the same people who complain:

. they cannot find jobs
. the country is going in the wrong direction
. give House of Rep a 5% approval
. go back and vote for the same crap

Can't find more dumb sh*it in any other developed country!

If you have real balls, name a couple of economic disasters that have taken place since President took office in 2009?

If you cannot name one, I have a perfect name for you.   I am waiting.

Wait until the President vacates office. Remember the home loan disaster didn't take effect until Bush's term was almost over.

What are the top two looming economic disasters facing the American people?

1. Auto loans

2. Student loans

Both of these have been in the country decades before this President took office.

True, and if the issues are still present  the issues have not been not been addressed.

True or False?

JackDunphy507 reads

He hasnt addressed social security, which is scheduled for insolvency in 2033.

He has done nothing to address Medicare, which is still expected to be insolvent in 2024.

Number of people on food stamps has skyrocketed.

He refused to follow the advice of his own debt commission, adding $8 trillion to the debt.

Half of Obama's new jobs are McJobs.

Real wages have DECLINED under him, by $5,000.

Even the insurance companies said virtually no one would see a $2500 decline in their HC bill as Barry promised but a major increase

Thresholds, higher taxes and disincentives to hire due to Obamacare has played a part in our dismal recovery.  

Black unemployment has skyrocketed under Barry.

He said he would stand with unions, and lied about that.  

But you're right, I couldn't name JUST one. lol.

Posted By: csekhar73
Since 2009 it has been:  
 . Block Everything'  
 . Oppose Everything.  
 . Obstruct Everything.  
 . Shut Down the Federal Government  
 . Block Equal Pay / Paycheck Fairness  
 . Block Minimum Wage  
 . Block Federal appointments  
 . Block taxing Corporations who dodge taxes with offices in remote islands  
 . Block dismantling tax rebates for corporations who ship jobs and manufacturing overseas for cheap labor  
 In spite of this, the economy added 50 million jobs since 2009, DOW has gone up from 7,800 (Dubiya's low) to over 17,000, S&P& Moody's at historical high, unemployment down to 6.2%, 3 million people with pre existing conditions have health care, 20 million uninsured now have health care, over 12 million under poverty line have Medicaid.    401(k) and retirement account balances are at their highest level they had ever been.  
 It is about time to dump these do nothing, oppose everything and obstruct everything Republicans and elect a Congress that can actually do something for the middle class Americans.  
 If you come to think of it, what has Republicans done to the middle class Americans since 2009?

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