Politics and Religion

Hamas summer camps sound just like NRA summer camps. (eom)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 362 reads

Posted By: 86H13LTP
Summer Camps in Gaza run by Hamas yourself .  
The fun and games Hamas teach at their summer camps include using an AK , squad tactics , taking down an Israeli position with fire and maneuver , prisoner snatches , setting explosives using mortars and RPGs and throwing grenades .

in the downing of MH-17, though the Republicans will probably find a way to blame Obama. Putin well remembers how the world turned against the USSR after the downing of Korean Air 007. That probably had a great impact on ending the cold war.

St. Croix382 reads

He's way too busy. I think he has 2 more fundraisers tonight in NYC. Raising cash for Democratic candidates is way more important. No time for blaming. You know that! What's next, suggesting Republicans will blame Obama on the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza today, and the eventual slaughter of innocent women and children.  

Posted By: mattradd
in the downing of MH-17, though the Republicans will probably find a way to blame Obama. Putin well remembers how the world turned against the USSR after the downing of Korean Air 007. That probably had a great impact on ending the cold war.

I guess I should have used the little winking smiley face to indicate that I was joking about that part of my post!   ;) Though, I wouldn't put money on Sarah Palin, Gohmert or the likes, doing so. Obama was not too busy to address many of the parties affected by the crash.

St. Croix420 reads

Come on matt, Democrats blame Bush for everything. Remember Madeline Albright's comment that Democrats should blame Bush for everything forever. So it's only natural for you and Democrats to believe that Republicans will blame Obama for everything.  

And you know what's going to happen to Putin? Nothing!  23 Americans dead

Don't you think it's a bit of a stretch that the downing of KAL 007 had a GREAT impact on ending the Cold War. It was 1983. There was plenty of shit happened after 1983 that precipitated the end of the Cold War. I've flown on a lot of major international airlines. I've never flown on KAL or Asiana. They've got cockpit problems. I should say they have a cultural problem that manifests itself in the cockpit.  

Posted By: mattradd
I guess I should have used the little winking smiley face to indicate that I was joking about that part of my post!   ;) Though, I wouldn't put money on Sarah Palin, Gohmert or the likes, doing so. Obama was not too busy to address many of the parties affected by the crash.
-- Modified on 7/17/2014 5:21:28 PM

Posted By: mattradd
Obama was not too busy to address many of the parties affected by the crash.
This is how an American president should address Russian aggression
posted at 6:01 pm on July 17, 2014 by Noah Rothman

Without leaping to conclusions, a variety of national security analysts and experts are coming to the conclusion that an external event – a missile or a bomb – took town Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine on Thursday. A total of 295 people, including what was at the time an unconfirmed report of 23 Americans, were killed in what increasingly appears to have been an attack perpetrated by pro-Russian militants on a civilian transport using sophisticated Russian hardware.

And the President of the United States was nowhere to be found.

AllahPundit smartly chronicled President Barack Obama’s display of contempt for the “optics” associated with being the leader of the free world amid a crisis.

The president scrambled from his lunch to a previously scheduled speech where the eyes of the world watched as America’s commander-in-chief was expected to address the escalating crisis in Europe. Uncharacteristically, quickening the pulse, Obama took to the podium promptly at his scheduled time, 2:10 p.m. ET, where he did just that:

“Obviously, the world is watching reports of a downed passenger jet near the Russia-Ukraine border,” he said. “It looks like it may be a terrible tragedy.”

The president added that he had directed his national security team to “stay in close contact” with the government in Ukraine, and his government was working to determine whether a report that 23 American citizens were on board that flight was accurate. He offered his prayers for the families of those who lost loved ones. And that was it.

38 seconds.

 Obama then proceeded to deliver a canned speech, one which he admitted he’s been giving “all week,” in which he said he supported more federal infrastructure spending to build “roads and bridges.”

There is every reason to think that the president did not want to get out in front of the information he has available to him, but there is also reason to believe that Obama had access to more information about the event than he acknowledged.

According to Gen. Barry McCaffrey, in the absence of a failure of America’s satellite system, “We already know there was a missile launch, where it was launched” (a fact U.S officials confirmed late Thursday afternoon). The general added that the State Department should have been able to confirm or deny that Americans were aboard that flight by simply checking with the U.S. Embassy in the Netherlands which should have been able to access the flight manifest.

It is unfair to be too critical of the president for waiting to gather his facts before addressing the situation. But 31 years ago, at a time with far less reliable technology or communications capabilities, President Ronald Reagan immediately addressed an eerily similar situation – when Soviet forces shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007 over the Kamchatka Peninsula.

On the day of the attack, calling it an “appalling and wanton misdeed,” the president ordered American flags to fly at half-staff at all federal and military installations.

Three days later, Reagan delivered an address to the nation from the Oval Office:

“This crime against humanity must never be forgotten,” Reagan began. He said he grieved for those who died in that attack and for the families of those they left behind. “Their deaths were the result of the Soviet Union violating every concept of human rights,” the president added.

“Let me state as plainly as I can,” he continued, “there was absolutely no justification, either legal or moral, for what the Soviets did.”

With granular detail and in prosecutorial fashion, Reagan made the case for why the evidence suggests Soviet forces intentionally shot down KLA 007. He then played a portion of an audio tape featuring communications which clearly showed Soviet forces coordinating that attack – chatter similar to that which was intercepted by intelligence services following this event.

At the very least, Obama might have mustered a condemnation of the violence in this region which today claimed the lives of nearly 300 noncombatants.

Just yesterday, Obama scolded Russia for its failure to deescalate the situation in Ukraine and moved forward with promised sanctions on key sectors of the Russian Federation’s economy. Among the escalations Russia has permitted has been the transferring of sophisticated anti-aircraft missile systems to pro-Russian militants. In that sense, Obama had already acknowledged that the attack on MH17 was the direct result of Russian actions.

Tonight, there will be “no scheduled changes” to the president’s fundraising schedule as he heads to New York City to entertain Democratic donors. This is a dangerous time for the world and the United States, one made even more dangerous due to Obama’s abdication of his role as America’s commander-in-chief.

At the height arming Taliban in Afghanistan through Pakistani ISI to defeat the Soviets, a S. Korean (incase you didn’t know, S. Korea is US protectorate) passenger air craft veers of course into Soviet territory near Alaskan border. Soviets warns the S.Korean jet liner and tells them to move back of the soviet airspace over which S.Korean airliner did not permission to fly three times. The stupid pilot takes no action and the Soviets shoots it down most, to tell the US, they mean business.

What did St. Reagan do other than the speech? Not a fucking thing and hid behind the collapse of the Soviet Union.

His creation of the Taliban and arming them came to roos by the way of 9/11 and 5,000 or so Americans lost their lives because of his stupidity. He defeated the Soviets and made the world into a chaos, everyone is dealing with today. Great fucking legacy.

Thought takes time and stupid knee jerk reactions does not.

86H13LTP346 reads

Summer Camps in Gaza run by Hamas yourself .  

Funny , the summer camps I see advertised in my local paper list fun and games like kickball and swimming  , cookouts , field trips etc . The fun and games Hamas teach at their summer camps include using an AK , squad tactics , taking down an Israeli position with fire and maneuver , prisoner snatches , setting explosives using mortars and RPGs and throwing grenades .

When an IDF soldier rounds the corner and encounters one of these " campers " he handles it . Then Hamas strips the body of anything military and sticks in front of western cameras so people like you can cry about it .  

Fucking animals !!!

Posted By: 86H13LTP
Summer Camps in Gaza run by Hamas yourself .  
The fun and games Hamas teach at their summer camps include using an AK , squad tactics , taking down an Israeli position with fire and maneuver , prisoner snatches , setting explosives using mortars and RPGs and throwing grenades .

followme321 reads

He, Fat-Boy, (aka BLS) teaches backstabbing.

Thank you  
2014 = GOP Senate and House

Pro-Russians have been shooting down or trying to shoot down Ukrainian Fighter plans for awhile and they just assumed that the Malaysia airline was a fighter jet. Didn't the Russians say something to the effect of "Oh fuck!" once they found out it was a civilian plan. They knew they fucked up. And now the cover up will begin now that Moscow has the black box. I even heard Hannity on Fox this morning trying to blame Obama, really now. Hannity gets a case of the runs and he'll blame Obama...Shit Reagan had the Russians shoot down a Korea airline while he was POTUS, and we shot down an Iranian airline, so shit happens during war or conflict. Quit the fuckin blame game

86H13LTP386 reads

a weak American President . The Russians wouldn't be there if weak boy had any balls and did stupid shit like disarm our missiles in Poland and elsewhere because he was afraid Putin would reach across the table and bitch slap him .  

See Cuban missile crisis for how strong American Presidents handle Moscow.  

Reagan ? See how Strong American Presidents handle Soviets who shoot down airliners . He dissolves their union in six years .

The Pro-Russian militants claim they don't have weapons of that type, but USA Today does think they do

So, Russia is supplying the militants with weapons.

If the USA had a stronger president, Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine right now.

Ergo, part of the blame lies on Obama for being such a milksop.

salonpas488 reads

"I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straight forward and trustworthy and we had a very good dialogue. "I was able to get a sense of his soul.".....GW. Bush[\quote]

Bush as we found out was not exactly a good judge of character. Take a moment and think about the names of his friends, cronies, and inner circle - from Darth Cheney to Rove to Rumsfeld to Roberts, all the way to the Gonzales's and Brownies etc. ad infinitum. Not a single decent human being in the whole despicable bunch

LordQuas433 reads

John McCain

Can't say more.  

Do the research and stay away from propaganda of any kind.

-- Modified on 7/18/2014 8:07:31 AM

They seem to be pretty damn good at losing planes.

Seems like I read somewhere where the FAA warned companies not to fly over Ukraine, prior to MH-17 being shot down. I could be wrong.

I may know nothing about flying, and less about business; but I know a bad risk when I see one.

Seems like the guys head has been handed to him on a platter for his error, and it's done in Moscow.

Another sign, rebels are not allowing crash investigators on the crash sight. If the typical evidence is missing, say the parts of the instrument that caused the explosion, like a rocket or missile, etc., that will be another sign Russia is culpable.

salonpas464 reads

..........we probably wouldn't be in this mess in Ukraine/Crimea.

Created many small countries in the guise of democracy but all of them ended up being dictator ship or an oligarchy.

All of these countries are economic basket case

Maniacs in Central Asian countries are mercenaries and are available for terrorism all over the world

United States started more unilateral wars than any other times in history of the world

Unrest and terrorism all over the world, middle east, Africa, and Central Asia.  

Before the break up, the world was relatively peaceful and there wasn’t any terrorism as it is today.

Who benefitted?

Neo Cons in America and those selling war every chance they get to make millions

Oligarch in Russia, and Central Asia


and Terrorism all across the world.

Common man on the street: gets hold the bag for fighting terrorism and to pay all other bills. Other than that, NADA

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