Politics and Religion

Hamas is like a badly infected tooth
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1665 reads

You have to get out all the rotten roots or the infection will continue to spread..
On another subject...

DoctorGonzo, 1/12/2009 4:41:43 PM
"those who agree with him (especially the ones so chickenshit they post under some hateful pseudo-alias"

"But don't expect me to put your name on our guest lists for any Meet n' Greet parties now, or in the future."

I don't recall agreeing with TS but then again The Doc{you} and I have not been in much agreement, and  I do agree with the rights of all, and their freedom of speech..however I don't uses aliases..
I always thought it might be fun to go to a Vegas M@G.
We do have some views in common...I have hope for Vegas..

... When TheMealticket was about to leave as moderator of P&R, he had asked, and gotten the approval of TER staff to offer the job to me.

Others might disagree, but I believe a moderator must remain objective with regards to the appropriateness of the post, and the poster themself. At that time, I was not certain I could remain impartial and objective, plus I wanted to continue to write reviews (moderators dont do reviews for the obvious and correct reasons); I wanted to be able to freely and without reservation, be able to express myself and MY perspectives, something that as a moderator, I believe to be inappropriate. and so, I turned down the offer, and the job was given to Ben Dover, so that gives all you long-timers an idea of the timeframe. I wonder how things would look in this forum if I HAD accepted the job at a time when names like funtime69 and Xiaominglover1 were guaranteed to make my blood boil just by reading their names.

But anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. (thanks Arlo... appreciate the inspiration)

so whats the reason for this post at this time?

There is a thread a bit down the page now, started by tallslim26, where he talks about possibly no longer posting on this board because of peoples reactions to his point of view.

I'd like to add my 2 shekels to the mix. Let there be no doubt in anyone's mind; I'd like to see tallslim26 and those who agree with him (especially the ones so chickenshit they post under some hateful pseudo-alias)strung up by their toenails and left as food for the jackals. I would like nothing better than to put his picture on my dartboard. Let HIS nose be the bullseye, it meshes well with the bullshit coming out of his mouth. Of course,this is the emotional and natural reaction i have when I sense hostility directed towards me and my "ilk".
I see it as an attempt to invalidate my existence as a man and a Jew, and of course my reactions will kick into primal survival mode, as they have had to do for real on several occasions in my life.

But thats not really the point of this post either, just my excuse to get a few digs in at tallslim26.

tallslim26, I do not like you, and no, I do not respect you as a person. I don't believe you when you say you respect me, zisk and the others you mention by name in your post. It smells like phoney lip service.

TER is a private venture, and as such, they reserve the final right as to what is and is not deemed appropriate to publish on their website.

The great French philosopher François-Marie Arouet, aka Voltaire, is famous for this quote: "Monsieur l'abbé, je déteste ce que vous écrivez, mais je donnerai ma vie pour que vous puissiez continuer à écrire"

"Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write"

The short and more popular form - I disagree with what you say, but I defend your right to say it.

And I have the right to disagree with your point of view. But as a moderator, I would not bar you from expressing your point of view.

In closing, tallslim26, I say this to you here and now: do not stop posting your opinion, as vile as I may find it to be. It serves a purpose. It reminds me that there are those in this world who continue to hate for hatred's sake, regardless of how they may attempt to couch it in intellectual diatribes, fabrications and good old "spin". It also reminds me, as many of the responses to your comments have, that there are also those who do not subscribe to your particular breed of dogma, and have a broader and enlightened perspective of reality. And that is what gives me hope and reassurance. One day perhaps, you will see, or experience something first hand that will help you to see the real truth of the situation, and allow you to see the Bigger Picture.

But don't expect me to put your name on our guest lists for any Meet n' Greet parties now, or in the future.

(thanks to the readers for indulging me this little diatribe.)

bong_water1436 reads

Not a bad post for 51 cent.

GaGambler1969 reads

Not in support of T&D, but in support of his right to voice his "opinions". Now if we could only get the "polite society" of the GD board and the occassional visitors here to understand what "free speech" is all about.

Why do so many people want to silence those that disagree with them? Speech even "hate speech" allows for discourse. I don't want to make this a left vs right debate, but I have noticed by and large it is the "liberal left" that want to stifle freedom of expression. Not as much by the liberals on this board(Doc being a perfect example), but by the "polite" society that dominates our society.

Clint_Westwood1601 reads

I really dislike those who attempt to suppress free speech.
What makes this board interesting are the varied opinions and views. This board being mostly unmoderated allows for everyone to speak their mind. As much as I dislike some of the opinions I do learn quite a bit here, and enjoy this forum.
Tallslim26 has every right to voice his opinions, some of which I agree with, and some not. Some of yours I agree with, and some not.
Anyhow, nice post, Doc.
BTW, I eat jackals for breakfast.

...freedom of speech is freedom of speech, gives us all the right to throw fruit @ them....& they get a free meal out of it....

You have to get out all the rotten roots or the infection will continue to spread..
On another subject...

DoctorGonzo, 1/12/2009 4:41:43 PM
"those who agree with him (especially the ones so chickenshit they post under some hateful pseudo-alias"

"But don't expect me to put your name on our guest lists for any Meet n' Greet parties now, or in the future."

I don't recall agreeing with TS but then again The Doc{you} and I have not been in much agreement, and  I do agree with the rights of all, and their freedom of speech..however I don't uses aliases..
I always thought it might be fun to go to a Vegas M@G.
We do have some views in common...I have hope for Vegas..

I can't get past the thought that in the final days of his reign, anyone would consider the foolish ramblings of Mealie.

You are probably correct that it takes a special mindset to keep a cool head and moderate this happy band of fools.  I know that I'm certainly not that person.

On another note, thanks again for your generosity this past weekend.  It was one of the best parties that I've been to.

And for the record, I heartily agree with your position on free speech.

the word Religion from the P & R moniker. Inserting the word Religion is  Ben Dover and I never had much use for it. Politics and Society or Politics and Economics would be much better and more inclusive.

I agree I also detest the use of all these psuedo-names.

Religion should remain in the title since some posters think that they are different topics and would not post if it weren't there.

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