Politics and Religion

Had she appeared like that on Dancing with the Stars . . . . . .
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1731 reads
2 / 23

Donny Osmond would have been eliminated in week number one!!!!!!!

mattradd 40 Reviews 1080 reads
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fasteddie51 1321 reads
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Actually I find that photo makes me dislike religion even more.  Without Catholics, she wouldn't be holding that damn cross that's blocking her sweet parts! lol.

sitaradevi See my TER Reviews 976 reads
5 / 23

PETA does such an incredible job with their campaign against animal cruelty. Most of their campaign advertisement are really eye grabbing and make you focus not only on the ad, but also on the message. In that way you have to give it up to the folks at PETA for their creative genius.


dncphil 16 Reviews 974 reads
7 / 23

1. If he believes it is in our national security interests to win, why have any date to get out.  If it is national security, the exit strategy is to win.  

While we can debate among ourselves whether there is a threat, if he is going to act like he thinks there is, you fight it.  Not for 18 months, but until it is no longer a threat.  

You can start to get out now if you don't think it's a real threat.

He proposed a policy as if it is a threat, and a solution as if it isn't.

2. If it is a threat, if he thinks it is a real war, when you speak to your military, you use the words, "victory".  "Successful transition" ain't the language of Patton.

AGAIN, if he is going to stay, treat it like a war.  If he doesn't want to treat it like a war, get out.

(Personally, I believe it is both a threat and a war, and I think they both pre-dated Bush.  I don't think Bush declared a war, I think he opened different fronts in the same fight that preceeded him.)

GaGambler 802 reads
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If I am being a bit to subtle. I can't stand PETA.

Ask me how I really feel. lol

GaGambler 1089 reads
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I think I am beginning to like you again. lol

mattradd 40 Reviews 960 reads
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an Eastern Orthodox cross. Theirs tend to be bigger and more ornate. I think we would have gotten a better show with a Catholic cross. :)

dncphil 16 Reviews 1752 reads
12 / 23

Actually, I never saw the picture.  For some reason, I was trying to reply to the thread about the speech.  

I have no idea why it ended up here.  

Actually, I do know.  There is a phenomenon in nature that moves one sock out of the dryer to another place in the universe.  There is a similar matter transfer quirk of nature that moves my car keys from where I left them to some other place in the house.

Likewise, I posted that comment in one thread and it was transformulated to the other thread.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1178 reads
13 / 23

is when I'm just know a certain thing is on my desk, or in a cabinet, or in the refrigerator, but when I look, it's not there. Then, after looking several more times, and it's still not there, and there's no where else to look, and nothing else left to do, I look one more time, and it has magically re-appeared.

dncphil 16 Reviews 1396 reads
14 / 23

I get a citation for a quote, cutting and pasting the name of the source.  I go back a week later to see if there is anything else to add from that source, and I found it changed cites.  Then, three weeks later, doing the final proof read, I go back and it doesn't say what I cut and pasted.

Gas Light.

fasteddie51 781 reads
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fasteddie51 1257 reads
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They're worse than the eco-terrorists that drive nails into trees trying to kill loggers by causing their chain saws to buck back onto themselves.

I think just about everybody is against cruelty to animals, but trying to stop pople from fishing?

And I'm sorry, but if they have to kill 1,000,000 monkeys to cure HIV or Cancer, I'll volunteer for the job.  The little bastards gave us AIDS and Ebola anyway!

Snowman39 1587 reads
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I wouldn't mind giving here a little doggie ;-)

mattradd 40 Reviews 972 reads
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mattradd 40 Reviews 762 reads
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Doggie and pussy all have to do with animals, right!

GaGambler 1086 reads
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mattradd 40 Reviews 1339 reads
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will eat about anything. I would have pitied the poor dog that came across our path during SERE training. We were only lucky enough to scrounge up some rattle-snake and prickly pear cactus. :)

GaGambler 625 reads
23 / 23

We all eat pussy. lmao

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