Politics and Religion

Great article on Salon today about "Whore Phobia" highly recommend it...
Cosette 1802 reads

Favorite 2 parts:

Q:“A housewife maintains her legitimacy by not seeking a wage, and a hooker breaks with convention by demanding one.” What does sex work reveal about how we imagine, value, and gender work?

A: We’re not supposed to commodify sex, just in the same way that we’re not supposed to commodify caring, we’re not supposed to commodify cooking in the household. Even though caring and cooking work outside the household – especially when it’s performed by men – you can be a master chef…

Q: What strikes you about the way we see sex work portrayed in pop culture? I’m struck the sitcom plots we see where our innocent protagonists accidentally bring home sex workers that they had no idea might be sex workers.

A: There’s something that’s operating there that you can tell who a sex worker is by how they look…It says more, I think, about people’s need to believe that sex workers are somehow completely separate from the rest of society, and I think that some of the anxiety that we’re looking at right now just as a culture, as the sex industry is diversifying and broadening, or perhaps as we’re able to see that it is actually quite diverse, more than we ever have before, the fact that it’s provoking like a category panic… “I thought that those people were on the bad part of town.”…I was just reading the Duke student paper piece about the Duke student who was outed for being a porn performer, and the reporter actually inserts herself several times to sort of interrogate her own biases, like “Oh, I couldn’t believe that she just looked like one of us!”…

If they look like me, then that’s something that I could be doing someday too.

... and we did the part about the Duke girl, who does not grasp the concept of discretion.

You Feminists are going to loses the right to do what you want, with your own pussy's; Keep it up!

Cosette285 reads

I wouldn't know where.

You think I'm a feminist? Really? Hmm, interesting

Given the above example of feminstic behavior, I'm going to label you a feminist.

I'll give you the respect of keeping my mouth shut, as to any questions regarding you personally

Cosette279 reads

-- Modified on 2/27/2014 2:44:03 PM

All of us guys, who've had girlfriends, SO's, wives, have never been under the illusion that we have not been paying for sex!   ;)

What about the relationships where women give more than they get?

Example: The women is the bread winner, and the man still has sex with her?

Does that cost him a percentage of his manhood? Wouldn't that have to bother him first?

Cosette431 reads

was getting his PHD, (and no, not by doing this). I champion equal pay and higher positions for women (no, not just being on top!), because then what reasons will they have for not working on their sex lives

Madonna Slut complex.. what I see in states is all very very defined- as in India casts  back then -classes  
 and social norms are enforced on everybody .. we are here more open minded and more .. developed ?
Life is not just black and white .. they many shadows of grey .. but I would say more shadows of the color palitra    
 which is human existence  
Thank you Cossete for sharing and noticing that.. I would say it is  pure US phenomena .. remember the story where Italian hooker very famous ... I forget her  stage name - she was running for goverment in own county ? she not made it .. yet the fact that she was able to be in political rally  is evident itself .. yet her American husband divorced her and even took a child away .. because she gave yo child sex toys to play as regular toys .. may be it was a bit .. too much .. but .. but .. she moved back to Europe and proved herself be nice mother and politician. they did not discriminate her from entering the political rally .. yet  can anybody imagine that here ?
 any way the fact that she not made it is not evident - many not hookers women also loosing it to men in government .

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