Politics and Religion

Steelers; Texans.Saints.G-Men. all moving on to next week
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 5988 reads


I think the Steelers and the Saints are both no brainers, but the Falcons could easily beat the Giants, and Houston is decimated by injuries. Neither of those games are gimmies.

I will concede that is unlikely that three road teams will advance this week, and with Pittsburgh almost certainly beating Denver at Mile High, if both Atlanta and Cincy win that would make three road victories. So maybe you will go three out of four instead. lol

Nice line mr nt.  Provided a good Saturday noontime chuckle . . .

Priapus532061 reads

or, maybe not, as evidenced of your abundant reference & knowledge of "sissies"-------;)

Anyway, I thought the mod would move this to sports-------WTF-------his call.

and the dozens of other Off Topic posts you have made here to another board as well?

I think you have your answer. lol

Unless of course, you want "all" the rules enforced for everybody, including you?  yeah, that's what I thought. lmao

I need a laugh too. You guys have no respect for the lame lol

Priapus532082 reads

ok, guess I'll renounce my "atheist status" now----------;)

JLWest1881 reads

I suppect God dosen't watch the NFL based on past experences with praying for game results.

and to put this back "on topic" it appears God was too busy looking out for Penn St football, and forgot to look out for all the little boys who got ass raped by that vile piece of shit Sandusky.

I almost wish I believed in Hell, so I could take some solace that he would burn there for all eternity. I guess I would  be satisfied if someone were to just cut off his dick with a dull knife. My feelings toward Joe Paterno and the rest of the cowards who let this go on for years are about the same. They should all fucking burn.

Ok, hows that for back on topic? lmao

SNL hasn't been worth watching for many, many years.

(the little birdies from ATL). They have a front 4 that can put pressure on Matty Ice by itself and let them drop 7. we'll see.

On the politcial side, the Industrial aged Steelers will overpower the Bronco (and Buggy) PROVIDED big ben is either well protected or has improved his mobility.

Guess I got lucky yesterday going 2-0, being a dumbshit and all....

BTW, God don't give a shit about football....sorry timmy fans.

-- Modified on 1/8/2012 10:47:59 AM

Or is that a racist dumbshit? I can't remember which.  I guess I'll have to ask Pri, our resident expert on the subject. lol

Good picking so far, I predict that you will go three for four over the weekend. lol

I only went one for two yeasterday, but I loaded up on the Saints, then doubled down at halftime. The Saints were my pick of the year.

I think the giants are going to have their hands full with the Falcons, but I don't see anything but a whimper coming out of Tebow and the Broncos. It wouldn't surprise me to see Brady Quinn finish out the game/season for Denver.

and not only that, dumbasses lighter in the wallet. I can understand believing the Steelers would beat the Broncs, but picking the Falcons over the Jints at home after the way they've been playing the last few weeks.  Dumb...and Dumber.
soooo, gambler, tell us what you lost???

I loaded up on the Saints, my "pick of the week" both for the game and then doubled down on the second half, then plunged on the second half of the Pitt game, I am so happy they don't kick extra points in OT. The second half line was Pitt -7 1/2 and O/U of 19 1/2, Pitt won the second half by 8, nothing to it. lol

I'm a crazed, biblethumping bigot but fairly decent NFL picker.

I think my picks plus comments played out fairly well. Shit, I'm still not sure why Mundy left Taylor with no topside cover but if he stays put, that throw aint there.

Only one game went the way I called it, but I still made a few grand. OTOH I have had weeks where my prognosticating was right on target, but with a couple of bad bounces, I ended up losing money. Go figure.

Funny how most of the "experts" still agree with us and give Tebow "no respect". New England is almost a 2 TD favorite over Tebow's Broncos. I guess they don't factor the "Jesus factor" in when setting the line. lol

and didn't I predict that you would go three for four? Just because I predicted that you would be right on the wrong three games should have nothing to do with it. lol

-- Modified on 1/9/2012 11:29:13 AM

But i do follow football. I had the benefit of not having to concern myself with point spreads but if someone is giving up 2 td's to denver i'd take the other side of that one. some of that money has got to be the "pants shitting atheists"..lol..watch that spread drop as the week moves on

truth be told, i was not 100% sold on steelers, they had so many injuries on both fronts (Oline and Dline), including ryan clark's loss, and just had'nt shown themselves to be a dominant team this season.

cant wait to see how saints do on grass

Steelers were banged up, and at maybe 60% strength, which still should have been enough to win, but they didn't.

As for NE, the point of a betting spread is to "middle the money" and a spread that make you go "hmmmm, that's a lot of points, I am not so sure now" is a proper point spread.

I am with you, 13 1/2 is a lot of points for a team that gives up points as easily as New England, but more that likely I will give the points again.

If the Saints had homefield advantage througout the playoffs, I couldn't see anyone beating them, but the fact of the matter is, THEY DON'T. lol It will be very interesting to see them play on the road. Again, the spread is interesting NO-4.5

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