Politics and Religion

Goodbye, Cooch.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1853 reads

So it looks like Virginia can return to sanity again.

Virginia has always been, at least in my lifetime, a state that stays out of the spotlight. We just sit here quietly, and get things done. Virginia ain't California, and it ain't Alabama. It's just interested in governing like a state should be governed.

That was until no one was paying attention 4 years ago when a GOP Jesus Freak sneaked into office, and making a Jesus Freak mockery of our state, that always prefer to stay out of the fucking headlines.

Before it was all over, the governor proposed forcing doctors to rape pregnant women with medical devices just to exercise their rights, and that same governor is today even throwing his own wife under the bus in order to try to avoid a federal indictment.

So, Ken "The Cooch" Cuccinelli, Virginia's Attorney General, who was best known for taking Virginia's anti-sodomy law all the way to the Supreme Court before losing, sought the governor's office.

The Democrats foolishly nominated Terry "I will suck Hillary's cock for an extra campaign dollar" McAuliffe as their candidate. The only way the Dems could have nominated anyone more sleazy is if they ran Anthony Weiner's cock for office.

The result? The Libertarian candidate actually won 7% of the vote, the highest I've ever seen a 3rd party get in Virginia. But, alas, McAuliffe won.

Which goes to show you. Civilized Americans are willing to vote for scumbag piece of shit like McAuliffe, just to vote out the crazed Jesus Freak that wants to put married women in jail for sucking their husband's cock.

Virginia has spoken. Fuck the Jesus Freaks.

Now that we've purged the clowns, can we not be seen as a mockery now? Virginia would very much like to go back to being the state that nobody ever notices. That's how we like it.

...must really be proud of the nutjob candidates your party runs for office, not to mention the looney tunes who currently hold elected positions - Louie Gohmert, Michele Bachmann, Steve King and MEDICAL DOCTOR Paul Broun who thinks embryology is "a lie straight from the pit of Hell."

How the fuck do you look in the mirror and convince yourselves that the GOP is so fucking great?

-- Modified on 11/6/2013 12:07:37 AM

GaGambler366 reads

How can anyone be proud of belonging to EITHER party. I don't respect anyone who claims to be a loyal Dem or Rep, it simply proves they aren't smart enough to think for themselves IMO

People claim loyalty for the party that closely mirrors their own value system, even if they may not be agreeing 100% to what the politicians running for the office say or do.  In case of politicians acting stupid, like in the case of E.W. Jackson or some things Cuccinelli has said in the past, people just weed out those individual people as misfits for the party, while still keeping solidarity towards the Party..

Solidarity towards Party is solidarity towards principles, and not necessarily towards people...

That's just how I look at it....

principles and values are not on the ballot, yet people still vote as if they are

GaGambler351 reads

Or even any of the smaller ones, including the Libertarians who's core belief system seems to be the closest to my own.

I hate to admit it, even though I am far from as bitter as many of the other posters here, it is true that both the Dems and the GOP are simply two sides of the same coin and neither of them have the slightest loyalty to the American Public, it's all about getting and keeping power. The Dems want a big federal government beholdent to big business, and the GOP prefers a smaller federal government, but one equally as beholdnent to big business.

The Patriot Act was brought to us by the GOP, The Dems gave us ObamaCare, how anyone could be loyal to either party after those two pieces of "legislation" is beyond me. That's why I vote for gridlock and the last person I want in office is someone who "gets things done" The last thing I want is government getting anything else "Done"

Because when I am active  I'm such a horrible human being, I steal money, rape women, and kill people..If it takes the horrible gridlock in Washington for us not to pass bad legislation such as PATRIOT ACT and Obummercare, then shame on us.

I'd be the first one to tell you that I would love to see an Independent Candidate, who could actually win an election. Pres. George Washington was Independent and understood the trap of Partisan Politics, and if you dig in the history books, you would note that there were more Independents in Senate and The House back then. Today, we got only 2 in Senate and None in the House. Sure guys like Ralph Nader would come along once in a while, but all they are doing is stealing the votes from either the Dems or Republicans.  The change has to start at the grass root levels. County Supervisors, City Council, Mayor, State Senate, House of Del, and then moving on to US Congress and Senate and finally POTUS.  

Till that happens, we will always have candidate of one of the two parties as our President and we will have control of Democrats or Republicans in House and Senate..So the question is whom would you rather support, Dems or Republicans. Because voting of 3rd party candidate is just throwing your vote away...

GaGambler265 reads

I vote partly for the "lesser of the evils" and will sometimes vote for a candidate for POTUS simply because the other party controls Congrss. That was my reason for voting for Clinton in 96, there wasn't much difference between Clinton and Dole, Clinton really wasn't fucking anything up, and the GOP controlled Congress. I don't want the GOP in complete control anymore than the Dems. Hence my votes for gridlock.

I will agree that voting for a third party candidate is voting for a pipe dream, I don't see it as anything more than diluting the vote for one side or the other, like what Perot did to Bush 1

...for Attorney General.  I'm sure he'll make a fine AG since he once sponsored a bill requiring women who miscarried to report it to the police within 24 hours or face one year in jail.

This is one hell of a close election. The latest results are, with 2555 out of 2558 precincts reporting:

Mark D Obenshain   (R)   1,097,877   49.88%
Mark R Herring     (D)   1,098,418   49.91%

in state race after state race; even in Virginia. I can't really fathom how that happens. How it is that both parties can't find better candidates, unless the one's who would do a better job in office, are scared off from politics. I can't imagine anyone I know, however talented, who could stand the scrutiny of being vetted for office. Or, perhaps the puppeteers behind the scenes are getting their way.

and please go get on some birth control from the health dept.  This is why we can never stop offering birth control!  Link Attached

Madison, you are being the advocate of genocide. You are better than that HP hate monger publication. :

are you saying that everytime I swallowed a load of cum instead of getting pregnant that I committed genocide?  

I am saying people should not have children at all if they are going to teach hate, they are the problem with our nation not being able to forgive and move on from the past because they pass that family tradition down.

Did she express hate towards non-whites or gays?

She said races shouldn't mix, and people should only fornicate with the opposite sex. I didn't see where she specifically said she hates any one.

I agree with you that people shouldn't teach hate to their children.

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