Politics and Religion

God, it's sad. Poor, ancient, nasty old man, still using tired lines from before I left.
inicky46 61 Reviews 53 reads

You need to take a nap and maybe a hiatus if this is all you've got.

JakeFromStateFarm1224 reads

Remember when Duplicitous Don said that as Prez he'd be "too busy" working to play any golf?  More bullshit.  
According to HuffPo, "At this exact point in former President Barack Obama’s first term, he had spent 88 days on a golf course. Saturday was Trump’s 227th day as president on a course that he owns. If Trump continues golfing at the pace he has set in his first three years, he will surpass in just one term the total number of days Obama spent golfing over two full terms — despite having repeatedly criticized Obama for playing too much golf and having promised, as a candidate, that he would be too busy to play any golf at all."
The typical righty response will be "Waaaa! It's only that rag HuffPo!"
Trouble is, it's true. And, of course, ALL of his golfing has been at his own resorts, so he's been lining his own pockets at the same time with YOUR dollars. But keep scarfing down those Trump Turdburgers.

Trump can play all the golf he wants, I really don't give a fuck.  

As for the price tag, I never bitched about the Obama's pricey, separate vacations, I don't think I am going to worry about Trumps green fees. Isn't there something of substance you can whine about?

Wow, Wu, you must be REALLY rich.  Oh, and so nice you don't mind this is only a TINY amount of Trump lies you gobble up. What a chump.
PS: He doesn't pay any greens fees, you maroon.

MrTrumpkin32 reads

Well at least President Trump doesn’t travel to Hawaii for his proclivity. And I bet his courses offer a “frequent golfer discount.” You should wet yourself over something more tangible.

Not to mention, Obama grew up in Hawaii. And Trump travels to Palm Beach. So what? Trump is still FAR ahead in wasted time and money after complaining about it.
You're not much of a reader, are you?

MrTrumpkin32 reads

I never realized Obama had extensive family In Hawaii anymore? I thought they were mostly in Kenya. At least I don’t constantly soil myself over trivial matters as you do.

And please check your Depends.  You just soiled yourself.
But so glad $118 million is so trivial to you. You must be extremely wealthy.
But only if you count wealth in soiled Depends.

This topic has come up on P&R before:
Obama's total tax-paid vacation expenses for 8 years were around $96 M. Trump is up around $118 M in less than 3 years.

Posted By: MrTrumpkin
Re: $118 million isn't "something of substance?"
Well at least President Trump doesn’t travel to Hawaii for his proclivity. And I bet his courses offer a “frequent golfer discount.” You should wet yourself over something more tangible.

But like I said, no party owns this issue solely. They are ALL hypocrites, regardless of party. All you need to do is look at the top 3 Dems in VA. They are ALL still in office, right? Dims don't give a shit about that but they will lecture Reps all day and night about misogyny, blackface, etc.

So I really don't give a shit about his golf playing as that concerns me not. The MUCH bigger area where he is a hypocrite is telling me he is a small govt guy while he is blowing the debt/deficit out the ass.

Are you happy now Jake? You brought up ONE Trump hypocrisy and I agreed with the one and doubled down with another one.

You're welcome. lol

Black-Panther58 reads

Wow, Jake is still here AND now pulling pictures from his personal porn library. So you like big white dicks Jake, thought you would like black ones like the way you keep sucking on Obama's.

Pretty sure I now know why Jake is so angry, he's on the wrong website. Transgenders and Lady Boyz is a different website. Go clutter up their forums with your bullshit. Wonder how long before I get banned for hurting Jakey's little feelings. I can set a timer on when you and Laffy go crying to the mods over this post.

And apparently still in the closet about his tranny fixation. But thanks for reminding us.  Now go and try to un-bunch your black-panties.
PS: Even if you bought a clue you couldn't hurt my feelings, dimwit. Don't you know I don't have any?

Black-Panther32 reads

Nice try to flip it back with your kindergarten repartee, Jake. Just shy of "i'm rubber, you're glue what you say bounces back and sticks on you". Because that was about the level of your response - but falling even short of that. You're still a black Obama dick sucking you know what.

Laffy is on my ignore list, so his response doesn't even register. I'm surprised I don't have a PM from the mods because he went snitching on me again.Now that is the truth, he is a snitch, like the 13% he is....

Black-Panther38 reads

LOL, nice try.  Laffy's history and Jakes, are a very long history, is of a snitch. It's cultural.

Jake has an intense interest in the dicks of others and he well deserves and has earned the nickname  

Who continues to earn the nickname SwallowPee.
Time to change your Depends, get some warm milk and go to bed.

Black-Panther53 reads

Inicky46, you must be as old as Jake and Obama dick sucker like Laffy.  

Angry much old man?

Little nicky-boy

I see you are now defending BrokeBackFredoJake, so that makes you his
Fairy Godmother.

But you really need to be more original, those are all his lines.  
The only thing that BrokeBackFredoJake did not come up with is “swallowpee” though several months ago he did lie, dishonestly trying to take credit for it, but was called out and it was proven he did not come up with it and of course he never had the courage to be man enough to admit it.
He just ran and hid from that thread.

You’re Welcome
2020 = GOP

O little nicky-boy

Typical lefty move, accusing others of what they do.

You are stealing BrokeBackFredoJake’s stale lines.  
As his Fairy Godmother do you need permission or is it understood that you can
steal his stale lines, most if not all he stole from someone else.

I look forward to you entertaining us with a lame reply, in fact I order you to reply.


You’re Welcome
2020 = GOP

BTW as for all I've got.......that's all I need to bitch slap and put the likes of you in your place

Oh, and now the old "I order you to reply." Even more ancient and a feeble ploy to get me not to respond so you can have your treasured last word. But like the rest of your tired, ancient shit IT DOESN'T WORK. Actually, it hasn't worked for YEARS yet you keep trotting it out and embarrassing yourself.
Your place is back in the Assisted Living Facility where you dwell, soiling yourself daily.
Poor, old, senile fuck.

You followed my orders. I have you well trained.

You are so so wrong I did want to to reply and show us all you are the fool.
And you will of course reply to this also.

You are so easy to control and manipulate just like BrokeBackFredoJake in fact you sound/post just like him.

You're Welcome
2020 = GOP

But I'm so pleased to see you are as stupid and easily toyed with as ever. This is almost too easy. But every stick needs a piñata. And you are now officially my Piñata Boy.

You talk about a weak try,  . You have to copy BrokeBackFredoJake  or could it be........?????
It does not get any weaker or more pathetic that that

What will your next pathetic post reveal about you ?

And I know there will be another post because I have you trained to so.

You're Welcome
2020 = GOP

Speaking of officially sad  you are the epitome of sad .

Swallowpee is my Hacky Sack.
It's official. And he can't control his compulsion to have the last word. Just watch!

We all know it is you who needs the last word more than anything as you have taken thread branches  to the  right many times just to get your coveted last word. Eventually I will have mercy on you and allow you to declare victory and  pretend to win and allow you  to have the last word.


At BrokeBackFredoNicky We Laugh
2020 = GOP

Dance, puppet, dance! I love to pull your strings!  
I OWN you.
The only surprise is you didn't trot that ancient line out before I did it for your lame, old ass.
You are truly a BrokeBackPuppetBoy.
Did I mention I own you?

That's funny.

You are the one who has to steal lines from others.

It is fun watching you twist, squirm and wiggle in a failed attempt to be relevant and significant
as you are neither, and never will be, but it is hilarious watching you try.

At BrokeBackFredoNicky We Laugh
2020 = GOP

BTW shouldn't you be out selling insurance ?

You can't tell the difference between abject ridicule and stealing? Now, as stupid as you clearly are, even YOU aren't THAT stupid. So the only other explanation is you're LYING. Poor lying, pathetic swallowpee.
Now PLEASE deny that you lie. Then we'll all know you actually ARE that stupid.  It's one or the other.  
1) swallowpee is a stupid, knuckle-dragging dimwit,
2) swallowpee is a lying scupper trout with no honor.
Dance, puppet, DANCE!!

We have it on record that you have stolen "Swallowpee" from LTM&L. This proves two things, one that you will steal from the homeless, and two that you will steal even things of no value. ROFLMFAO.

Ok you two go back to your mindless drivel, with any luck one of you two old motherfuckers will simply collapse at the keyboard or one of the nurses will take away your computer privileges.

I never said you steal lines from me.
I said “you are the one who has to steal lines from others.”
Never said from me, as you dishonestly said.
It is in my post above.
Therefore you are the liar.

I will show mercy on you and allow you the last word that you so desperately need so you can declare victory and pretend you won.
You BrokeBackFredoNicky can say whatever you want but no one believes you or takes you serious.  
So go have some hot coco a chocolate chip cookie and formulate your lies and projection, post it,  
then scurry off and hide like a Bombay Runner.

You’re Welcome
At BrokeBackFredoNicky  We Laugh


BTW did you make you insurance sales quota this month?

What else would you expect. Pretty much every word out of their mouths.

how much I wish I hadn't seen this.  Please tell me its a photoshop as a joke.

Black-Panther40 reads

Looks like Jake went full retard. There's funny, then there's the truth.

From Tropic Thunder (2008)...

Kirk Lazarus : Everybody knows you never go full retard.

Tugg Speedman : What do you mean?

Kirk Lazarus : Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man,' look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sho'. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump.' Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and he won a ping-pong competition. That ain't retarded. He was a goddamn war hero. You know any retarded war heroes? Jake went full retard, man. Never go full retard. You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, "I Am Sam." Remember? Went full retard, went home empty-handed.

Jake went full retard, end of thread and EOM.

I know Hack Duncey well enough to know that he CLAIMS to be grossed out by trannies. It seems to bother him to no end when I put up a pic of one, which bothers me not at all. Nor does it turn me on. My only disappointment is that Hack failed to rise to the bait. Only you and Black-Panties did that, which is telling.
PS: Wouldn't you think that someone who wears black panties is a tranny himself?

The same kind of photo put me off the ad board here a couple of years ago.  I used to scroll through the ads over breakfast in the morning.  Then dick pics started popping up among the beautiful providers.  If I was going to enjoy my breakfast, I had to stop following the ad boards.  I remember GaG had the same reaction I did at the time.  We don't follow the ad board to see dicks.  

Just like his pals Hack Duncey, Swallowpee, Lady Gaga and Black-Panties.  So eat this. And come out of the closet.
PS: These dicks are so tiny that if you put all of them together you MIGHT get one respectably-sized cock. Something you guys have in common is a dick the size of a cocktail weenie.

Your interest in other mens dicks .....pitiful, pitiful

At BrokeBackNickyBoy We Laugh

Swallowpee, Black-Panties and Bumpkin are now competing to see who can be the President of my fan club. How flattering. Or at least it would be if the three of you had a single functioning brain among you.

Black-Panther39 reads

Inicky is finicky about tiny dicks - maybe the only ones that will fit in his uptight ass. Now we know finicky, laffy, and Jake like dicks. All have gone full retard in this thread.

Admit it, Panties, you just splooged yourself looking at all the tiny dicks in that picture.
I hear you're out of the closet IRL.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: And Black-Panties is NOT finicky about tiny dicks.
In my head, I used to read your handle as "I, Nicky!"  You know, "Who's there?" "It is I, Nicky!"  But now I'm wondering if the correct pronunciation isn't like finicky or "in a key."  "Who's there and what pitch should we use." "It's me, inicky. I'm not Finicky, but please play it in a key of C-sharp minor."

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