Politics and Religion

Go look up what Top Secret , Secret and Classified means then do yourself a favor and think twice
JackDunphy 1431 reads
1 / 11

He compared radical Muslim fundamentalists to Nazi's.


On what planet is this controversial?

Was his tweet insensitive to Radical Muslims or German Nazi's? LO

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 481 reads
2 / 11

Posted By: JackDunphy
He compared radical Muslim fundamentalists to Nazi's.  
 On what planet is this controversial?  
Was his tweet insensitive to Radical Muslims or German Nazi's? LOL  
Considering how Muslims the world over go ballistic whenever any sort of Muhammed imagery is published, whether it be Charlie Hebdo, the Jyllands Posten Muhammad cartoons, or the Innocence of Muslims video, I'm sure there was some Islamofascist swineherder with a twitter account who took exception to the comparison. Personally... well, I think everyone here knows where I stand. If not, let my old friend Mo Hamhead be your first clue

86H13LTP 419 reads
3 / 11
GiantBombing 524 reads
4 / 11

How much did the state of Rhode Island give 38 Studios? Oh yeah, $75 million, and their big flagship game didn't even come out - and let me tell you, the one game they did manage to put on shelves suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

HONDA 153 Reviews 545 reads
5 / 11

.......it's quite likely she will be our next president....lol

Posted By: 86H13LTP
-- Modified on 8/26/2015 8:06:09 AM

86H13LTP 512 reads
6 / 11
GiantBombing 528 reads
7 / 11

Just for context's sake, as I appreciate I might be the only video game guy here - if you come at the king, you best not miss. World of Warcraft is not only the king in the field of MMOs (the same genre that 38 was taking aim at), it's basically the only game of importance in the genre. Plenty of others with FAR more pedigree have come along and failed miserably, as unsurprisingly it's exceptionally difficult to run a game that requires a monthly subscription to keep people engaged long enough to keep paying each month, to cover your server costs.  

At this stage trying to muscle in on WoW's specific market would be like a startup company basing their business on creating a competitor to Coca Cola. Even if some people really like your product, you're not ever going to compete with Coca Cola; it's too ubiquitous, it's been around for too long and has too strong a backing to ever go away, no matter how much money you throw at it. The people who don't drink Coke any more for whatever reason aren't likely to try your similar product, and those that already like Coke aren't likely to stop drinking it just for your new beverage. What will happen is what always happens in these cases; the novelty lasts for a month, after which people return to what they've known all along.

The TL;DR version - Schilling's idea wasn't just stupid financially, it was stupid artistically, showed an astounding level of ignorance considering all the identical failures that preceded him, and even in the best case scenario would never have succeeded.

HONDA 153 Reviews 563 reads
8 / 11

That's what its going to  take for the GOP to win the WH. Sorry bud, it ain't happening, not with the way Trump is riling up anti immigrant fervor among the right wing crazies.  


-- Modified on 8/26/2015 10:49:46 AM

-- Modified on 8/26/2015 12:25:44 PM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 621 reads
9 / 11

Allow me to introduce you to Guild Wars 2 - http://www.guildwars2.com

WoW is no longer the top of the heap. WoW is losing players every day, and many of them are gravitating towards Guild Wars 2. I played WoW. It simply did not hold my interest. GW2 on the other hand is a very different breed of MMORG that is constantly evolving as a "Living World".  

No monthly subscription fees. All you ever have to spend cash money on, is the actual game software itself. You CAN put money in if you want to, but it is not necessary to experience the full and robust gaming experience. The more you play, the higher the caliber of rewards. Character leveling, personal storylines, World Boss events, Dungeons, and Dragons that make Godzilla look like the Geico gecko, World v World (or Realm v Realm if you prefer), Player vs Player, either competitive or casual.

If you decide to check it out, let me know, I will give you a Grand Tour through Tyria. We don't even need to be on the same server (but if you have the option, go with Blackgate). Email within the game to Stonybrook Schwartz.  

Cheers (and May the Schwartz Be With You!)
Posted By: GiantBombing
Just for context's sake, as I appreciate I might be the only video game guy here - if you come at the king, you best not miss. World of Warcraft is not only the king in the field of MMOs (the same genre that 38 was taking aim at), it's basically the only game of importance in the genre. Plenty of others with FAR more pedigree have come along and failed miserably, as unsurprisingly it's exceptionally difficult to run a game that requires a monthly subscription to keep people engaged long enough to keep paying each month, to cover your server costs.  
 At this stage trying to muscle in on WoW's specific market would be like a startup company basing their business on creating a competitor to Coca Cola. Even if some people really like your product, you're not ever going to compete with Coca Cola; it's too ubiquitous, it's been around for too long and has too strong a backing to ever go away, no matter how much money you throw at it. The people who don't drink Coke any more for whatever reason aren't likely to try your similar product, and those that already like Coke aren't likely to stop drinking it just for your new beverage. What will happen is what always happens in these cases; the novelty lasts for a month, after which people return to what they've known all along.  
 The TL;DR version - Schilling's idea wasn't just stupid financially, it was stupid artistically, showed an astounding level of ignorance considering all the identical failures that preceded him, and even in the best case scenario would never have succeeded.

86H13LTP 517 reads
10 / 11
TriFitness 4 Reviews 348 reads
11 / 11

I think what Schilling was trying to hint at is that given enough time he feels that the muslim population will become more radical over time, just like germany ended up becoming a majority nazi country over time. There are way to many variables out there to predict how many muslims will become radical given that muslims are spread out over many different countries, each with their own sub set of problems and differences from other muslim countries. What I find funny is that going by his logic people can paint Schilling as Klansman given that he is a white male of a certain agae, but certainly he would be offended by being being lump in as Klansman.

Instead of just tweeted out that he fears the growth of radical muslims in plan words, his logic just opens him up to being label as someone that is willing to take a small sample of people from a group and then jumping to conclusion that all of them will end up being like the small porition without any type of facts backing up his statement.  
Posted By: JackDunphy
He compared radical Muslim fundamentalists to Nazi's.  
 On what planet is this controversial?  
 Was his tweet insensitive to Radical Muslims or German Nazi's? LOL  

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