Politics and Religion

Go away JCA, just please do us all a favor and leave...confused_smile
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 282 reads

The money would come out of one or another of the bloated pet pork projects cretins like you assign higher priority to than vitally needed and DESERVED programs. Yes we can afford it.  

Your ignorance is too painful to bear.

Please Johny, I'm asking you in as civil a tone as I can muster, please leave this place and go somewhere where you won't bother the human race. Or at least go back under the bridge you came from.

Thanks to a coalition of 9/11 Responders, Survivors, labor unions and dedicated public officials, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 became law.. After being denied help for years, over 70,000 9/11 Responders and Survivors from around the country who went to the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the Shanksville crash site are now getting medical monitoring and treatment and compensation for their injuries.

The Problem
Federally-funded health care and compensation for thousands of injured and ill 9/11 responders and survivors expires in 2016. The medical treatment that 9/11 responders and survivors from around the country are now finally getting for their injuries will end. Those that come down with cancer after October 2016 will not only go without treatment but will not be compensated for their injuries.


This is a link to the list of the roll call from the initial vote to stop the filibuster by two REPUBLICAN Senators in their effort to prevent passage of this bill:


I only have a 2 sentence rant here:  

AFAIAC, any Senator who votes against the Extension of the James Zadroga Act should be sent on a fact finding mission INSIDE the Fukushima reactor in Japan. And then THROWN out of office

I'm all for helping people who sacrifice, but where does this money come from? Can we afford it?

The money would come out of one or another of the bloated pet pork projects cretins like you assign higher priority to than vitally needed and DESERVED programs. Yes we can afford it.  

Your ignorance is too painful to bear.

Please Johny, I'm asking you in as civil a tone as I can muster, please leave this place and go somewhere where you won't bother the human race. Or at least go back under the bridge you came from.

GaGambler252 reads

My question to you, (and this is a legitimate question) is there some amendment or other bill/s attached to this one that would account for every single Republican to vote against it? I find it hard to believe that there is not more than meets the eye to this vote, as there usually is when bills that you would think that EVERYBODY would support, like the bill for Sandy relief, but then it turns out that there is 2 billion dollars worth of pork attached to it.

So my question is, is this bill ONLY for 911 responders, or is there a boatload of pork attached to it?

as for Fat Vern, I don't need clarification, we would definitely be better off without him and  a few other trolls from both sides of the aisle. I cringe every time I agree with him, just like you must hate hearing the likes of Laffy or Fungy on your side of a debate.

however, IMHO, Republicans have the act of appearing totally incredulous when being called on it, perfected.  ;)

GaGambler260 reads

but the Dems don't even bother being incredulous, they simply say who cares about Two BILLION dollars in pork, you evil Republicans just hate poor people and want them to suffer. I mean honestly neither side has any high ground here to defend.

but back to my question. I honestly don't know if there is a billion dollars worth of pork attached to this bill, but I do wonder why every single Republican voted against it, and every single Democrat voted for it. Forgive me for being cynical, but I am not buying the theory that the evil Republicans want 911 responders to suffer while the caring Democrats want nothing more than to take care of those heroic responders.  

Obviously "Moderate Matt" is back, because it sounds like you don't believe that it's as black and white as that either, do you?

Often there is bipartisan support for a bill, coming out of a committee, just to lose it in the House or Senate because of some poison pill. I find the poison pills seems not to be so much about pork but, tax increases from the Dems. and anti-abortion measures from the Reps.

GaGambler220 reads

but lets see if we can agree that pork comes from both sides of the aisle, and that as you said the Dems tend to load bills with tax increases while the Reps tend to load bills with social issues like anti abortion issues and other "thumper" type issues that sicken me.

Welcome back Moderate Matt, you've been missed. lol

Must admit, I haven't read the entire bill...here's the thing...

If, as you surmise there are oodles of pork attached to the bill, who are the self-serving piece of shit politicians adding pork to a Glatt Kosher project? (couldn't help myself)

It just angers me no end that people who put their lives on the line for the rest of us are simply discarded like garbage, whether they be 911 responders.

Or Veterans!!! The VA is no longer accepting  new patients. (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/06/30/iraq-war-veteran-veterans-affairs-no-new-patients/29546453/)


GaGambler358 reads

The Dems voted as a man to pass the bill, the Reps were unanimous in opposing it, according to the link you gave us, and I have nothing else but that link to go on. Who seems the most likely to have padded the bill with pork, the ones pushing for the bill to pass, or those that oppose it?

Once again, I am not leaping to any conclusions but If I were forced to make a choice given the limited information provided, which seems the most likely?

I don't know the bill. I have been a volunteer FF/EMT.  

Aren't municipalities already required to provide routine annual medical exams for volunteer firefighters under NFPA 1582? Is this not redundant to some extent?

Aren't paid responders and volunteers required to be provided with workers compensation (including loss of wages) benefits for medical monitoring and treatment? Is this not redundant to some extent?

Yes, let's take care of our responder's medical needs and their impacts. But... no one volunteers for "compensation".  Many responders were paid and simply did their jobs - do we need extra benefits beyond what was offered when we took the job? How many soldiers who "responded" to 9/11 and it's aftermath have benefited from the bill?  

Yes, let's take care of our first responders. But... why not do that for all, all the time? Why a special bill focused on one event, one subset of affected people? Seems more like pandering than logic...

Please illuminate for me

to the families of those that died that terrible day. It amounted to tens of billions of dollars. Formulas for compensation were somehow derived, people with families received more, if you already owned life insurance then your payout was reduced, etc. I totally didn't understand the concept. What about the uninsured or under-insured guy across town that had the misfortune to get run down by a bus that day? He got bupkis!, as would be correct.

I have not studied this bill and if first responders medical issues are not being paid or taken care of in a timely basis then that should be rectified but I'm willing to bet the present incarnation of legislation has too many unsupervised and unwarranted give aways or maybe there are tax increases included to supposedly pay for it.

-- Modified on 7/4/2015 4:14:01 PM

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