Politics and Religion

Ginsburg did; Ruthie & Nino were BFFs. (E)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 100 reads


the fuckup-in-chief cannot appoint himself.

Which is why he want hillwhorie to get electe

They're probably already having a meltdown/panic attack over this.

bigguy30113 reads

The President should nominate whoever the hell he wants and say fuck you to the GOP animal house!
They don't have any rights telling the Executive branch anything and again the GOP are the problem in this country.
If they block the nomination they will lose not only the White House but the Senate too!

Posted By: Timbow

...that it's a typical unconstitutional move by Obama to avoid "advice and consent" as set forth in the Constitution.  The only problem with that is that the last President to make a recess appointment to the Supreme Court was a Republican - Eisenhower - and he made THREE recess appointments to the Supreme Court.  So if righties complain about a recess appointment, they'll be hypocrites.  Gee, that would be something new for them, wouldn't it?

In Eisenhower's day, they still reached across the aisle like civilized people, not the monkey farm circle jerk we have today.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...that it's a typical unconstitutional move by Obama to avoid "advice and consent" as set forth in the Constitution.  The only problem with that is that the last President to make a recess appointment to the Supreme Court was a Republican - Eisenhower - and he made THREE recess appointments to the Supreme Court.  So if righties complain about a recess appointment, they'll be hypocrites.  Gee, that would be something new for them, wouldn't it?

...give the Dems a reach-around - he made three recess appointments without seeking Senate approval.

I cannot imagine this Republican led Senate allowing a vote on Obama's choice for SCOTUS. The GOP will not allow him to put his imprint on the Supreme court. This upcoming election will have consequences.

brooks5111 reads

taking joy in the death of a human-being with whom they disagree - it shows why their ideology is as scary as Islamic extremism - they are just a baby (or fetus?) step away fro chopping off the heads of infidels/conservatives.  After they terrorize, torture and snuff you, they will celebrate.

they start with the babies - they are mostly killing their own (blacks, little girls . . . . ).  if they will kill their own babies, what will they do to you?

feel the "burn", like the pilot ISIS immolated in the cage . . . .  

compatriots include laffy, bugguy, bugpapa . . . .

you should hear all of the Cons who say they wish Obama was assassinated.

I guess your ears are turned off when that happens. Hmmm.

Can you imagine how high his life insurance premiums would have been if Hillary had been VP?

Personally I think Biden was even better insurance than a Messican as VP

pot/kettle179 reads

and has never done it.  In fact, most of the recent high-profile decisions -- even with the so-called conservative majority of 5-4 -- have gone in favor of the liberal viewpoint (gay marriage, Obamacare, etc.).

All this worry about "It's the Supreme Court stupid!!" has really been overblown.  Yeah, it's important but barely a blip on the screen when compared to national defense and the war on terror.  The most important part of the President's job, by far, is protecting our nation.  That is what all the candidates and all the voters should be focusing on.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...until the next President is in office.

and any other billionaires inclined to buy elections.

...of the Constitution.  Then he held it up to his forehead like Carnac the Magnificent to divine the Founding Fathers' intent.  Of course, when righty justices do that it's okay; when lefties interpret the Constitution, righties call it "judicial activism."  Jack, show me where the First Amendment says that money = speech and that corporations are people

They said one does not lose their first amendment rights by simply joining a group.  

They also said that some corporations that owned media outlets had advantages over ones that did not and they leveled the playing field.

When in doubt, I say side with the first amendment.

And that's what they did BP.

I gotta run. I got a hooker waiting. LOL

...Amendment again very carefully to see where it talks about corporations that own media outlets and corporations that do not.

When you get back, you can brush up on how the Founding Fathers, whom righties supposedly revere, felt about
corporations.  Here's a head start for you (oh I forgot - righties are against Head Start and education in general, unless it's teaching the Bible in public schools):


...many, many more cases on other important matters that could shape the course of this country for years to come.

It's the Supreme Court, stupid!!!!

Hillary is on the record as adamantly  anti gun.  
    Scalia has been  the deciding vote for gun rights advocates.
  Who knows until voters show up, how well  a gun grabber will fare in South Carolina.  
    If I had any money to invest I'd buy more Smith and Wesson stock.
Bernie might turn his NRA support into more votes from gun clingers than talking  
  heads can imagine.  

 Would President Bernie nominate a gun grabbing Supreme Court Justice ?  
   I don't know, do you?

Posted By: dani987x
and any other billionaires inclined to buy elections.
billionaires like Schwartz Gyorgy aka george soros, and corporations like soros fund management  

You're welcome
2016 = GOP All The Way

...the Republicans said they were doing when they chose Clarence Thomas to replace Thurgood Marshall.  No difference, right?

...for the U.S. Court of Appeals, the second highest court in the country, only 2 1/2 years ago.  Let's see the Republicans try to say he's not qualified for the Supreme Court or it will take a year to vet him.

I'd bet Sinavasan, Millett, Watford or Jane Kelly will be the  names you'll be hearing as a replacement for Scalia...

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