Politics and Religion

GETTING TIRED of waiting, BizzBoy!
DrFill 2497 reads
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that people have been POINTING him to.

Now, you unspeakable projectionist, go to the primary source, the DSM, and show me the clinical diagnostic standards.

Just so we know you're focused, and know how to research.

Seriously, Bizz, you've got a problem here, and an annoying amount of it is precisely what you accuse others of. Then you have the chutzpah to comment like you were grading other people's posts, instead of just answering them.

Seriously, dude, you should be talking to somebody who can focus you.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1854 reads
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For years, I was the diagnostic expert in a catetory of diseases... and the diffs were a bit scary...  but then again... you're the one givin out points!  lol!! demerits? lol!!!  Next thing ya know you'll be handing out frequent poster miles! ROFLMAO!

Me - I'm just here posting...  and you are too funny!

DrFill 1908 reads
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if you were ever part of a dx team, you wouldn't be waving the allegation, you'd show us how its done, ie you need to trot out the primary source clinical dx standard from the DSM.

Can you do it?

Do you remember what we were talking about?  Can you go back to the post?

JesusKReist 1557 reads
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Because I do, and I know everything.

But for you posting mortals, allegations of qualification &/ experience are an obvious waste of time (except as clarification).  They can't be proven without IDing the poster, which is NOT going to happen.

So what all you rocket scientists should be doing is posting your proofs (DUH!), and what the good doctor is asking for here is the CODE CITATION, the primary source.   Any practitioner or even scientifically oriented person would realize that.

And to add the obvious, what he's saying is that if it's NOT POSTED, it's got to be either (a) the OP doesn't know how, or (b) isn't serious about it, and in either case should therefore stop the pathetic crying & whining.

-- Modified on 10/19/2007 8:13:37 AM

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1848 reads
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were not sure of what they were talking about!  And  you speculated that "the most common special ed qualification is ADD/ADHD.  Diagnoses like Asperger's are ballooning."

So - which?  and you know (cause I am fairly certain that you've handled simlar cases in your little family law practice) that there are Dx assessment algorithms....  which are commonly applied.  (Diagnostic algorihms are used in the Dx of many diseases...) and if we are talking about AD/HD, which I guess was your focus, there is no simple test such as a blood test or urinanalysis to determine if a child has this disorder. Diagnosing AD/HD is complicated and much like putting together a puzzle. An accurate diagnosis requires an assessment conducted by a well-trained professional (usually a developmental pediatrician, child psychologist, child psychiatrist, or pediatric neurologist  YOU ANY OF THESE JACK?) and who can differentiate AD/HD from other disorders that can have symptoms similar to those found in AD/HD.  

The diagnosis is made on the basis of observable behavioral symptoms in multiple settings. A proper AD/HD diagnostic evaluation includes the following elements:

A thorough medical and family history
A physical examination
Interviews with the parents, the child, and the child's teacher(s)
Behavior rating scales completed by parents and teacher(s)
Observation of the child
A variety of psychological tests to measure I.Q. and social and emotional adjustment, as well as to indicate the presence of specific learning disabilities (How did Jack0 do here?).

Sophisticated medical tests such as EEGs (to measure the brain's electrical activity) or MRIs (an X-ray of the brain's anatomy) are NOT part of the routine assessment. These are usually given when another problem is suspected. Similarly, positron emission tomography (PET Scan) has recently been used for research purposes but is not part of the diagnostic evaluation, but is useful in detecting other disorders.  After completing an evaluation, the diagnostician makes one of three determinations:

the child has AD/HD;
the child does not have AD/HD but his or her difficulties are the result of another disorder or
the child has AD/HD and another disorder.

To make the first determination -- that the child has AD/HD -- the professional considers the findings in relation to the criteria set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition), the DSM-IV, of the American Psychiatric Association.

To make the second determination -- that the child's difficulties are the result of another disorder or other factors -- the professional considers the exclusionary criteria found in the DSM. According to the DSM, AD/HD is not diagnosed if the symptoms are better accounted for by another mental disorder.

To make the third determation -- that the child has AD/HD and a co-existing condition -- one must first be aware that AD/HD can and often does co-exist with other difficulties, particularly learning disabilities, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder.

Clearly, diagnosis is not as simple as reading a symptom list and saying, "This child has AD/HD!"

But does Jack0 the adult?

DrFill 1466 reads
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Now pull up the EXACT standards for ADHD.  Copy or link us if you know how.

It's OK, if you fail, I can do it.  I just want to see if you're not a complete blowhard - there is no sense talking to the wall, you know.

DrFill 1416 reads
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(a) MDs consensus is that the shrinks "are all crazy" - "how many shrinks does it take to screw in a light bulb?  Only one, but the light bulb has to really want to be screwed", and (b) "the way you tell the staff from the patients (in the psych ward) is to look for the keys".


JesusKReist 1511 reads
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why don't you tell Dr. Fill?  He was the one asking.   I'm just sitting here thinking, Lord what a fool that particular mortal is!

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2362 reads
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DrFill 6087 reads
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ADHD like almost all psych dx is a "spectrum disorder", right?  IOW, it can exist in any degree, right?

So, when does it get to the point of a diagnosis?  When there is "significant impairment", right?

And how do we know there is "significant impairment"?  What standard do we look to, to establish "significant impairment"?

Anybody know the answer?

You do know this is the diagnostic threshold, don't you?  Dig it out of the DSM.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1845 reads
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JesusKReist 1607 reads
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why are you using the 9th, instead of 10th edition?

Why didn't you link or copy as requested?

Why do you use the pinko "International" ICD, you socialist, instead of the All-American DSM?  Are you some sort of Islamo-fascist liberal pinko?

Oh, that's 3.  Well, you can't count anyway.

DrFill 2955 reads
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BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1623 reads
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DrFill 2430 reads
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Do you really think your behavior is reasonable here?  Are you having trouble recognizing question marks, or the word "question"?

Do you really think your posts have any substance?

Are you retarded, a poly-drug abuser, both, or what?

Seriously, dude, you must be so self-absorbed, you think other people are doing what you are.

Get help, dude.

DrFill 3254 reads
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"the child has AD/HD;
the child does not have AD/HD but his or her difficulties are the result of another disorder or
the child has AD/HD and another disorder."

It's not possible that the reporters are mistaken, for example because they want quiet classrooms and don't know how to handle children.  It's not possible that the reporters are in fact on their own meds which color their own perspectives.

But you hit it on the nose:  if a person (ESPECIALLY A CHILD) is referred, it is exceptional that they psych would not find SOMETHING (maybe more about that later, ie, where institutional biases collide.) It is NOT POSSIBLE in your world that the problem might be with the reporter, not the pt.

The "significant impairment" threshold is ANY COMPLAINT that cannot be brushed off.  If the referrer whines enough, that identifies a problem, BECAUSE there is NO OTHER WAY to see the problem, except that somebody is complaining.  ("I feel bad all the time."  "Where do you feel bad?" "Everywhere."  "I diagnose you as a nut.")

Pts get referred from many sources.  Easily, the most reliable is the court system.  Yet we all know that perhaps 10% of all criminal convictions are wrong, erroneous, mistaken.   But the shrink is not judging a MEDICAL condition, he is judging a SOCIAL condition, and so assumes the court is right.

Now, what do you think the odds are of factual accuracy from other referrers?

You could point out that this is NOT about objective factual accuracy, it's about social relationships - and the logical inference is that  the 1st person to get their enemy in front of a shrink wins - and indeed, that works in some contexts.  In family court, what usually happens is that EVERYBODY gets punished and fined by being ordered into therapy - kind of like the frustrated parent who yells, "I'm gonna KNOCK BOTH YOUR HEADS TOGETHER!!"  

It's all about, "what is wrong with this person?"  It becomes an endorsement of a particular social order, which would not be needed if the social order was working for the patient.

-- Modified on 10/21/2007 10:19:01 AM

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2032 reads
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referred for psych eval.  The kid goes in.... and the evaluation proceeds... at the end the parents meet with the psychiatrist... and they ask... "does little Jack have ADHD or OCD or other disorder?"  to which the shrink responds... "no, he does not"  at which point the parents ask "is there some environmental factor causing little Jack to behave in the manner that causes distress to those around him"  to which the shrink responds "No, there isn't"  

At this point little Jack's parents are obviously distraut - and they ask well, then what is wrong with little Jack!???  To which the shrink replies (and I kid you NOT) "he is an ass!"   Bwahahahahaha!  true story.

DrFill 1867 reads
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because whatever the kid was, the parents should be told his perspective on resolving the problem.

But you use that collateral issue to avoid very pointed and basic questions.

If it's not conscious, then you're just mentally  undisciplined.

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