Politics and Religion

Getting the word out.
siann2 See my TER Reviews 3517 reads
1 / 55

There is someone who loves and cares for you no matter who you are and what you've done. God does not need a perfect place or a perfect people to reveal himself to those he has called. Seek him first and ALL THINGS will be added unto you.  


Rev 13:16 And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads,  
Rev 13:17 even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name.
Rev 13:18 Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.  

Rev 14:9 And a third angel followed them, saying with a great voice, If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark in his forehead or in his hand,  
Rev 14:10 he also will drink of the wine of the anger of God, having been mixed undiluted in the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented by fire and brimstone before the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.

GaGambler 794 reads
2 / 55

Why is he so angry all the time? I mean if he really is all knowing and all powerful why can us mere humans drive him to anger? Seems kind of contradictory to me.

BTW How does he feel about you sucking dick for a living? Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I can get my dick sucked by a complete stranger, but I am not the one afraid of your God. So how do you think your God feels about your chosen profession?

bigguy30 865 reads
3 / 55

Some people are losing it.

Posted By: siann2
There is someone who loves and cares for you no matter who you are and what you've done. God does not need a perfect place or a perfect people to reveal himself to those he has called. Seek him first and ALL THINGS will be added unto you.  
 Rev 13:16 And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads,  
 Rev 13:17 even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name.  
 Rev 13:18 Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.  
 Rev 14:9 And a third angel followed them, saying with a great voice, If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark in his forehead or in his hand,  
 Rev 14:10 he also will drink of the wine of the anger of God, having been mixed undiluted in the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented by fire and brimstone before the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.

siann2 See my TER Reviews 803 reads
4 / 55

This is not about religion this is about relationship AND being ready. I'm sorry that human beings have misrepresented the true nature of God to you. God is infinite, Gos is love, EVERYTHING and EVERYONE has a place in the divine order of his plan. You must have the clarity of mind to understand the messages from the creator in order to undergo the coming times. If you feel contrary, this message isn't for you. In terms of my profession you should reflect on whom Christ chose as blessed amongst women. If Christ was among you today surely you would fail to recognise him.
If you stay ready you won't have to get ready.

Btw, even if I sucked a million dicks I'm STILL a child of God, worthy of his love, a daughter in his sight.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 845 reads
5 / 55

Posted By: siann2
There is someone who loves and cares for you no matter who you are and what you've done. God does not need a perfect place or a perfect people to reveal himself to those he has called. Seek him first and ALL THINGS will be added unto you.  
 Rev 13:16 And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads,  
 Rev 13:17 even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name.  
 Rev 13:18 Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.  
 Rev 14:9 And a third angel followed them, saying with a great voice, If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark in his forehead or in his hand,  
 Rev 14:10 he also will drink of the wine of the anger of God, having been mixed undiluted in the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented by fire and brimstone before the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.
-- Modified on 8/12/2015 1:29:18 PM

siann2 See my TER Reviews 788 reads
6 / 55

I'm giving you a frame of reference for a coming event. Many religions speak of it but the Bible is most commonly known. Unfortunately every religion has been corrupted.

JackDunphy 870 reads
8 / 55

But do you plan to keep sinning? Of so, why?

Or are you saying Christ would be ok with what you are doing, p4p wise?

Bob.Sugar 805 reads
9 / 55
siann2 See my TER Reviews 728 reads
10 / 55

If the information doesn't resonate with you feel free to move on with your day.

L.Guapo 837 reads
11 / 55
GaGambler 965 reads
12 / 55

If you are particularly manipulative you can even get rich by telling them. Ain't religion grand?

Bob.Sugar 1118 reads
13 / 55

Posted By: Joel Osteen

To all of you who have supported my efforts..you will be rewarded with silver and BP hookers.  

To all of you who have been my haters...you will be rewarded with gold and really hot hookers.

siann2 See my TER Reviews 876 reads
14 / 55
GaGambler 956 reads
15 / 55

I could have sworn that your God has had words about that particular activity.

Personally I don't care what you let guys shove up your ass, it's your God not mine.

BTW if humans have "misrepresented the true nature of God", aren't you human? So why should I believe that your interpretation is the "true" representation of God? Who is to say that you aren't the one misrepresenting God and that maybe the ragheads who think that stoning women for showing a bit of leg aren't actually the ones who got the "right" version from God?

siann2 See my TER Reviews 992 reads
16 / 55
Hpygolky 206 Reviews 1062 reads
18 / 55

With some blow horn yacking the same ol blah,blah....and stay away from the Rose Bowl while my Bruins are playing.

siann2 See my TER Reviews 1060 reads
19 / 55

There are some practical things one can do to PREPARE for coming trials, most importantly food and shelter. If you don't own land now is the time to get some. I bought 2.5 acres (about 330ft in every direction) for $3,500. Learn homesteading and self sufficiency skills, dig a well and prepare to grow at the very least what your family eats the most. Save as many different varieties of non hybrid, non GMO seeds as possible. Not only is this essential for the preservation of our food hertiage but seeds can be traded like money as well and are of extreme value. They are small, compact, lightweight and can easily be carried from place to place. Every family should have a personal seed bank. If war or any type of situations occur where you have to pick up and move you MUST have food that moves with you as well. The best immediate solution is a few layer hens to provide you with fresh protein in the form of eggs and a few meat birds for the occasional frying pan. Start NOW. Buy your supplies, secure your suppliers.

siann2 See my TER Reviews 808 reads
20 / 55

That's very unfair to say, I never addressed anyone personally. Why should I "dodge you"?

-- Modified on 8/12/2015 5:55:56 PM

GaGambler 964 reads
21 / 55

Our newest nut job makes her look sane in comparison, I wonder if she is related to ChickenLittle aka wrps07? I think we should introduce the two of them, what a great couple they would make, and she is right at his price point.

Bob.Sugar 898 reads
22 / 55

I'm typing this out in the shelter my family bought in 1957 due to the escalation of the Cold War.  I'm doing great here...had WiFi installed a few years back.  I haven't seen another human in about 45 years however...and don't plan to until the All-Clear is sounded.

Do you have enough tin foil?  I have plenty here...make those goofy hats too so the crazies out there can't hear my thoughts.

Don't pay any attention to those other haters.  You and I know this is the happening.  Do you have a short wave radio and maybe we can talk?

L.Guapo 715 reads
23 / 55
siann2 See my TER Reviews 679 reads
24 / 55

The choice is up to you, we all have choices. I've already made mine. The times call for clarity of mind, definitive action and no hesitation. That is the only way you will survive. Choose wisely

L.Guapo 954 reads
25 / 55

I agree with FatGirl.  That can mean only one thing.  It really is the end of the world.

siann2 See my TER Reviews 890 reads
26 / 55

If you were laughing you'd move on with your day. Clearly you're mesmerized. My behavior isn't  pathetic simply because you can't handle what I have to say. Good luck to you. Now move on with your life.

Robertini 4 Reviews 763 reads
27 / 55

1st Everything is going perfect as planned. You come to the politics and religion and post.
You posted about religion. which is a very controversial and divisive subject.  

2. you get hated on. which is what happens here.

3. Some compare you to posters of the past. You know I founded a religion based on one of them.  
The church of mr. no goodism after mrnogood. These people here killed him. But he came to life on the third day.
He promised he would come back. I have the feeling it could be you.  
It could be that you know it or you might not know it. But it doesn't matter. Just keep on giving us that message we need to hear to survive, that is if they want to survive. If not they can laugh all they want. You and I can laugh with them. It's all about fun. So welcome back and keep on posting.

Now about your job. I must be the poorest hobbyist in the group. I make minimum wage at a dildo factory right now.  
But you're from BP and I see you're in Downtown L.A. I pray to you that you would be as cheap as my apartment girls I've known before. They range from $65 to $100 or a little more. The $65 ones you have to finish like in 10 minutes or so. Anyway, I could see your pic from the page as it shows forbidden. But you sound lovely. I only have free TER so I can't send you a message. But whatever, post something here.

Now I post a somewhat related youtube video. That's what I do.  
I loved your post. It shows you care about people.
Now members here can attest I'm being real and not pretending. I've been here since '01.
I just want you to preach to us and tell us how to survive the coming Armageddon.
Amen to you

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 763 reads
28 / 55

...as I have. Then we can  talk about it... until then you are repeating a translation that was developed by human beings to suit a political agenda. Not much different than our corrupt politicians today.

With all due respect to your belief systems; They are not mine, and I sort of resent the Evangelical tone of your comments.  

Forget the comments or the denigrations from Planet Stupid, who are you to tell me whether I have made a wise choice or not? How much do you actually know and understand of the original texts?

All your Biblical quotes resonate with the King James version of the New Testament. I reject any dogmatic tome that is published by people claiming to speak in the name of "god". Are you even willing to have a dialog with someone who respects your right to your viewpoint, but utterly rejects that viewpoint as a fallacious and intentionally erroneous translation made by self serving human beings to suit THEIR narrative.  

The times do indeed call for clarity of mind, definitive action and no hesitation. And I am certainly clear on my definitive rejection with no hesitation of the falsehoods promulgated by King James and his followers. In point of fact, I reject all Dogma, regardless of its religious source.

Choose wisely indeed.
Posted By: siann2
The choice is up to you, we all have choices. I've already made mine. The times call for clarity of mind, definitive action and no hesitation. That is the only way you will survive. Choose wisely

siann2 See my TER Reviews 792 reads
29 / 55

Thank you so much for the encouraging words! I would very much like to help people with the practical side of preparation. I have a non profit organization that teaches sustainable living through agriculture. The classes are free (except material costs) and we also do free seed swaps with heirloom, organic and speciality seeds. If you'd like to participate you can check out "Taurian Deveaux's Agronomy & Music Ministry".
Peace and blessings to you!

Robertini 4 Reviews 871 reads
30 / 55

and never dare say anything bad about certain country to Dr.Bonzo.

Hey but the original language was also a human language.  
even in its original form it's the same BS as you said it. But I know it is the original BS and it is what counts. the rest is erroneous translation. I get it, I get it. it's like a movie with the subscripts wrong. subscripts that how it's called right.

And before you get all mad. You know what I mean. Is not that King James or whatever version is wrong. It's that it's different from the original. The original which is not true. But if we're going to stick to the story let's do it right, right?
Why? Why can i have my own version? haven't you seen all the remakes of all the old movies? Yeah, some people got mad at the Noah's movie. It wasn't done right they say. Who are they to say?

If somebody is going to tell me a story. I want to hear it as they tell it. I want to hear this lady post. maybe she is wrong to think she is right and everybody is wrong. But isn't that what religion is?

I choose unwisely and that's my choice.

and get mad if you want... I just don't see why
maybe cause I called you DrBonzo... Sorry about that Dr gonzo  

it's not even dr bonzo it was dr. Bozo, well that's my erroneous trasliteration

-- Modified on 8/12/2015 7:38:44 PM

wrps07 784 reads
32 / 55

That is why we are still alive and living.  

Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV)  It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


wrps07 934 reads
33 / 55

John 3:16 (KJV)  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

wrps07 771 reads
34 / 55

Proverbs 11:30 (KJV)  The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

JackDunphy 735 reads
35 / 55
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 929 reads
38 / 55

Before, I was just an atheist, with a pretty solid understanding of science. I understood the laws of physics and cosmology well enough to know how the universe came into existence on it's own, no deity required.  

I understood how the aftermath of the big bang formed the first stars, that gave rise to the elements that make up the very carbon atoms in your eyelashes.  

I understood that the universe is larger than most people can even comprehend, and that there are more stars in the universe then there are grains of sand on every beach in the world.  

I understood that the universe was already 8 billion years old before our own solar system came into existence, formed around a massive nebula, compressed down by gravity, heating the center to around a million degrees, bringing forth nuclear fusion, and the first photons of light emitted by our sun.  

I understood how the left over orbital disk from the sun's formation began to fuse through the forces of electromagnetism and gravity, forming billions of tiny worlds, no bigger than a marble.  

I understood how the processes of planetary accretion made these worlds increasingly larger as they consumed each other until there were only 10 planets left, a process that took millions of years.  

I understood that the explosion that happened after the sun first ignited and began to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium, that this explosion knocked most of the gas atoms to the outer solar system, while the heavier atoms that formed rocks remained in the center, explaining how the inner planets of the solar system are small and rocky while the outer planets are gas giants.  

I understood that late in the earth's formation, the earth suffered a glancing blow when it collided into a planet the size of Mars.  

I understood how some of the material from this collision vaporized, while much of it was absorbed by the earth, turning the entire planet into a giant ball of lava, and the rest of the material formed a ring around the earth, much like Saturn has rings today.  

I understood that these rings eventually formed the moon that we look up at every night.  

I understood that the moon's orbit around the earth is gravitationally locked, allowing the earth's poles to sit at 23 degrees, giving rise to the seasons, and that the moon's rotation around the earth is why we have 24 hours in a day.

I understood that the final position of the outer gas giants shifted their orbits, and their gravity brought an uncountable number of asteroids towards the inner solar system, many of them colliding into earth, the remnants of which formed the world's oceans and every drop of water on the planet.  

I understood that the collisions of these asteroids into the earth formed complex chemical reactions, many of which we have already replicated in a lab, that formed the first amino acids that make up the building blocks of the DNA that's in every living creature on this planet.  

I understood how evolution shaped the incredible diversity on this planet, and ultimately created a single species of hairless ape with abnormally large brains.  

I understood how everything we see, everything we touch, everything in the entire universe came into existence naturally via natural processes, and once understood, the universe, our world and life itself is so much more astonishingly beautiful than any narrow minded religious fool could ever dream of.  

I understood that all of us, down to the molecular level, are so incredibly lucky to be alive that it would be like winning a billion dollar lottery jackpot a million times in a row. I understood that with this incredible luck, that I would be utterly foolish not to educate myself on basic scientific principles, so at the very least I wouldn't say really dumb things on an internet fuck board.  

I understood.  

But not no more! Thanks to sainn, I am now a humble dim witted intellectually incurious follower of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Amen.  

-- Modified on 8/13/2015 2:59:01 AM

L.Guapo 1062 reads
39 / 55

I wonder if she menstruates?  Why don't you ask her when her period is?

2236707 3 Reviews 970 reads
40 / 55

That stupidity from the "new" testament is a vestige of ancient traditions in which brutal kings, princes, overlords etc had to be appeased for perceived slights by offering sacrifices such as human heads.

2236707 3 Reviews 910 reads
41 / 55

that this just substitutes a black box for an unknown. People think there must be a prime mover, so they say OK the prime mover is god. Uh huh. And god came from.............?

GaGambler 771 reads
42 / 55

According to Chicken Little it's the first week of every month, just like every other woman. lmao

Haven't you ever noticed that there are NO hookers available the first week of the month, they are either all on the rag, or "healing" from their monthly visitor.  

and here I thought the SPOTY competition was all wrapped up for the year. I see we have yet another very strong contender.

2236707 3 Reviews 802 reads
43 / 55

there was no time before time & no space before space, and the universe is not IN space but rather IS space. I'm pretty sure you know all that, but it's fun to point that out!

2236707 3 Reviews 912 reads
44 / 55
followme 797 reads
45 / 55

If there was no space before space what occupied the space that space now occupies before space

2236707 3 Reviews 793 reads
46 / 55

But space-time only exists as a manifestation of the universe. Not kidding here, this is what the science boys tell us. A random fluctuation in nothing caused the big bang to unfurl into our space-time universe. Life is but a dream sweatheart bah dum doo.

Robertini 4 Reviews 965 reads
47 / 55

mrnogood. I hope she keeps coming back and posting.  
Everybody here was mean to her
She is local and will go see her after I pay the rent and bills.

I'll see this new female version. Not the mrnoggod version OK

The call of
The Return of
Talu or Ktulu

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 850 reads
52 / 55

The science tells us that the Big Bang didn't just create the bits that are in space, but it created the space too. Not only that, but the Big Bang also created the Laws of Physics. Electromagnetism. Gravity. The strong force. The weak force. The science suggests that originally, there was only one force, and as the universe cooled after the Big Bang, these other forces developed. Space isn't just space, but it's space-time. Space and time is one in the same. This is due to the universal constant that is the speed of light. That's what "C" stands for in E=mc2. Energy is equal to mass times the constant speed of light squared. In other words, all matter is just energy. It's sorta like how you can cool down water and turn it into ice. Cool down energy and you have matter. As space time is linked, then to an outside observer, time only exists when you're moving slower than that constant. When you look up at the stars in the sky, like say the Red Giant Betelgeuse, you're seeing light that left that star around the time Columbus discovered America. In other words, to even look at Betelgeuse is to look directly into a time machine. However, from the perspective of the photons leaving that star, the trip happened in an instant. Less than an instant. From the perspective of photons, there is no such thing as time. Time simply doesn't exist. And because time does not exist, then neither does space

followme 745 reads
53 / 55

That the big ban created space, what was there before the big band?

Any idea what/who cause the big bang to happen

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 786 reads
54 / 55

That's a subject that's still being studied. but there are some ideas.  

Before the Big Bang, there was no space. No time. No gravity. No electromagnetism. No atoms. No electrons. No universe. The entire universe was condensed down into a tiny point about the size of an atom. And then it went bang. Why it went bang is still a mystery. But there are still some ideas that is supported by the evidence.  

It's hard to understand this, because the laws of physics break down at this point, so it's hard to make predictions. But we do know from studying black holes that weird things happen when you have a lot of matter crushed down into one space.  

A black hole is created when you have a very big star come to the end of it's life span and it explodes. A star is just a whole lot of hydrogen gas, held together by gravity. When you have that much gravity, the center gets very hot due to friction. About a million degrees. At this temperature, atoms begin to fuse. Hydrogen atoms (1 electron) fuses into helium (2 electrons) and the byproduct is pure energy which we all enjoy as sunlight.  

When a star runs out of fuel there's no more nuclear fusion reactions pushing the star out. Gravity pulls in and the star collapses in on itself. The result is a black hole. A black hole is a body that has so much gravity that not even light can escape it. A black hole has so much mass that it bends the fabric of space time. At the event horizon (the edge) of a black hole time stops! If you were to watch a person fall into a black hole, you would see them stop moving, frozen in time. Even though from the perspective of the person falling into the black hole, you'd just keep falling.  

Which leads me to think that if space time stops at a black hole, what if the entire universe began as a really massive black hole that got so large that it collapsed in on itself like a star does when it dies, and this created the instability that made it go bang?  

There's other ideas out there like there are parallel universes, and these two universes collided into each other, causing the bang. The evidence for this theory is growing, but my understanding of it a bit thin.  

There's other ideas like that there's no such thing as perfection, and instability is the normal state of things. With this idea, the question would be better phrased as why wouldn't it go bang? There is some evidence for this, particularly if you look at the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. For instance, if you were to vacuum out all the air in a container so that there was nothing but empty space in that container, and then you measured the energy content inside that container (remember, energy and matter is the same thing), what you would find are small jumps in energy. Almost like the energy of the empty container is like a skipping record. Every once in a while you'd get tiny little pop of energy in the container.  

What's being measured is called virtual particles. And despite their name, virtual particles are very real. But only for a few nanoseconds. What I'm saying is that we have actually observed particles popping into existence, literally from NOTHING and popping out of existence again. The pop in energy is that 1 particle of matter comes into existence, along with 1 particle of anti-matter, and they eventually collide, destroy each other and pop back out of existence again. How or why this happens is a mystery.  

Some theorists say that given enough time, you'd have enough virtual particles to create an entire universe

GaGambler 767 reads
55 / 55
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