Politics and Religion

Generally speaking I would agree with you on this Matt
GaGambler 240 reads

But Hadji's case is much different. He claimed in dozens of posts that he was indeed moving to Australia well before Trump was elected. From his posts it's obvious he doesn't like it here so he SHOULD make good on his promise and just fucking leave already.

And are you ever going to step up and either defend or condemn these remarks by him?

Please note, I am not asking you to condemn him, you are free to defend him if you think his words are defensible.

If the "so called" President charges a former President with criminal wrong doing and has no proof to back up that claim, he is simply a big liar.    All Federal agencies and departments have said they have no proof.    Leading lawmakers on both sides who investigated the false claim say they have no proof.   His other lies about the former President.

1. He is not a US citizen
2. He was not born in the US
3. He was born in Kenya
4. "I heard I heard that he had terrible grades in schools.   I have to investigate how he got in to Columbia and Harvard".

By the way "we hear we hear you are an unscrupulous businessman and a tax cheat".   Why not release your tax returns and come out clean.

We have a big fat Liar not a President.

Seems to be the on going theme.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
If the "so called" President charges a former President with criminal wrong doing and has no proof to back up that claim, he is simply a big liar.    All Federal agencies and departments have said they have no proof.    Leading lawmakers on both sides who investigated the false claim say they have no proof.   His other lies about the former President.  
 1. He is not a US citizen  
 2. He was not born in the US  
 3. He was born in Kenya  
 4. "I heard I heard that he had terrible grades in schools.   I have to investigate how he got in to Columbia and Harvard".  
 By the way "we hear we hear you are an unscrupulous businessman and a tax cheat".   Why not release your tax returns and come out clean.  
 We have a big fat Liar not a President.

It will be settled today when FBI Director tells what the Big Liar don't want to hear.

No matter what the story is there is never any proof.

Shows how utterly clueless you at snowflake. He will not be able to reveal anything that is classified as it is open to the public.  

Are you a reporter for MSNBC or CNN because it seems that all that comes from you is FAKE reports.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
It will be settled today when FBI Director tells what the Big Liar don't want to hear.

It did not come from CNN or MSNBC.  It came from FBI Director.   He flatly said the Tweeter in Chief's tweets are total lies.

You are free to gather up your fellow snowflakes and move to another country any time you'd like.

Rosie can grunt and growl for you. Madonna can make idel threats and Ashley Judd can talk about, um, ah...whatever she has to complain about.  

Invite Michael Moore also....I'm sure you all can talk about the presidential penis as you do so often on here.  

Posted By: hwy2heaven
If the "so called" President charges a former President with criminal wrong doing and has no proof to back up that claim, he is simply a big liar.    All Federal agencies and departments have said they have no proof.    Leading lawmakers on both sides who investigated the false claim say they have no proof.   His other lies about the former President.  
 1. He is not a US citizen  
 2. He was not born in the US  
 3. He was born in Kenya  
 4. "I heard I heard that he had terrible grades in schools.   I have to investigate how he got in to Columbia and Harvard".  
 By the way "we hear we hear you are an unscrupulous businessman and a tax cheat".   Why not release your tax returns and come out clean.  
 We have a big fat Liar not a President.

Just to remind you, those who did not vote for Trump, and those who criticize Trump are just as American as you. Why is it, it seems, only righties use this old line. There's always dissent and disagreements in our country. Telling someone to move out of the country, because they don't agree with you is "Un-American!"

GaGambler241 reads

But Hadji's case is much different. He claimed in dozens of posts that he was indeed moving to Australia well before Trump was elected. From his posts it's obvious he doesn't like it here so he SHOULD make good on his promise and just fucking leave already.

And are you ever going to step up and either defend or condemn these remarks by him?

Please note, I am not asking you to condemn him, you are free to defend him if you think his words are defensible.

Tell you what.   The soldier went to this house one early morning in Fallujah and pulled a 18 year old girl out of her bed and raped her and when her parents heard the screams, shot her in the  head and shot the parents dead.    He got hit by IUD two blocks away and lost his legs and is paralyzed from waist down.    He met his karma.    That is only the tip of the iceberg of the atrocities committed by US soldiers in Iraq.   These people are not paragons of virtue.

It is part of his dishonorable discharge papers I got to see in his house.   He had to explain his whereabouts that morning and what he was doing in that place while his troop was under curfew due to known threats from Muqtada Al Sadr.

GaGambler218 reads

if what you said were true and it was part of his official discharge papers, he would be in prison not back at home watching you fuck his wife.

Of all the lies ever told on this board, this is the biggest, most shameful and most utterly non believable lie ever told here.

Oh really?   The soldier who went on a rampage raping and killing a 13 year old Iraqi girl, then shooting her in the head, shooting her 10 year old brother in the head and last shooting their parents is still walking in the country.   Do you think all the scums in uniform who tortured innocent people in Abu Ghraib are in prison?    You know nothing man, you are a carnival barker.

I don't buy your bullshit and you think you know everything?   You are not even fit to run a hot dog stand in a street corner, let alone post your Bs here.

The FBI confirmed today in a public hearing that the Tweeter in chief is a pathological liar.    He is a disgrace to himself, if he has any decency left as a human being, disgrace to the office and disgrace to the country.     FBI also confirmed they are investigating his group of Russian spies who work for the KGB.    

Expect a constitutional crisis.   We have a pathological liar who no world leader will believe in what he says.   Half of his cabinet members are confirmed Russian spies tied to KGB.   The investigations will go on for who knows for months and years.  

Then we have the Liar not releasing his tax returns.   First he lied they are under audit.   That is almost a year ago.

No I am not moving anywhere.   This is getting very interesting.   I can't wait for the lying criminal to be taken away in handcuffs.

TwoMints171 reads

Um I used Libberish a few times last week.  I got it from reedit.  But feel free to claim it as yours.

Posted By: earlweaver

Really!   How about releasing those tax returns?    Afraid there will be more Russian connections?   Let us see, what are you afraid of?

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