Politics and Religion

Time for someone else to face the music, That little pussy liorr called me a liar
GaGamblerssmarterbrother 6613 reads

He seems to think I invent my trips to Costa Rica, I am not only calling him out publicly, but I will be more than happy to prove I am telling the truth.

Come on bigshot, put up or shut up. It doesn't even have to be money if you can't afford it.

Here's the bet, I will prove to the satisfaction of the board that I not only have been to the Del Rey, but that I am known there and that I will be there within the next twenty four hours and available to be contacted by whoever the board agrees is a person to be trusted. For that matter I will announce my room number to the entire board.

The stakes are permanent exile from this board. The loser leaves, FOREVER. Come on big shot, put up or shut up.

FYI, I did not have any current plans to go to Costa Rica tomorrow, but I'll hop the next plane out to prove my point and get rid of this troll forever. It's well worth a few grand to get rid of this little piece of pond scum.

...you got out of the military in 1977. That would mean you were 18 or 19 when you left the service.  Was it for medical reasons (pickled liver), a Section 8, or did you slug a general?

Are you lying about your age, when you served in the military or whether you served at all?

-- Modified on 10/15/2011 6:13:53 PM

Some people make "good soldiers" some don't. I wasn't cut out to be a "good soldier" then or now. I did my two years, got an honorable discharge and got on with my life.

My birthday is in January, I got out in December 1977, with accrued leave time, just a couple of weeks before my birthday.

Now would you like to take me up on my Costa Rica wager, don't be scared. Just think of the opportunity you have to prove that I am a liar.

...drink all the Ron Centenario you want at the Blue Marlin, or some less trendy watering hole.

I just noted a seeming discrepancy in the math, but you answered it.  Thanks, now I'll be able to sleep, lol.

I never claimed to like it, or to be any good at it, but I did my time like most people of my/our generation.

Truth be told, I was looking for an excuse to go to San Jose tomorrow. I may or may not go. I think I just wanted to shut that troll up for good. Wishful thinking I guess. lol

Like I said, I have spent 3 out of the last six weekends in San Jose. I don't really have to be anywhere or do anything this entire week so chances are fifty fifty I'll be on that plane anyhow. lol

Priapus531933 reads

CLEARLY the most reviled person on the boards & considering the numerous obnoxous assholes who post ( including me-----LOL ! ),that's QUITE an accomplishment.

Lastly, administration should also bounce mr.notrouble----making jokes about child molestation is WAY beyond the pale.

trying to play board police??

This is the TER board, not the PRI board.

As annoying as some of the others' posts can be at times, your bitchy and whiny posts are even more annoying.

(Now, here comes the Old Maid and Prude retort back to me . . .   lol!!!!)

self-appointed spelling and board police!!!!

You've had a tough day Pri. It all started with trying to compare Kirk Cameron's birthday to Iran . . .

He's straight-up, impartial, and a helluva decent guy. Plus he's got experience and a great track record!

I could be mrfisher, you know.

but you're not. lol

and mrfisher is smart enough to stay away from this place, he would get eaten alive here. I guess the same can't be said for you, or me I guess. lol

As for Scoed being the one to contact me, he too has the good sense to stay away from here, so he really would not be the best choice either.

Of course it appears the whole thing is moot. liorr, as expected, is conspicuously absent again once it's time to put up or shut up. I doubt anyone is surprised.

And furthermore, why would I care to see you PROVE anything? We're ALL fictional aren't we? The_Mrs, myself, you,Liorr...everyone. I have, living with me, two young ladies who have been challenged for months/years to prove their existences. Think they're in a scurry to do so?

Back to your attempt at an innane post. Why isn't it innane? PROVE IT otherwise lol

I don't CARE about what liorr thinks anymore than I CARE about what someone as irrelevant as AF thinks. I am just trying to do what no one else has been able to do. That is, get rid of the irritating little troll.

Timbow965 reads

Posted By: GaGamblerssmarterbrother
I don't CARE about what liorr thinks anymore than I CARE about what someone as irrelevant as AF thinks. I am just trying to do what no one else has been able to do. That is, get rid of the irritating little troll.

He may be irritating, and is probably no smarter than liorr, but AF is not a troll. A moron? maybe. A troll? No. lol

AAR fuck all you bitches!!! I booked a ticket to San Jose, just in case that little pussy liorr wanted to finally step up to the planel. I could cancel it without losing a penny, but fuck it. I haven't been to Latin America for almost 2 weeks, I must be overdue. CYA bitches. Got a plane to catch.

If anyone needs to find me, I will be in one of the two Master suites at the Hotel Del Rey, just ask for which one the slant eyed Americano is in, or just ask for "Chino Ricardo". I'll be the drunk Chinese guy, with the huge smile on his face.

I should than you, but I am not because I don't give rats ass what you think, do or fuck. GaG yopu are the biggest irritant on the baord I know, something like the gnats that keeps on flying to my face when I play Tennis in the summer!

Posted By: GaGamblerssmarterbrother
He may be irritating, and is probably no smarter than liorr, but AF is not a troll. A moron? maybe. A troll? No. lol

AAR fuck all you bitches!!! I booked a ticket to San Jose, just in case that little pussy liorr wanted to finally step up to the planel. I could cancel it without losing a penny, but fuck it. I haven't been to Latin America for almost 2 weeks, I must be overdue. CYA bitches. Got a plane to catch.

If anyone needs to find me, I will be in one of the two Master suites at the Hotel Del Rey, just ask for which one the slant eyed Americano is in, or just ask for "Chino Ricardo". I'll be the drunk Chinese guy, with the huge smile on his face.

Big ego getting to you, GaG?

You are always calling me stupid or an idiot. The difference is, I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks or say about me. On the other hand, your ego is so fragile, you want to prove you really go to Costa Rica.

Who is the stupid idiot? You or liorr or both?

"Taller you are, the harder you fall". You always want tell everyone how rich you are, how many times you go to Costa Rica, how many women you fuck in day and baosting goes on and on and eventually, someone decides to mess with you and you fall for it with all your ego, lock stock and barrell.


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