Politics and Religion

International ANSWER
RLTW 20305 reads

The link below will take you to a weblog with pictures and comments from an ANSWER anti-war protest held in Washington D.C. on April 10. During the protest, four Iraqi nationals showed up and had some things to say about the war in Iraq. The reaction of the protesters is priceless.

I sometimes wonder if the loony-toons who run ANSWER and Move-on.org are really covert operatives working for Carl Rove.


Because it wasn't done to benefit US consumers - it was done to benefit Bush's buddies, the Saudis, who will take care of the Bush family. Within a year the Saudis, as 'Arab brothers', will come in and manage the oil resources for the Iraqis, giving them control of the majority of the world's oil suppply.

RLTW22331 reads

Please be so kind as to back your assertions with some verifiable facts. Otherwise, take your demagogic idiocy back to DemocraticUnderground.com where it belongs. You are polluting the board with bullshit.

PS: Thanks for your post. It really underscores the point of my original post in this thread.


over 20 pages of the 9/11 Congressional record dealing with Saudi Arabia blacked out, Saudis and bin Laden family members being flown out of the country clandestinely when all non-military aviation was grounded without even being interviewed much less interrogated, no accountability ever demanded of the Saudis by the Bush administration for being the origin of the 9/11 terrorists.... I could go on, but this is enough to quiet you, I'm sure.

RLTW20311 reads

Funny, when called on your bullshit about an elaborate  conspiracy involving Bush, Iraqi oil and the Saudis, you try to redirect with more BS. First, you're getting off the talking points Puck, the conspiracy is supposed to be about Cheney and Halliburton pulling the strings of the puppet Bush for the oil. Not Bush's Saudi-Iraqi Oil Retirement Plan! Damn it man!, stick to the plan. Second, the events immediately after 9/11 make for good moon-bat conspiracy theories, but the facts of those events have been well documented. The below link to snopes.com has a detailed accounting of flight activity by Saudi nationals after 9/11. Apparently the Cheney-Halliburton Administration has done an excellent job of covering up that conspiracy.

Now, as far for the Bush Administration not putting enough heat on the Saudis for the events of 9/11, I will agree with you there. Nice to see that you have at least one thing right. They also bungled the way they handled the classified information in the 9/11 congressional report. But the other fact that you and others conveniently omit is that members of the Senate Intelligence commitee, both Republican and Democrat, have had access to those pages. If there was info that would be damaging to Bush, you can bet your misguided ass that it would have been leaked by now.


Oh, that's priceless! Hey, did you even READ the website you referenced? Let me quote a few salient points:

"*  In the two days immediately following the September 11 terrorist attacks on America, the U.S. government allowed bin Laden family members to fly within the country during a general ban on air travel:   True.

That's 'True', bonehead.

#  During that same period the U.S. government allowed bin Laden family members to fly out of the U.S.:   Undetermined.

That's 'undetermined', bonehead - not 'false'.

Here's the deal - Saudis and bin Laden family members got special treatment by our government - and to this day have not been held accountable or questioned. The Bush family attorney and former Secretary of State is representing the Saudis against the families of the 9/11 victims - I notice you have yet to comment on that.

Much will be leaked in the coming months - I only hope the right-wing sheeple are able to examine it without excusing it - to hold Bush and his co-conspirators to that high standard they demanded of Clinton.

1690bill16880 reads

well bushes buddies i take the uk you mean? well i dont call 79.9p a litre any price for one us , uk spanish or any life, i would gladly have paid more so not to have gone to war,

Really enjoyed the link.  Perhaps the author should paraphrase Conrad, and called the "Heart of Idiocy."

As for the individual who fears the far Right, I would suggest you refer to the Black Book of Communism.  The far Left has killed and oppressed many more millions than the far Right has ever done.

Moreover, what else would you expect from the Halliburton Administration?

These are the sorts of people who don't even vote, don't even engage with their government, so their power in the country is actually nil.  Their arguments are all non-starters, and they go to protests more as a superstitious way to agitate their "spiritual" energies, none of which will ever manifest itself into reality.  

If you are going to argue with the liberal left, at least find worthy opponents give its best arguments rather than go to a playground and beat up on the school-children.  


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