Politics and Religion

Gary Johnson is Donald Trump with a bong; another righty Koch shill...

...between a pompous, racist ass and a lying career politician, has anybody considered voting for Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party - if for no other reason than a protest vote?

FatVern55 reads

I know it makes no sense, but I think it would be total chaos if he was to win

NoYellowEnvelope79 reads

... to actually win an election, at least for a chief executive position. I mean c'mon, get real!

-- Modified on 8/22/2016 9:50:08 PM

Old_School108 reads

real 3 way campaign in history.

Gary Johnson has no chance.Jesse Ventura, with his admirable "body" of work over many careers would have presented a viable alternative. Except he decided not to run on the Libertarian platform last March (May?)  

In 2016 a vote for third party is a wasted vote.
A vote for None of the Above would have more impact.

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
... to actually win an election, at least for a chief executive position. I mean c'mon, get real!

-- Modified on 8/22/2016 9:50:08 PM

We'll do a reset. And as far as voting for a third party, you're better off staying home...

Agree..then Paul Ryan is a shoo-in 4 years from now..

Posted By: hpygolky
We'll do a reset. And as far as voting for a third party, you're better off staying home...

But no, I wouldn't vote for him.

Jill Stein is closer ideologically, but she doesn't have a very entertaining sense of humor. And although I perked up when she named Dennis Banks as her Vice Presidential choice, it furthered my resolve to not vote for her. Dennis Banks worked with AIM at the same time that I did, and Clyde Bellecourt was around at that time too. This was late '60's. I got along all right with Dennis, but...we were much younger, mind...Dennis had some quirks that rubbed me the wrong way. I guess the worse I can say about him is that he's functionally quirky. Doubt if you'll find a definitive explanation of what that means anywhere, but I consider it a very mild and innocuous disorder.

And the other thing about Stein is that she trots out every four years to run for president, but does nothing much to further the influence of the Green Party in between. That bothers me.

So I guess it's Clinton for me.

But I have considered or at least looked at the others.

-- Modified on 8/22/2016 10:03:16 PM

...Gloria LaRiva's VP running mate on the Peace and Freedom ticket.  Maybe you should reconsider Jill Stein.

You must have some buttons or shrooms left over from your AIM days.  ;-)

I just heard that Banks was chosen as a running mate and I guess my mind filled in Jill Stein because I couldn't imagine him with any other party. Didn't bother to research. Lesson learned. Thanks!

not as a protest vote but as a real vote. republican on economic issues/ liberal on social issues... not a hard choice for many.  strong defense, cut offense (like regime change)

he only has a chance if he gets into the debate sep 26, otherwise no chance but i'm still voting for him because i agree w/ him the most. as he said, and i agree, a wasted vote is a vote for somebody you don't believe in.  

i gave up on the lesser of 2 evils philosophy long ago. it's still a vote for evil. imagine if everybody voted for the person they agree w /the most rather than who they think has the best chance of winning

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