Politics and Religion

EC censorship & the dispiritng course of the campaign
Priapus53 2176 reads

There WAS a particular post that I found stupidly offensive, which I & someone else responded to in kind ; what's even MORE offensive is that all 3 of those posts were pulled. Despite what some may think, I had NOTHING to do with it & have always been strongly opposed to the new "report this post" feature. What are we ? Infantile schoolchildren that can't "police" ourselves ?-------Jesus fucking Christ !

I find this to be dispiriting-----what's even more dispiriting is the POTUS campaign to date,
which has brought discourse from both sides to an unimaginably low level, to the point where I just don't have the stomach for it from time to time, preferring a temp. shutoff of political news from all media venues, else I need a vomit bag.

Anyone feel the same as I do ?

-- Modified on 8/15/2012 3:11:19 PM

I find it incredibly hypocritical the tolerance we see for anti-white racism.

Posted 8/15/2012 at 3:23:24 PM
Reviews: 2
I do believe most Righties hate Obama because he's black

Posted 8/15/2012 at 9:06:38 AM
Reviews: 2
The Right DOES want to reduce blacks to 3/5ths of a person

Posted 8/15/2012 at 7:29:52 AM
Evangleilical Christians, who are largely GOP have decried Mormonism as a cult
& don't consider Mormonism to be part of "Christianty", so that blows that part of your argument out of the water.
As for "White trailer trash", that is the demographic for what political party ? Rhetorical question.

Posted 8/15/2012 at 7:15:33 AM
Reviews: 2
Most Righties think only blacks are on welfare
and never think of white trailer trash.

My post to which you refer, which if it were a skit done by Dave Chappell would have brought tons of laughs from libbie patronizers. The patronization characterized by some board members whining and subsequent removal.
Then we have to tolerate ostenibly "intelligent independants" like matty pretending like he's never heard of dems echoing laffy ducks sentiments pasted above. Sorry Mr. Enigma, I'm not buying it and I'll bet phil isn't either.
Biden gets to tell a 1/2 black crowd, using what Hairy Reed would call "negro dialect" and tell that crowd the GOP wants to put them BACK IN CHAINS.

Hillary suddenly change up her dialect to patronize a black church crowd

I have called, and will continue to call black voters pawns of the left. You need look no further than the OREO comments by lefties made toward black Tea Party members.That's how blacks get treated for NOT toeing the line of the selfloathing white patronizers running the DNC.

Who's the racist?

Priapus53176 reads

A..A.'s can use the "N" word; the rest of us cant'.

I  & my fellow Jews can use the word "Yid" ; others cant.

GaG can use the word "chink"; but if you called him a "fucking chink", you'd be way outta line because that's the accepted double standard that applies to all ethnic groups.Asians can insult each other in that fashion, but YOU & I CAN'T.

Large % of Evangelical Christians do HATE Mormons; don't be naive.

As for "white trailer trash" the way Gag & I bandied it around, not offensive.

Lastly NT, I found your post offensive, but reporting & censoring it ?! No fucking way.

GaGambler212 reads

If 90+% of white people voted a certain way, EVERY single election cycle, they would rightfully be called for it, but why is it that black people can vote over 90% Democratic, and even higher in the last election, yet their actions are not seen as racist?

The GOP has been called the party of racists for more years than I can remember, but the make up of the GOP certainly is not 90% white. Say what you want about Buggy's comments about "black and brown pawns of the left" but I haven't seen anyone refute it yet.

When 90% of one race votes for a certain party and every other demographic, whether it be one of a different race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever, but when EVERY other demographic shows some type of parity, EXPECT black people voting democratic, please explain to me how Buggy is wrong

Priapus53162 reads

who, like clockwork, every 2 years ( particularly in the South ) vote GOP.

followme193 reads

Another fucking LIE

You pripussy the attempted welsh were the biggest user/abuser of the report this post feature when it was introduced.


You hit the repot this post button more than anyone, and, not just my posts

Also other posts of yours in that thread seem to show you were trying to get me to stop posting.
Further proof you are a FAILURE  because I’m still posting as I want when I want.
And I’m still laughing at you . Oh that’s right it takes time.

You’re welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Priapus53220 reads

& you continue to lie in your above post.

I guess you don't have asbestos underwear, but that'll be the least of your worries for the future.

followme152 reads

You, pripussy the attempted welsh, yourself proved to all you attempted to welsh on a bet. Then you also showed and proved you have no honor, No integrity, no dignity, when you attempted to blame others, point fingers, and make a total ass of yourself trying to worm your way out of it.

Also another lie of yours, I never said you have an "arrest record"

Another veiled threat, well it will not work because I'm still posting and laughing at you as you are all talk, and a failure nothing else.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Timbow181 reads

Quote :
President Obama and Newark Mayor Cory Booker defended a controversial remark made by Joe Biden on Tuesday, affirming their support of the vice president in interviews Wednesday and urging the remarks to be taken in context.

Obama told People Magazine that Biden's remarks meant "you, consumers, the American people, will be a lot worse off if we repeal these (Wall Street reform) laws, as the other side is suggesting."

Biden was really desperate with that fake Southern accent and saying y'all :D
Hell, I am from the South and people in SC would be afraid to talk about chains unless it were about Ryans or Applebees.  

-- Modified on 8/15/2012 9:18:59 PM

Sure, they are able to discern what is what instead Right Wing nuts trying to make something about nothing.

Media creates unnecessary hyperbole and the rest of the loyal servants picks it up and goes and on and on…….

Timbow156 reads

Posted By: anonymousfun
Sure, they are able to discern what is what instead Right Wing nuts trying to make something about nothing.

Media creates unnecessary hyperbole and the rest of the loyal servants picks it up and goes and on and on…….

Whenever a Democrat plants their idiot foot into their idiot mouths, and says something remotely or vaguely racist, Republicans will jump for joy. They will not hesitate to gleefully call Democrats the most racists of racists, and if you're not careful blah, blah, blah...

Could it be that the Republicans are just trying to find some cover for their own racist behavior?

The Party of the Southern Strategy does not like the fact that racism is now a taboo. Rarely, do they take the time to do a little reflection, and admit that they were wrong, and that they wronged others.

The closest they ever came was when the former RNC Chairman, and closeted gay, Ken Mehlman, admitted that the GOP had been wrong to use the Southern Strategy against blacks, and that he had been uncomfortable with the GOP attack against homosexuals.

Does the GOP learn a moral value in all this? That it's wrong to demagogue minorities? Nope. They just go right ahead and target Hispanics and women. Hell, they used to target Catholics not that many years ago.

Doesn't it seem just a little peculiar that all the minorities that the GOP targets have historically been the same targets of the KKK?

Yeh, Biden fucked up. He put his foot in his mouth. That's nothing unusual. But Joe Biden doesn't have his boot on anyone's neck.

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