Politics and Religion

GaG , Rjai/Liorr has finally joined you as a "sensible board centrist"teeth_smile
Priapus53 1366 reads

whoda thunk it ?! I thought that would only happen when-----

Priapus534036 reads

Perhaps a little to early to post this, but his #'s on the rise & will probably contine to rise as more polls come in.

Don't kid yourself, folks----this is the REAL reason why crazed board righties are having  nervous breakdowns. The Natl. security issue which has a cutting issue for GOP, has been yanked away from them.  The "Birth certificate" thing didn't cut it----now we have all all sorts of paranoid drivel about Osama Bin Laden "hit" posted on this board-----kinda pathetic----;)

Lest you think hubris goes before a fall, I   think these #'s won't hold for long & BHO not a lead pipe cinch for re-election; if economy doesn't pick up in 18 months, then he'll be gone.George W Bush was in similar strong position 18 months before the election, but he was ultimately beaten by Clinton. But board righties, from their paranoid whining, can't seem to comprehend this & seem to fear that BHO has become an irrevocably formidable candidate, which is causing them to piss in their cornflakes. Take a valium & wait 18 months---things could certainly change; if it doesn't by then, you could always produce his "Kenyan Birth certificate"------LMAO !

-- Modified on 5/3/2011 7:55:51 PM

Wait and see.
In eight months if the price of gas is still over $4, and unemployment is still over 8%, and the deficit is over lots of trillions, the mood may shift.

Yes, he gets a huge boost from this, and as I have said, he deserves credit for the decision.

But he has so much that he has to do, that isn't as easy.

It is so funny that he has already tried to tie this to the debt ceiling.  

In a year if the economy sucks, people will say, "Osama who."

Posted By: Priapus53
Perhaps a little to early to post this, but his #'s on the rise & will probably contine to rise as more polls come in.

Don't kid yourself, folks----this is the REAL reason why crazed board righties are having  nervous breakdowns. The Natl. security issue which has a cutting issue for GOP, has been yanked away from them.  The "Birth certificate" thing didn't cut it----now we have all all sorts of paranoid drivel about Osama Bin Laden "hit" posted on this board-----kinda pathetic----;)

Lest you think hubris goes before a fall, I   think these #'s won't hold for long & BHO not a lead pipe cinch for re-election; if economy doesn't pick up in 18 months, then he'll be gone. But board righties, from their paranoid whining, seem to think that BHO is a more formidable candidate, which is causing them to piss in their cornflakes. Take a valium & wait 18 months---things could certainly change; if it doesn't by then, you could always produce his "Kenyan Birth certificate"------LMAO !

-- Modified on 5/3/2011 7:37:56 PM

Priapus531551 reads

whatever you say about me is not to be believed------:)

-- Modified on 5/3/2011 7:58:38 PM

What makes hacks like you even worse than the likes of Willy is that you delude yourself into thinking you are some sort of fair minded moderate intellectual type. You aren't. You are so blinded by partisanship you can't even see straight. At least Willy is honest about where he stands. He's makes no bones about being slightly to the left of  Lenin. You on the other hand try to pretend you are 'fair and balanced' while you foam at the mouth just like every left winged hack out there.

You are so determined to kick dirt on Bush at all costs, that you are willing to cheapen and dismiss the countless hours of work put in by countless members of intelligence agencies and our soldiers in order to sweep aside the 8 years of hard work that went on while Bush was in office.

In your fantasy world no intelligence was gathered while Bush was in office, no terror plots were disrupted, no one was ever tried for acts of terrorism, no effort whatsoever was made to find bin Laden, no phones were tapped (except for the ones he should be tried for), no prisoners were interrogated (except for those ones Bush needs to be tried for war crimes for), no unilateral air strikes were launched by drones in Pakistan (except for the ones Bush needs to be tried for war crimes for), basically nothing at all happened.

Hell, I guess you think we didn't even have a CIA, right? In your world, the CIA and other agencies magically materialized on Jan 20, 2009, and they magically possessed the name of a courier who just happened to be the one person who knew where bin Laden was. They magically possessed the wiretap transcript that identified who the courier was and revealed his location. Right? That's what happened? On Jan 20, 2009 an intelligence pool created jointly by the CIA, Dept of Homeland Security, the NSA, and numerous foreign intelligence agencies magically appeared out of thin air? Is that how it worked?

Lets not forget, that on Jan 20, 2009 the good citizens of Afghanistan were stunned to see thousands of US soldiers, complete with equipment and functioning bases of operations just materialize out of thin air. On that day also, they witnessed the sudden construction of roads, schools, and power grids that hadn't been there the day before. Right? Because absolutely nothing happened while Bush was in office.

I gave President Obama the full respect and credit he is due for handling this operation brilliantly from start to finish. You need to grow up and grow enough of a backbone to acknowledge that Obama couldn't have done it alone, and show some respect for the hard work that took place before Obama took over that made today possible. Its really not that hard if you try.

Priapus531415 reads

you obviously dont. As for 9/11, GWB ignored memo weeks before catastrophe saying OBL was gonna strike; marginalized OBL 6 months later & then let him evade capture at Tora Bora.

He & his adminisrtation deserve ZERO credit for Bin Laden "hit".

Lastly, Stacy, you're hardly "fair & balanced" yourself, despite what you may think, so the perjoratives you hurl my way are meaningless.

So what if you think Bush was one of the worst Presidents ever? I still think Obama is a bad president, and have no intention of voting for him. That doesn't stop me from giving him the credit he is due for something he did extremely well. For you, its pure black and white - a classic symptom of the extremes in both parties. Since you hate Bush, you are incapable of identifying a single part of his presidency that went well or was done right. I've asked you before to identify anything about Bush's term that you approved of. You never have, and even now, you still can't admit that it was work begun while Bush was in office, and at his direction, that led to OBL death.

But don't worry Pri. I won't attempt to drag you from your fantasy world anymore. I'll live in the real world, you feel free to live in your fantasy, and we'll both be happy.

by even attempting to reason with him.  Your points are all spot on, well thought out and extremely well articulated.

His are just those of a bitter, pissed off man who is desperately seeking attention on this board with his constant partisan remarks and his childish and weak attempts at humor with his collection of "cartoonish" pictures.

Just be glad that you are nowhere near his "fantasy world."

Priapus531733 reads

speaking of "fantasy worlds", why don't you go back to falsely accusing people of being pedophiles on this board ? Talk about being "bitter"--- Your thread shows why you took such a long hiatus from this board.

Btw, George W Bush is widely thought by many to be among the worst of POTUS's--if you think that qualifies someone to be "mentally ill" than the "rubber room" you permanently occupy is going to be very crowded.--------:)

-- Modified on 5/4/2011 9:56:05 AM

I merely stated that your actions were inappropriate.

And this discussion wasn't about President Bush. It was about your childish and uber-defensive attitude.

And your response above just reiterated my point.

Stacy nailed you and your behavior perfectly.

GaGambler1555 reads

although I doubt that Pri could say the same. lol

Priapus531536 reads

& neither does crude ad hominem attacks.

Btw, there were Dem Presidents ( LBJ, Jimmy Carter ) who I've previously stated on this board were as worthless as GWB. A fact that you conveinently neglected to mention.

By obama.he got jump than , he caught the insane bin laden not by arresting him and bringing him to courts. They totally did job correct, he didnt allow pakistan to screw the job, he did it all on his own. Alone killing bin laden won the election pure and simple. He has shown strength and courage with bin laden killing and attacking quadaffi in lybia. He is fair but if you mess with him he will destroy you, thats mistake all terrorist dictators have done. In this tough time we needed someone strong as obama to lead us, gop knows they will have to,wait 6 yrs to have a gop president.my analysis on situation because that is how I roll.

Timbow1327 reads

Posted By: Rjai
By obama.he got jump than , he caught the insane bin laden not by arresting him and bringing him to courts. They totally did job correct, he didnt allow pakistan to screw the job, he did it all on his own. Alone killing bin laden won the election pure and simple. He has shown strength and courage with bin laden killing and attacking quadaffi in lybia. He is fair but if you mess with him he will destroy you, thats mistake all terrorist dictators have done. In this tough time we needed someone strong as obama to lead us, gop knows they will have to,wait 6 yrs to have a gop president.my analysis on situation because that is how I roll.

GaGambler965 reads

but I do have to admit, some of the more fanatical righties sure seem to have their panties in a wad over this.

I still believe that Obama is getting too much credit for this, but I will concede that if it failed, the blame would land at his doorstep. So I guess fair is fair.

Like you I don't this will have a thing to do with who wins in 2012. If the economy is chugging along, Obama will get reelected. If gas is five bucks a gallon and we have double digit unemployment, Obama is toast.

Priapus531367 reads

whoda thunk it ?! I thought that would only happen when-----

Getting too much credit, don't think so. Obama could have jumped off the Helicopter and OBL himself still, you would say he is getting too much credit.

So, we shall leave this to your partisan rant.  At least, he didn't get off a Marine Chopper and declare Mission Accomplished!

thought I would take a look after the Bin Laden killing.  Not surprised by the reactions from the various libs/cons on the board.

While I am not surprised, I am disgusted to see the rush to politicize the event and argue over who should get the credit.  All this talk about Obama and/or Bush when the only people who should be getting the praise are the Navy Seals who did the work and the counter-terrorism agents who devised the plan that the Seals executed.

I will give President Obama credit for showing some balls for the first time in his two-plus years in office.

And, by the way, I've been saying this since he beat Senator McCain and I will repeat it now.  President Obama is an absolute dead cinch lock to be re-elected.  Regardless of the economy.  There is no Republican out there now that can come close unless Chris Christie changes his mind and decides to run.  Obama will serve two terms and then we'll see what happens.

Personally, I'd love to see Paul Ryan in the White House. He is the only person in either Party who has looked at the economy from a realistic view and has attempted to present real answers to the nation's problems.  The guy has cojones and is a natural for the Oval Office.

Snowman391858 reads

Rush said it right...


the ironic thing is this will probably eventually hurt him, but because of his own base. Now that OBL is dead, it will fuel the fires to pull out of Afghanistan. He will not and GITMO will remain open.

Just like the Republican base in '06 and '08, his base will not show up to vote for the same reasons. They will believe he has abandoned what they see as the core principles of the party.

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