Politics and Religion

FWIW, Christ has given up on our so called Christian Conservatives......confused_smile
saltyballs 120 reads


...and all weekend I've been reading thread after thread posted by Donny Devotees propheciezing an absolute flood of leaked documents that are supposed to be all over the airways! So somebody tell me where the fuck they are and what's holding up the party?!

Only news of any importance I've heard so far today is the passing away of Tom Hayden.

GaGambler239 reads

My guess would be that if he hasn't played the card just yet, he isn't going to until November as to give the Dems ZERO chance to regroup.

and if that sounds like "wishful thinking" I suppose it is. Trump IMO can now only win with a hail mary play in the final seconds. I always have said Trump had a "punchers chance" to win, but it's been pretty plain that he is a political amateur and has been outplayed by the professional politicians and the Clinton machine. To think about how some dumb statement he made over a decade ago has dominated the news day after day while proof of Clinton's many duplicities while in public office at the highest levels barely gets a byline is proof positive that Trump's "whining" about a stacked deck are indeed true. It's a wonder he ever got as far as he did, especially with his own unforced errors.

...it would be a modicum of respect to capitalize "Hail Mary."

GaGambler150 reads

Depending on the context, I often leave "god" in lower case as well. I really have no "respect" for religion until those that thump their chests about "freedom of religion" learn to appreciate my right to be "free FROM religion"  

I do have a question for you, why do libs constantly defend the rights of Muslims to act in the barbaric way their "god" tells them to act, while bashing Christians for behavior only a tenth as barbaric?

Don't get me wrong, I think the Christians are getting exactly what they deserve after centuries of pushing non Christians around, but why the pass where it comes to Muslims?

...because most of the time I'm referring to a polytheistic god (but I uppercase their name--Zeus sent the god Hermes to Calypso), and as for my own speech, it's usually plural, "If the gods allow my car to start after freezing for a month."

But it's just a thing I've got about stuff like that. Mostly a matter that it's difficult to just say I agree with you without tossing on a condition or two. Lol Also, as atheists, we might not disbelieve in different gods. You know, like a cultural thing. I don't believe in the Roman Catholic god. I don't believe in any of the other gods, but neither do the faithful Catholics. Complicated. But almost everyone was born onto something so they had some god fed to them that they had to spit out when they figured out mortality wasn't all that bad. So for me...meh, you know it works.

GaGambler177 reads

To declare you KNOW there is no god without proof makes as little sense as blindly believing in an invisible man in the sky just because your parents (the same ones who told you about Santa Claus and the tooth fairy) told you so.  

Now if as a gambling man you asked me to "set the line" on the likelihood of there being a God, as in ANY of the major (or minor) actually having gotten it right, I would set the line at in terms so long only an astronomer could relate to them. But to rule out that "something" didn't create what we know of as the universe and life itself, I am sure the concept is much too complicated for our puny little human brains to ever grasp. I am not so arrogant as to claim I have the answers, but I am willing to bet that neither did Christ or Mohamed or Buddha or Jerry fucking Falwell. lol

...when a person embraces a religion, say Catholicism, he or she puts their FAITH in the Church's teachings, at the core--the very center of the core--that there is indeed a God. This must be taken on faith, on belief. Every Catholic experiences doubt.

Often Catholics pray for the gift of faith. Who the hell they're praying to to give them faith that there is a God to pray to baffles me, but they pray to something somewhere to give the them faith that God exists. Some profess this is the joke that the gods laughed themselves to death over, proving Nietzsche right when he said, "God is dead."

Likewise, when someone (like me) professes to be an atheist, he is not asserting that he KNOWS there is no god or gods. He is saying that he BELIEVES there is no god. In fact, one can be an atheist and still be quite spiritual. Even being lifted up hearing a song or piece of music on the radio can be termed a spiritual experience. Sex certainly is. Well, GOOD sex is for sure; maybe if the Performance score is 7 or lower, meh, then it's just sex. IMO.

So, with the astronomical odds you give, I'd say whether you admit it or not, you ARE an atheist. In my view, an Agnostic, refers to someone who doesn't KNOW what they believe (Gnostic means related to knowledge). And there are many who truly don't know what they BELIEVE about godish stuff. They might say, "Sometimes yes sorta, sometimes no. Sorta." But with YOU, GaG, if YOU were asked, not What do know beyond a shadow of a doubt, but What do you believe, and if you spoke the truth as you most often do except when you're being flip and hyperberlate all over yourself, YOU just like me would say that you do not believe there is a god.

This doesn't mean that their might be something "eternal" insomuch as saying something might exist outside the Space-time of our particular universe resulting from our particular "Big Bang" which in truth continues as the expansion of the universe and the motion of all stars and planets, but that's another ball of wax.

Being an bigoted, unstable, ignorant demagogue is a mass turnoff the the electorate, particularly to women. His rationalized whining about a "rigged system" is echoed by his many kool-aid drinkers ( including yourself ) but, as polling shows, greatly disapproved by a large majority of voters, as in his seeming refusal to concede on 11/8. Trump & his voters need to brush up on taking "personal responsibility", a favorite conservative philosophy, which due to political expediency, they've seemed to flush down the crapper.

You haven't been on the board much recently, GAG, which, given the current circumstances, is quite understandable.

Posted By: GaGambler
My guess would be that if he hasn't played the card just yet, he isn't going to until November as to give the Dems ZERO chance to regroup.  
 and if that sounds like "wishful thinking" I suppose it is. Trump IMO can now only win with a hail mary play in the final seconds. I always have said Trump had a "punchers chance" to win, but it's been pretty plain that he is a political amateur and has been outplayed by the professional politicians and the Clinton machine. To think about how some dumb statement he made over a decade ago has dominated the news day after day while proof of Clinton's many duplicities while in public office at the highest levels barely gets a byline is proof positive that Trump's "whining" about a stacked deck are indeed true. It's a wonder he ever got as far as he did, especially with his own unforced errors.
-- Modified on 10/24/2016 7:56:24 AM

GaGambler136 reads

I am still the number 5 poster on this board, ahead of you by a few posts for the last 30 days. It wasn't long ago you were crowing about how MUCH I was posting as I had more posts than you, now it seems like you are crowing out of the other side of your mouth, just like the candidate you support.

Trump is right about a "rigged system" but he did a horrible job in articulating his point. It was proven that the system was rigged against Bernie Sanders and the system is also rigged against Trump, but it's only rigged against him in the sense that a political outsider isn't even going to get the power elite from his own party to support him, much less the MSM.  

Where Trump went wrong was casting aspersions about the voting process itself, insinuating he might lose due to massive voter fraud an accusation only someone like Mein could get behind.

Is the system rigged against a political outsider? Of course it is. Did Trump make it easy for people in the power elite to disavow him? Of course he did.

GaGambler172 reads

I think it's too late for anything short of that to have any effect on the election at this point.

and by "completely out of the race" I mean something that would make her ineligible for the office and force her to withdraw from the race. Hillary has already proven that it is she that could shoot someone in broad daylight and still not lose a single supporter, not Trump.

As I said, It's probably just wishful thinking on my part. I have pretty much resigned myself to a Clinton Presidency. At least she will most likely continue the war on American oil companies drilling within our borders, which is good for higher oil prices, which in turn is good for me. Maybe higher oil prices can make up for all the hundreds of thousands of dollars her other policies are going to cost me.

St. Croix102 reads

You gotta give the DNC a lot of credit for their approach. Bring out a "pit bull" and start parading around pissed off women. The same approach worked against Meg Whitman when she ran against Jerry "moonbeam" Brown for California Governor. Gloria dragged out Meg's illegal "oops undocumented" housekeeper 2 weeks before the election. Sometimes you have to steal the other teams playbook.  

And yes, it might be wise to lighten up on equities with any company in the fossil fuel business. Also lighten up on banks and pharma. The Progressives, who are not big fans of Hillary, are going to demand that she deliver on their leftist aka Bernie platform. When are people going to realize the value of gridlock. And yes, I am voting with my WALLET. That doesn't mean I'm voting for Trump, but I will vote for anyone who will neutralize the Progressive agenda.

It's been said that GW's DUI story had somewhat of an impact on the election, when it was brought to light 3 days before. But, it could have had an even greater impact if it had been revealed sooner.

And, it may be the Russians, Assange and Trump have miscalculated the potency of the Wikileaks! ;)

Luv-Kitty117 reads

I know someone will ask, "What is a Kgirl?" Well they're Korean providers who are especially popular in the LA & SF/SJ areas. TER has a special board for them

St. Croix148 reads

I'm surprised no one from the Left has commented on the death of one of the Chicago 7. Aren't they heroes among the Left? Aren't they all like a white version of Che Guevara? They were before my time. I had to deal with a different set of assholes on campus during the 80s.  

Today's young are a little more capitalistic, regardless of Bernie's charm. Well, at least the ones I interact with in Silicon Valley. They are definitely more hedonistic than the fashion and hygienically challenged "love" parents of the 60s.  

Will all of Santa Monica be attending his funeral?

Posted By: WickedBrut
...and all weekend I've been reading thread after thread posted by Donny Devotees propheciezing an absolute flood of leaked documents that are supposed to be all over the airways! So somebody tell me where the fuck they are and what's holding up the party?!  
 Only news of any importance I've heard so far today is the passing away of Tom Hayden.

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