Politics and Religion

Tea Party bringing $ to 2012 elections
Priapus53 4187 reads

I see the "usual suspects" are around, such as the billionaire far right oil men The Koch Bros. & Dick Armey's "Freedom works".

Man-----talk about a "grass roots organization"
being "co-opted"-------

Hundreds of millions from the unions.  And beside donations they run their own adds and have people doing phone banks.

HEY, who raised the most money in 2008?

Obama is talking about raising a BILLION dollars, shattering old records.

And you poor babies are upset that some GOP give.

...corporations outspend unions 20:1 in campaign donations.

before you go on about the citizen united ruling allowing unlimited foreign money into our system, think about all the chinese money brought into clinton's campaign.  Prior to CU, the dems virtually had a monopoly on free union money.   When is the last time you have seen a dem out stumping when not sorrounded by Acorn t-shirts, SEIU, IAFF, AFL-CIO all decked out in their respective colors.  There's hundreds of thousands of workers that are supporting via the union money against their will.  Their choice isn't in the candidate, it's in having a job and keeping their mouth shut about where the union donations go.

Priapus531210 reads

which in this case is appropriate.

Wow, supporting "Citizens united ", which gives corporations the right to pump unlimited $ to political causes, thus subverting democracy.

WHAT rock did THIS creep crawl out from ?

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 5:19:17 PM

just wanted to remove it from the conversation for a bit.  The fucking corporate $$ has been flowing to politics for years and what pisses me off is when the left piss and moan about it.  Examples are as stated, the Chi-comm money that not only got Clinton elected, but in return, brought their technology into the modern age with the corp espionage that was allowed to run rampant during his 8 years.  Further; Almost all the fucking idiot Hollywood stars and execs that get on the news, in print, on radio et al for any stupid fucking whim they have all kissing Obama's ass and fighting against any who is the messiah's enemy.  When the enlightened half-black man goes to Hollywood for a fundraiser and comes home with $50 million, your gonna tell me that isn't bias corporate support?  FUCK YOU!

As far as what rock I crept out from, check the facts, I've been here longer than most, just been ignoring all the pompous anonymous bullshit on the political board.

Priapus533354 reads

Did the Occupy Wall street crowd dislodge you from your rock ?-------;)-------LOL !

I worked, took a monthly dues assesment from my pay. The assesment went straight from my company to the union. We had no choice in the matter. You think the union would let us have the money and pay them the dues directly? Absolutely no fucking way was that ever going to happen. They didn't trust us to do that.

A goodly portion of that assesment went for contributions to political candidates that in no way would I ever support for election. If more was needed to support the unions favored candidates, the assesment was increased.

I have no hard facts to verify donation amounts, but between the Teamsters, SEIU, AFSCME, NEA, AFL/CIO, CWA, IBEW, et al, I would imagine it is in the hundreds of millions. Not too shabby.

And, I've seen the pro's and con's of both. When I worked for a union outfit, it never stopped me from voting for, and giving to the candidates of my choice! I might have, also, indirectly, given a little to candidates not of my choice! ;)

The fact is that corporations split donations and the Dems get hundreds of millions of corporate money.

Look at the team of economic advisors Obama just met with. CEOs who are bundlers and huge DEM donors.

Hey, THINK GE.  Think Solyndra.  Huge donations to Dems.

The fact that it is corporate money doesn't mean it is going GOP.
Your friend Lenin said they will sell us the rope so we can hang them.

On the other hand, the labor movement give the vast majority of its money and effort to one side.  
This is particularly offensive because many union members are not Dems. Think Reagan-Dems.  However even though a substantial number of union workers are GOP, virtually all of their money goes to one side.

Thus, the net result is corporations give to both side, unions to one.

Posted By: willywonka4u
...corporations outspend unions 20:1 in campaign donations.

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