Politics and Religion

Is right wing here always making claims they can't support by link or cite mimicking Romney?(e)
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 2217 reads


But this is what I'd call spamming the board.

If you post a new OP, and your post ends with (eom), then for all practical purposes, that's spamming. At least it is in my book.

I post a whole lot less than you, Willy or the right wingnut trolls.
My posts have points that are cited or backed up by facts and links. You're not going to find that from the right wing.
I don't remember having to take orders from you any time in my life, and doubt there are prospects in the future.

Can you find one right wingnut post that backs up any shit they flilng with detail?

And the right wing here are the ones that wallow in the personal attack rather than focus on citing anything factual for their fictional  claims.

The major problems with this board are two:

Right wingnut trolls post the fiction of the echo chamber like Rush, Levin, and Savage and the rest of their morons. They never get specific or back their claims up.

The stupidity on polio vaccine causing pediatric cancer is an excellent example of the delusional  system they operate from.

My post with an (e) was to make a point you can't refute. Wingnuts back nothing up they claim here, lol and  Ga. Gambler posts nothing of substance, only one post to call  names and sling shit.
Fuck him.

It's how you post.

Don't get me wrong, this is a unmoderated board, but there are a few general rules that we hope that everyone on the board follows.

I *think* I can speak for everyone on the board by saying that the rules are as follows.

1) you can't threaten other posters here.
2) you can't post things not related to politics and religion
3) if there is a post based on one topic, don't post a new OP of the same subject.
4) don't post endless OP's just to push old topics off the page.
5) If you post a new OP, try to make sure it has substance. Ending an OP with an (eom) won't accomplish this.
6) Don't talk to yourself, i.e. reply to your own posts.
7) Not really a problem anymore since the mods fixed it, but don't abuse your use of aliases.

I think that's about it.

...try to keep the name calling down to a minimum. Telling people to commit suicide is out of bounds, just like telling someone you're going to beat them up is out of bounds. liorr found that out the hard way.

How about points 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6?

Just how out of touch with reality are you??????

GaGambler232 reads

Even then he was a spammer, talking to himself.

The problem with liars like Jeffy, they forget that the internet is forever and their lies are easily disproved.

Jeffypoo has been a spammer and a troll from day one, not to excuse nuguy who's spamming is almost as bad, but any one who has spent more than five minutes on this board would agree that Jeff meets every definition of both a spammer and a troll.

GaGambler222 reads

-- Modified on 7/25/2012 11:03:53 AM

GaGambler203 reads

You are beginning to sound like Marikod, I bet you he still thinks that there is hope for Trannyboy.

...because I wouldn't give up on the adopted name you gave him?

I always say you shouldn't give up on people. I still have high hopes that Tini will contribute something to this board. Until then, I will appreciate his random weirdness.

GaGambler196 reads

was his use of the pejorative "GayGambler" when referring to me. That would be like you calling someone a stoner as an insult. lol

What is also ironic is that I don't really have any strong feelings one way or the other where it comes to gay people, the thought of man on man sex disgusts me personally, but being raised in the SF bay area, I had so much exposure to gay people that I grew up just thinking of them as people, no better or worse and those are the same feelings I have today.

That said, xfean will always be TrannyBoy in my book and I thank you for continuing the tradition. lol

As for Tini, his creepy adoration of ng aside, at least he is harmless. I am not as optimistic as you that he will ever contribute anything of value to the board, but I would accept a dozen like him over either the likes of Jeffypoo or nugay in a heartbeat.

followme152 reads

You are dumber than I thought and I had you figured to be really, really fucking Dumb.

As of the time I am typing this you have 452 posts on this board and boy-willy has 332 posts on this board HOW THE FUCK can you say you post less than he does.

You a doctor SHIT I am not sure you even have a high school education.

you are just too stupid to know you are stupid.

You’re Welcome
2012 = GOP

I've been the number one poster here for how fucking long now?

I think everyone here knows that I have a habit of running my mouth a little too much, but shit, I'm not even close to the top poster here anymore.

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