Politics and Religion

For me, it all comes down to this.
pot/kettle 149 reads

When the time comes for our President to decide whether or not to respond to an attack with force, the last person I want making that decision is someone who tweets that a debate moderator had "blood coming out of .... somewhere" after that candidate was asked a difficult question or someone who physically mocks a handicapped person in a sick attempt to draw some laughter.

And I would hope that any reasonable and thinking American voter would do the same

If there is a job opening handling the MSNBC news scroll at the bottom of the screen, Ill let you know.

bigguy30211 reads

I can see why another fellow Trump supporter is upset.
Just let them know at your Klan meetings the truth is coming out about Trump and his supporters.  

You guys should leave those hoods on next time. Lol

Posted By: JackDunphy
If there is a job opening handling the MSNBC news scroll at the bottom of the screen, Ill let you know.
-- Modified on 1/21/2016 10:42:15 AM

pot/kettle166 reads

. . .  since you have difficulty comprehending things, but not all conservatives on this board are Trump supporters.  In fact, the majority of them likely aren't.

And even more probably think that Ann Coulter is nothing more than an ugly, bitchy blonde with an ego the size of Obama's.

But go ahead and keep blindly posting links to articles that you somehow think apply to all conservatives.


Posted By: bigguy30
I can see why another fellow Trump supporter is upset.  
 Just let them know at your Klan meetings the truth is coming out about Trump and his supporters.  
 You guys should leave those hoods on next time. Lol  
Posted By: JackDunphy
If there is a job opening handling the MSNBC news scroll at the bottom of the screen, Ill let you know.
-- Modified on 1/21/2016 10:42:15 AM

If you are asking me if I am his shill...no fucking way.

If you are asking me if he is my first choice....no.

But would I "support" him against Hills or the Bern?  

Oh fuck yeah. 8 days a week.  

I think most R's in the country and on this board feel the same. Just my 2 cents bro.

pot/kettle145 reads

To me, anyone who thinks Trump is the best choice among all candidates for President of the United States is sadly misguided.

America needs an adult with some sense of dignity, respect, seriousness and class in the White House.

Not someone who mocks the handicapped, who gets into overnight pissing matches with people on Twitter and who calls out and insults his competitors with juvenile junior high "my poll numbers are better than yours" remarks.

So, Jack, to answer your question "But, would I support him against Hills or the Bern?"  No, I simply wouldn't vote for anyone.  There is no way in hell I could ever vote for Trump, Clinton or Sanders for the highest office in the land.  Never.

At least lately. A $20 bln debt, shitty HC, SS and MC going down the shitter, a horrible foreign policy, 50% of Americans receiving a check from Uncle Sam, a crazed tax code, a govt that spies on us....and I am NOT speaking solely of Obama here but all the establishment types on both sides of the aisle.

Yes I would much prefer a Rubio or a Kasich type. No doubt. But at least Trump is a doer. He has accomplished things. He is optimistic about America long term while realizing all of our short term and medium term difficulties.

Gerald Frd and Jimmy Carter were all the things you mention but hey SUCKED as Presidents.  

What the fk has the Bob Dole and Jeb Bushes and John McCain crowd ever done for us? More waste, more spending , more regs and more debt. Shit at least a Lib is honest about what they want but its the R's that lie there ass to me and they are establishment types.

Gimme someone willing to sink the ship to kill all the rats and we will build a new ship but we WONT call it the S.S. Titanic this time. lol

pot/kettle150 reads

When the time comes for our President to decide whether or not to respond to an attack with force, the last person I want making that decision is someone who tweets that a debate moderator had "blood coming out of .... somewhere" after that candidate was asked a difficult question or someone who physically mocks a handicapped person in a sick attempt to draw some laughter.

And I would hope that any reasonable and thinking American voter would do the same

At least with that '3 a.m. call' Trump will most likely still be awake!   ;)

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