Politics and Religion

follownotme how many times are you going to keep posting BS comments.angry_smile
bigguy30 410 reads

So Putin is Obama boss keeps showing how stupid you are and your comments.
We all know you are a brainwashed GOP supporter but try and make some sense for a change in your comments.

Posted By: followme
 It sure looks like that the congress will vote against the deal, however it will not be a veto proof majority but let’s be clear it will be a bipartisan majority voting against the deal. So congress will vote against the deal (as is the wish of the majority of the American people and Military leaders)  and obama will veto.  
 The winners  
 Those who want iran to get a nuclear WEAPON(S)  
  Russia, and putin obama’s boss  
 All the terrorist organizations that iran supports  
     And of course obama (who belongs with the above) will declare himself victorious, take a victory lap, and will be proud that he has fucked-up the civilized world.  
 The Losers  
 The United States of America  
 The American people  
 Those who will be killed(murdered) by terrorists who were financed by iran because obama                                                                            caved in, like a sissy boy, to irans demands, giving iran 150 BBBBBBBillion to spend on nuclear weapons and terrorists.  
 Most all citizens and countries of the world.  

Yep, just as I thought, the current debate by Congressional members about the Iranian Nuclear deal is just a ruse. The Nuclear agreement has been preordained to pass by a minority of votes in Congress under rules that favor its passage. This is one reason Trump is doing so well, people are fed up with our lying, thieving, political winches.

Republican Senator Corker has known for some time the president and the United Nations were on their way to approving the Iran agreement. "Once the president has made a deal with all these other nations, endorsed by the U.N. Security Council," said Ornstein, "if Congress votes to block it it's not going to look good for anybody, the country or them. So, you find a way to make it work."

They found a way within the arcane rules of congressional voting — borrowing an old mechanism used in civilian nuclear agreements.

Here's how it works. Instead of voting on whether to approve the Iran deal, Congress votes on whether to disapprove.

If they disapprove, the president can veto their disapproval. And under the normal rules, it would take two-thirds of the House and the Senate to override the veto. That makes all the difference.

We asked NPR editor Ron Elving how this changes the number of votes the president's side needs.

"If it were normal legislation and not a treaty, you would need 60 to shut off debate and then 51 to prevail," he said. For a treaty, 67 votes would be needed.

So how many does the president need for this deal? Thirty-four, said Elving. "That's the essence of what we're talking about here. If the Senate gives the president 34 votes to sustain his veto, he has won and it's over."


-- Modified on 9/2/2015 9:56:54 AM

............... to allow congressional votes on disapproval of the nuclear deal rather than approval, which allows for a much lower threshold of votes that will sustain an Obama veto. By the way both political parties are guilty of playing these games.

bigguy30478 reads

So yes both parties play this game HONDA.  

The Democrats would not have to play this game.
If the GOP was not run by crazy radicals inside there own party.

Also I have a feeling Jack that the number of 34 will be going up to 41 if not close to it.
When people know something is happening they usually jump on the deal too!

I told you the deal will happen and let's see how it works after all of the lies or crying on here.


Posted By: HONDA
............... to allow congressional votes on disapproval of the nuclear deal rather than approval, which allows for a much lower threshold of votes that will sustain an Obama veto. By the way both political parties are guilty of playing these games.

“ allow for a much lower threshold of votes that will sustain an Obama veto”  ? The number of votes needed to override a veto -2/3 in each chamber- is set by the Constitution.  And the legislation that provides for a vote on disapproval is not a Senate rule but a statute, the Nuclear Review Act that passed the Senate  98-1.

      If Congress disapproves and the President vetoes, then it goes back to Senate for override.   Since the Nuclear Review Act originated in the Senate, the House does not even get to vote unless the Senate can muster 67 votes to override and with Senator Mikulski’s 34 vote, the Senate cannot get to 67.

     But it is the same number needed to override any legislation and the Republicans almost to a man voted for the procedure in the Review Act.

It’s over

............. in the upcoming Iranian nuclear vote. It's really fucked up ain't it?

Posted By: marikod
“ allow for a much lower threshold of votes that will sustain an Obama veto”  ? The number of votes needed to override a veto -2/3 in each chamber- is set by the Constitution.  And the legislation that provides for a vote on disapproval is not a Senate rule but a statute, the Nuclear Review Act that passed the Senate  98-1.  
       If Congress disapproves and the President vetoes, then it goes back to Senate for override.   Since the Nuclear Review Act originated in the Senate, the House does not even get to vote unless the Senate can muster 67 votes to override and with Senator Mikulski’s 34 vote, the Senate cannot get to 67.  
      But it is the same number needed to override any legislation and the Republicans almost to a man voted for the procedure in the Review Act.  
 It’s over.  

GaGambler474 reads

but to a person blinded by partisanship, facts mean little.

Funny, I used to think of you as rather partisan and rarely open minded. I guess I was comparing you to the wrong people. In this environment, you look downright open minded and non partisan to me.  

I guess in Vietnam a man 6' 2" is a giant, on an NBA team, the same man is a midget. It's all relative I suppose.

YairMarx449 reads

As far as Iran inspecting themselves, I'm not so sure on that. There would have been more Dems to approve this, like Schumer but he had to play to his base....but deep inside, HE knew that it was going to pass.

The Associated Press reported it, stands by it and there has been NO push back on the facts of their reporting by the WH

YairMarx469 reads

And you're probably going to say the military site of Parchin, right? This isn't a nuclear site. I just want to be clear on your thinking.

Kerry promised us this deal was NOT based on trust and yet that is exactly what we are doing here, trusting terrorists, and we STILL don't even know what else is in the secret side deals

YairMarx482 reads

Trust or don't trust....If they are storing something, the Ieralis WILL find it and then Iran will be dealt with. And that's right, we don't know whats behind the secret deal, for all we know the four hostages will be released, which I believe will happen once the dust settles. So sit back, relax and chill. The fear mongering is over.

followme393 reads

That it is not a nuclear site?  
Did the ayatollah tell you.  
Well in that case it must be true because he would never lie ...Right?

You're Welcome

Posted By: YairMarx
And you're probably going to say the military site of Parchin, right? This isn't a nuclear site. I just want to be clear on your thinking.

Well, it was Iran, the country who also told us “nuclear bomb-get out of here- we’ve never tried to make one.”

         And what we believe is that Parchin is not CURRENTLY a site where nuclear activities are taking place, although it most certainly was a place where Iran tested high detonation devices a decade ago.

        But what is going to stop Iran from moving dismantled centrifuges into Parchin or, even worse, weapons grade uranium or plutonium? See the problem?

         So, while we still don’t know whether "self inspection"  is going to happen –the AP story was done so poorly those reporters are now working for the National Enquirer-  the lack of public transparency of this  part of the Iran deal still stinks. Is it enough to vote down the agreement? No, bc the alternative of “no deal” is so much worse, and the Republican notion that all we have to do is “get tough” on new negotiations is naïve beyond belief

followme463 reads

t sure looks like that the congress will vote against the deal, however it will not be a veto proof majority but let’s be clear it will be a bipartisan majority voting against the deal. So congress will vote against the deal (as is the wish of the majority of the American people and Military leaders)  and obama will veto.

The winners

Those who want iran to get a nuclear WEAPON(S)
 Russia, and putin obama’s boss
All the terrorist organizations that iran supports
    And of course obama (who belongs with the above) will declare himself victorious, take a victory lap, and will be proud that he has fucked-up the civilized world.

The Losers

The United States of America
The American people
Those who will be killed(murdered) by terrorists who were financed by iran because obama                                                                            caved in, like a sissy boy, to irans demands, giving iran 150 BBBBBBBillion to spend on nuclear weapons and terrorists.  
Most all citizens and countries of the world

bigguy30411 reads

So Putin is Obama boss keeps showing how stupid you are and your comments.
We all know you are a brainwashed GOP supporter but try and make some sense for a change in your comments.


Posted By: followme
 It sure looks like that the congress will vote against the deal, however it will not be a veto proof majority but let’s be clear it will be a bipartisan majority voting against the deal. So congress will vote against the deal (as is the wish of the majority of the American people and Military leaders)  and obama will veto.  
 The winners  
 Those who want iran to get a nuclear WEAPON(S)  
  Russia, and putin obama’s boss  
 All the terrorist organizations that iran supports  
     And of course obama (who belongs with the above) will declare himself victorious, take a victory lap, and will be proud that he has fucked-up the civilized world.  
 The Losers  
 The United States of America  
 The American people  
 Those who will be killed(murdered) by terrorists who were financed by iran because obama                                                                            caved in, like a sissy boy, to irans demands, giving iran 150 BBBBBBBillion to spend on nuclear weapons and terrorists.  
 Most all citizens and countries of the world.  

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